The ProLife Team Podcast 83 | Jeff Joaquin & Jacob Barr | Talking about Jeff’s Abortion Story
Listen to Jeff Joaquin and Jacob Barr talk about Jeff’s deep regret over his personal abortion story.
The ProLife Team Podcast 82 | Denise Venturini-South & Jacob Barr | Talking about Isaiah 54

Listen to Denise Venturini-South and Jacob Barr talk about hope and life in Ukraine based on Isaiah 54.
The ProLife Team Podcast 81 | Chaney Mullins & Jacob Barr | Talking about a Free Online Directory for Serving Clients

Listen to Chaney Mullins and Jacob Barr talk about the Her Plan directory which is built to support you in your client serving work.
The ProLife Team Podcast 80 | Dr. William Lile & Jacob Barr | Talking About PreBorn Patients
Listen to Dr. William Lile and Jacob Barr talk about the how the preborn can be treated while in the womb.
The ProLife Team Podcast 79 | Dr. Anthony Harper & Jacob Barr | Insight as the Pro Life White House Reporter
Listen to Dr. Anthony Harper and Jacob Barr talk about Dr. Harper’s experience as the Pro Life Reporter who has engaged with the recent White House Press Secretaries.
The ProLife Team Podcast 78 | Melanie Jean Garuffi & Jacob Barr | Spiritual Warfare Behind Pregnancy Clinic Work
Listen to Melanie Jean Garuffi and Jacob Barr talk about the spirit behind abortion and the spiritual warfare that pregnancy clinics are engaged in.
The ProLife Team Podcast 77 | Martha Avila, Lori DeVillez & Jacob Barr | Considering God’s Heart and God’s Strategic Plans.
Listen to Martha Avila with Heartbeat of Miami, Lori DeVillez with Trotter House and Jacob Barr consider thoughts surrounding God’s Heart and God’s Strategic Plans.
The ProLife Team Podcast 76 | Renae Kitchin & Jacob Barr | If Not For Grace Ministries
Listen to Renae Kitchin and Jacob Barr talk about Renae’s journey leading If Not For Grace Ministries to bring hope and healing to women.
The ProLife Team Podcast 75 | Walter Hoye & Jacob Barr | Walter’s ProLife Journey
Listen to Walter Hoye and Jacob Barr talk about Walter’s prolife journey from the sidewalk and in the black community.
The ProLife Team Podcast 74 | Lucy Smith & Jacob Barr | The Story Behind Pro-Love Tucson
Listen to Lucy Smith and Jacob Barr talk about the stories that led to the formation of Pro-Love Tucson. Listen to stories that reflect a posture of love – reflecting God’s mercy and grace in a kind way – inviting people to take courage and be stirred toward better life decisions.
The ProLife Team Podcast 73 | Gordon Douglas & Jacob Barr | Comedian & Parent of 24
Listen to Gordon Douglas and Jacob Barr talk about Gordon’s journey in the prolife world.
The ProLife Team Podcast 72 | Mary McClusky & Jacob Barr | Project Rachel
Listen to the Mary McClusky and Jacob Barr talk about, as they talk about Project Rachel.