A lot of SEO work to help more people find PHCs.


LifeNET is a network of directories working to link to pregnancy centers, post abortion healing groups, maternity homes and adoption agencies.

LifeNET is a community driven SEO project that helps brotherly prolife organiztions help each other. 

Partner & Donate

You can help by partnering & making a reoccuring donation.
  • Driving Vision

    We would like to see prolife support for PHCs grow and expand. 

  • Project Goal

    The fruit of this project is simple - PHC websites will show up higher on google based on improved SEO scoring through a growing number of medium-quality backlinks.  And this will result in PHC websites competing better on Google. 

  • Result of the Work

    The final result will be that more people who are abortion-vulnerable will find PHCs and lives will be rescued/saved/restored. 

  • Join Us

    Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to get involved and help a growing number life saving PHCs through this ministry project.

Consider Donating

Our largest cost for this project is the $3300 per year for the server being used.

Financial Need

The largest annual cost to run LifeNET is the annual server cost of $3,300.  Please consider donating towards this with a monthly gift here.

If 100 people donate $24 per year that would be a blessing.  

Current contributors include:

  • Jacob Barr with
Please consider joining us in this Pro Life Team project by making a reoccuring donation that we can count on to cover monthly costs. 

Partner with LifeNET

Provide a Subdomain for Us to Build ANOTHER Directory

Partner with LifeNET

Provide a Subdomain to Expand the Network of Directories

The following directories are currently helping PHCs:

Please consider joining this Pro Life Team project and contacting us to get involved 🙂

If you are interested in participating by letting us setup a directory on a subdomain please complete this interest form below.

Do you agree that Jesus is God come in the flesh?