The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast | Episode 6 with Cristina Valencia | Saving a Life - 1 Closing At A Time

Integrating Pro-Life Passion into Real Estate: The Inspiring Story of Christina Valencia

Cristina Valencia shares how her real estate company is saving one life per closing. Hear her story here.

Summary of Episode:

Summary as Jacob Barr:

I’m Jacob Barr, and in a recent podcast episode, I had the privilege of speaking with Christina Valencia, a real estate broker who has ingeniously integrated her pro-life passion into her business. Christina’s journey started as a single mother facing an unplanned pregnancy, leading her to a real estate career for financial stability and flexibility. Tragically, during a subsequent unplanned pregnancy under severe financial strain, Christina chose abortion, an experience that profoundly impacted her, leading her to a path of healing and transformation.

Christina’s healing journey, along with her growing real estate business, culminated in a unique initiative. She pledged a portion of her business profits to support Heartbeat of Miami, a pro-life organization. She restructured her business contracts to inform clients about this commitment, thereby making each real estate transaction a life-saving endeavor. Christina’s approach received overwhelmingly positive reactions from clients, even those who initially identified as pro-choice.

Throughout our conversation, Christina emphasized the importance of creating awareness about the realities of abortion and its impact on women. She shared staggering statistics about abortion rates and the emotional aftermath for women, underscoring the vital work of pregnancy centers like Heartbeat of Miami. Christina’s story is a testament to how personal experiences and faith can inspire innovative ways to support life-affirming causes.

Her vision extends beyond her own business, aiming to inspire other real estate professionals and businesses to adopt similar initiatives. This approach not only raises funds for pro-life causes but also fosters a broader community awareness and engagement. Christina’s story is a powerful example of how one’s career and personal convictions can align to make a significant impact on society.

Popular Hashtags:
#ProLifeMovement, #RealEstateForLife, #HeartbeatOfMiami, #LifeSavingBusiness, #ProLifeAwareness, #TransformativeHealing, #PregnancySupport, #CommunityImpact, #BusinessWithPurpose, #FaithInAction.


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Jacob Barr :

Welcome to the pro-life Team Podcast. I’m here with Christina and we’re going to be sharing some ideas about how you can well, how she has weaved in her pro-life passion right into her work, her, her daily work life and made it a part of her, her company’s marketing effort, which has then brought all sorts of interesting tangents or or things that are interesting to think about South. So, Christina, tell me, what inspired you before we get into what you did what inspired you to weave in a pro-life idea into your company?

Cristina Valencia :

Well, Jacob, thank you for having me. First in in in your podcast. My name is Christina Valencia and I’m a real estate broker. So I think that for better clarify what inspired me, we should start by saying why is it that I’m in real estate, right? I got it in the state because I am a single mom, right so when you face, in this case, an unplanned pregnancy back at the day and my son just turned 20 years old. I I really needed to find a way to produce income to be able to sustain him and me working from home. You know how it is in the US it’s very difficult when you’re an immigrant, you don’t have family, you don’t have friends. You know, just to be able to put out your son or daughter in daycare, you know, to go to work, it was pretty much not feasible. So he started to be to become a real estate agent back in the 2004 because it gave me the flexibility I could be with my son at home, work and you know, and and sustain ourselves. And that’s how it all started and after that, you know, a couple of years later, I fell again into an unplanned pregnancy. The problem is that at that time it was it was it was a very bad situation for me. You know, income was not there i still had no family, no friends as a matter of fact, I was living pretty much under poverty. And in this case, you know, my boyfriend at the time did not want this baby. So I was planning, you know, I was facing the fact of being a single mom of two with no income, right. So I fell into all these statistics of, you know, a woman. A lot of the women who seek an abortion is because they don’t have the support. You don’t have the family support, the friend support or the financial support or, of course, the boyfriend support. So if I fit in all the statistics and I did what you know has been, in a way, my biggest regret, by my biggest blessing, which is to take the life of my own daughter in an abortion clinic right. And that was the most traumatic, painful, horrifying experience that I’ve ever had. Because I was one of the very few women one in. Of a thousand that wake up in the middle of the procedure. So I got to see it all right and then I fall back into other statistic which is very important for people to know is that abortion is the number one cause of suicide in women worldwide because of the post traumatic stress disorder that a woman is going to face after an abortion. So again, that was my case. I intended to take my own life. After that abortion that was back in the year 2003 it was just because of the grace of God that I’m here of course, he didn’t want me right to to be gone at that time. And when I come back, of course, you’re like, so confused because you think you’re dead and then all of a sudden you’re alive, right. And God tells me, well, you know, I have a plan for you at that time i did not know God the way that I know him. You have a purpose in life and your daughter has a purpose in life. Right so we create this foundation, the single single moms foundation, named after my son Sebastian and and everything changed for me after I accepted God’s challenge for my life. My real estate business started booming. And you know, I started growing and I was, you know, became really successful. But I had not dealt with the pain and the trauma of the abortion. I was not talking about my daughter i was focused on my son. And then years later, the year 2008 I meet, I meet Martha Avila, president and founder of Heartbeat of Miami. Because, you know, I was advocating for single moms and then I had a radio show at that time also and then I interviewed Martha and we talked about abortion. And after that show, she said, Christina, you need to deal with it. You need to go and heal, right? So I go through the process of abortion recovery. And that’s when God downloads this business plan in my head saying you’re going to use your real estate business to help and equip women like you so they can be, you know, self-employed and be able to take care of their children, help each other. Because you know, they can actually live as roommates and help each other out and start building this idea of a center that will have an integrated help for them emotional, Spiritual. And of course work what, you know, work related help. And I started developing this idea and you know, we started doing seminars and empowering women and all that and so forth. And I was of course becoming a very big donor with the real estate office to Harvey, to Miami. Because I was saying I have this source of income to for something bigger than me, which is not only to sustain yourself, but to keep on saving lives. But I was not letting the public know. I was not letting anybody know that that was the idea. So during 2020 during the pandemic, you know, everything collapses as everybody knows, the world goes crazy. I take a break on how to restructure my business and I was having a conversation with my business coach, my real estate business coach, And then for some reason, I tell him. Listen, you know I cannot meet with you so, so they because I have a a board meeting and I let him know about the board meeting now I am board, part of the board directors of Heartbeat in Miami and I tell him what we do in Miami and I tell him all the stats, right, Because a lot of people don’t even know what the statistics are in our nation, which for me is very alarming. People do not know that abortion is the number one cause of death. Worldwide, you know, between 65 to 70 million abortions per year. Worldwide that’s all together are not even 60 million per year, including heart disease, strokes, you know, accidents, all that and so forth. So it’s it’s so drastic the difference, right because people don’t take abortion in consideration of deaths. They just look at, OK, sure what’s the number one cause of death in the world? Heart disease. You know, with how many million? You know what I’m saying? They don’t know they don’t know that it’s that it’s not even heart diseases. 9 million deaths a year, 9 worldwide abortion, 65 to 73 right. And not only that, but they don’t know that in the US, you know, we’ll have 1 5 to 2000000 abortions per year. And they don’t know that Miami is the number one county per capita. So I was telling all these things to him and he was like, what? Miami’s the number one per capita. And I’m like, yeah, And he goes, well, you have something in your hands that is so precious because the reason why you’re so passionate about your real estate firm is because you’re passionate about saving lives. That’s the ultimate goal for you. And I’m like, yeah, that’s exactly right. You know, at the end of the day, it’s like how much money I can make. With real estate equals how much, how many lives I can save. So then he goes, well, means that you’re saving, you know, one life per closing or one closing at a time. And I said, yes, that’s it, you know, saving a life, one closing at a time awesome. And that’s when this movement started because he said, well, you gotta let your people, your customers know. Why don’t you let them know that they are part of this amazing movement because as we could, you know, with their help, you’re saving the lives of these babies. So we created our own contracts we read, you know we we redid all our contracts obviously you know with legal advice in our real estate contracts where we have a clause letting the client know by the way you’re going to get the best service in real estate. We’re going to do everything that we need to do for you in real estate, but you’re going to be helping us save a life because we’re going to be donating on your behalf to this organization and it’s amazing to see the reaction of the clients. It’s truly amazing.

Jacob Barr :

So what what, what have the reactions been like? Because some, some of your clients obviously are not pro-life and some are and some are neutral and some are maybe pro-life but never really put much into it yet or you know, it’s probably there’s just a wide variety of clients to to communicate with so what what what? What kind of reactions have you heard from different types of clients?

Cristina Valencia :

You know, we’ve had incredible reactions as people crying as they signed the contract because they had no idea and that’s the first reaction that they say I had no idea. Then Miami was number one in the nation. I had no idea that it will take COVID 18 years to reach the amount of debts that we have in abortions per year, because that’s the correlation that I give them. It will take 18 years for for COVID to match one year of abortions. So when people understand this facts you know that this like real data. You know, I asked them do you know how many people die of a of a stroke, which is the number the the number 2 cause of death worldwide, they have no idea it’s only six million six million a year died because they had a stroke. 1 3 million died because they had a car accident or they were facing an accident, right. So when you tell them 6000000 versus 73000000 they cannot believe it. You know, if they cannot believe it when we tell them Miami-Dade County is not not only number one per capita in the nation, but in Miami-Dade and in Florida, you can have an abortion until the baby is 9 months. People don’t know that either. The lack of information, they’re like, what that’s impossible well, that’s the law. That’s what we’re facing. A woman can go and have an abortion all the way to 9 months. The only difference is the birth canal, which is 8 inches. You know, if the baby is before the birth canal, it’s called an abortion nothing happens to the mom to or to the doctor it’s not a homicide. But if the baby travels 8 inches, the baby’s born. You can’t kill the baby after the baby’s born. So when we start having this conversation with them, we create this awareness that they didn’t know so people will cry. People cry when we tell them that it’s the number one cause of suicide in women. 65 % of women that have had an abortion will in some way think about committing suicide. Actually between 30 and 35 are the ones who attempt to commit suicide. So just do the math. You know if it’s seventy millionaire having an abortion per year, 30 % of that is how much? 21 million women will attempt. So it’s this year because of an abortion.

Jacob Barr :

Oh my goodness, that’s a. And that’s that again is lot you know multiple times larger than than the stroke numbers, the other numbers.

Cristina Valencia :

Which is 9 million. So it’s just facts. However, women have less chances of dying because, you know, they’re not As. Violent as men, you know what I’m saying? Suicide but 30 to 35 will attempt. So the numbers are so huge that you create this awareness and you know, they cry, they sign it with no problem. They feel very grateful that we have been able to allow them to know and to participate because as a matter of fact, they’re going to receive a thank you card once the transaction is closed. Martha is going to send them a thank you card with one of our babies letting them know listen by the way, we did receive the donation on your name. Here’s our thank you card. And we also send them the the little feet, our pin which is the little tiny feet of a ten week, big week baby. So they know that that’s going on wow.

Jacob Barr :

So that’s just so your your heart for this is just so deep and beautiful and it’s just it’s really beautiful to hear that story. So if you you know what what happens when what you know what happens when someone may not agree with the pro-life stance what does that look like when they’re looking at a real estate contract that says this, like, is that, is this what kind of reactions or how do they, how do they respond sometimes?

Cristina Valencia :

Those are the best reactions because you know, God really has a great sense of humor. I do truly believe that, right. So if you’re, you know, of course they’re exposed to all our services, you know, they get to hear what we’re going to do for them as professionals, as consultants, right. So they have no problems signing the contract, letting us represent them as sellers or as buyers or as investors. When they’re going to get to sign the contract and we get to that clause, they’re like, hmm, really? And they’re like, I’m like, yeah, it’s like, well, I’m pro-choice and I’m like, well, great, thank you you just helped me solve out, save a life. That’s my reaction, you know, Great i mean, you’re pro-choice well, thank you you just helped me save a life because, you know, they’re not giving money their money. I am giving part of my Commission on their behalf. So a pro-choice person. Will get a thank you card from a pro-life organization say thank you you just help me save a life. So they start thinking about it, you know and they ask questions.

Jacob Barr :

Oh, but you know what happens if the if the woman, you know it’s raped, it’s raped, yeah.

Cristina Valencia :

So then again, I go back to the statistics. Tell them, do you know the percentage of women that actually seek an abortion because they have faced rape? Of course they have no idea oh, it’s going to be more than half, blah, blah, blah. You know, No, it’s 1 %, less than 1 %. So the other 99 % of women are seeking an abortion just because they do not have help, not because they want to it’s because they’re being forced of the resources or you know, what is the my family going to say I’m a teenager, I’m in the middle of the school year, Who’s going to help me with the baby, whatever reason? And the other 1 % is the one because that’s that’s the other defense that the pro-choice movement has. What if the woman’s life is in danger, right, Which is also less than 1 % And and if you’re, you know, talking to a believer, you’re like saying, well, who’s in control here? You know, the only one who’s in control of your life is actually God. So you don’t really know if that’s going to happen or not. So what choice do you want to make? Right so these people who are pro-choice are pro-choice and they don’t even know why they’re pro-choice You know, so we also have the opportunity to explain to them what really pro-choice is. You know, pro-choice is actually giving the woman an option. You know, abortion is one of the options but what if there’s another alternative, like Heartbeat of Miami? Where she can go have all the services for free, has everything for the baby for free, She might be willing to take that choice. What about, you know, putting that baby in adoption, which is another blessing, which is the way that you know, the way that we also confront a lot of people who have been raped. Ok, it might be difficult for you to keep this baby whatever, but this baby can be a blessing to someone who has been praying for a baby for years that cannot have a baby. So instead of being a double trauma because of course, by any excuse we’re going to, you know, excuse a rape, you know, that’s horrible it’s terrific. It’s, it’s a huge trauma for the woman. But that already happened. That already took place. So if you want to go ahead and then have an abortion on top of that, you’re going to have to be dealing and recovering for two traumas the, you know, the the rape and the abortion. Because it’s just facts, you know, we just said that 65 % of the women will be suicidal after an abortion it’s a huge number and worst case and and also it’s even worse because 90 % of them do not know where to go to seek for help. They have no idea where to go, which is of course part of the services that that we provide. Why don’t they look for help? Because they feel all this shame and this guilt and they, I mean not even in churches you’re kind of like allowed to talk about that. So it’s very sad and when we tell the pro-choice persons or clients, it’s like, listen, you know, this could be your daughter, this could be your niece, this could be your grandchild. You don’t know who, who’s, who’s going to be next in the list, right at the end of the day, let that person have more options. Than going through, because if she decides to have an abortion because it’s her choice, she she better have an action plan of what she’s going to do after to recover from that because she’s going to need that action plan.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, that’s a good point. Every every time someone looks at you know what every time someone needs help or they’re looking at getting an abortion, they’re essentially someone in your community. You know a neighbor at some level. You know someone that lives in the same county at least. And it’s yeah and then so I just i really enjoy your your heart for like weaving this into your daily business practice and it and it’s interesting how it you didn’t just, you know start off on day one with this whole picture it’s sort of like it’s almost like a series of dominoes that one knocked over at the time. You know going towards this new this current posture of of not just giving but now also like being you know proclaiming like the truth in this work or the beauty in this work and letting people be a part of it whether they want to or whether they want to, I guess but it sounds like they’ve they always sort of want to, but they didn’t realize they wanted to but sometimes, yeah, some of them go into it knowing, you know, they’re grateful for it and then some of them go into it realizing through this conversation with you the where the, you know, how they’re now part of. Being a hero, even though they didn’t really think they’re on that team.

Cristina Valencia :

Amazing, because we’ve taken it, you know, to to a next level, which is actually my goal for 2021 is to have the same amount of businesses in the real estate industry that will want to be a part of this movement because there’s 38 abortion clinics registered in Miami-Dade County registered. So my goal every time that I present is movement to anybody who is in the, in the real estate industry. So of course it’s not mine you know, I want, I want all the brokers to be able to, you know, to implement this in their offices or the lenders or the title companies, right. So our idea is to have at least 38 businesses that are willing to implement the same the same.

Jacob Barr :

Oh, wow.

Cristina Valencia :

Well, we already have another real estate broker that joined we have a title firm that joined. We have a lender that joined, you know, the movement which have, you know, because at the end of the day it does not hurt you. And you know, we take it to the next level, which is every single Thursday we have a posting, you know, in our social media that has to do with abortion and with what we’re doing for the community, you know so we let our clients know it’s in our newsletter we have once a month newsletters. And we feature one of the babies that we just saved in the back cover of the newsletter. And pretty much in each Thursday, we’re letting them know about the stats, say, listen, this is what’s going on. And with your, you know, your transaction with us, you’re going to be helping us saving one more life you know, saving a life is priceless. So as you said, it does not hurt whoever wants to do business with you. I mean, if you’re going to do a if you’re going to choose a real estate agent or broker, might as well choose one. That is doing something for the community, you know, we’re doing something for some, something bigger than ourselves, something that could live forever as a legacy, as a movement. So they’re, they’re very happy with that and we get to see comments about, you know, the the postings on Thursdays. We’re going to be all actually in in our videos we also say, by the way, you know, if you do business with us, you’re going to be contributing as saving a life, You know, no, I mean, I don’t think that anybody will get mad. If you tell them, hey, you just saved a life, I mean, you’re like a hero as you said it. You know, when doctors are there in the hospital and they save somebody from COVID or from an accident, you know, how are they seen? When you go and rescue somebody that has been in an accident, you’re seen as a hero. Whoever is going to be willing to participate in this movement, whether it’s completely directed, you know, and want to become a monthly donor, because now we have a lot of clients. That have joined that have actually gone to the page and saying you know it’s not enough only by you donating on my behalf I want to be donating. So they are becoming our partners with us because I mean at the end of the day Jacob you know saving your life is priceless. You cannot put a dollar amount to a life you know so whatever you donate and I, and of course all my staff, has to be a part of the of the movement. You know if if somebody wants to work with us, they have to sign, it’s in their contract and in their manual that they have to be monthly donors of heartbeat of Miami, you know, and and they they agree they have to join because this is all one vision, you know, and it’s not that we don’t love and that we don’t care about the people who are pro-choice Great as I said, we have clients that are pro-choice and I said, well, great, you just help me save the life. This is my money going out on your behalf right And and our Realtors are also some of them have visited the clinics and it’s we invite our clients when we invite everybody who wants to be a part of this movement to just come and see it for your own. For your own. The completely idea when you’re there and you see the miracle that happens because remember 92 %. Of women that go to our clinics are abortion minded. That’s what they’re thinking, that they’re going to go and and seek for an abortion.

Jacob Barr :

So you see, you said there was 36 abortion clinics in the county is that what you said at 38.

Cristina Valencia :

38 registered. Besides the ones that are not registered, you know that there’s a lot of underground.

Jacob Barr :

Oh, OK, then I’ve. I’ve heard that. Yeah, Miami is the per capita is the number one, like you know there’s more abortions take place there than anywhere else per capita. But just thinking about 38 registered clinics, abortion clinics in the single county, that’s just a very large number. How many people are in the county like what’s what’s the? Is it how many millionaire?

Cristina Valencia :

I have no idea.

Jacob Barr :

To tell you the truth, I should know that I have no idea how many I can look that up.

Cristina Valencia :

Yes, we can Google it, right?

Jacob Barr :

Is it Miami County or is it something else?

Cristina Valencia :

Miami-dade County, yes.

Jacob Barr :

And our four clinics are in Miami-Dade County, you know and I mean I cannot Even so 2 7 million. So there’s 38 clinics. So that’s that’s just a lot i mean, I I’m most, most counties that I interact with. I don’t. I guess I don’t really necessarily necessarily know how many many are registered, but it feels like there’s a lot less than that like that feels like a very high number to me yeah that’s why we’re number one in the nation, yeah.

Cristina Valencia :

Per capita, nothing to be proud of you know, that’s what I tell my my, my clients and my staff. The fact that Miami is number one in abortions per capita, There’s nothing that we should feel proud of.

Jacob Barr :

It’s interesting that this beautiful idea of taking, you know a passion for saving lives in the most, you know the darkest of you know the darkest area when it comes to like all these abortions taking place. You know, this brilliant light of in response of trying to, you know generate revenue to support pregnancy clinic work when it comes to paying for medical, for, for marketing, for, for the day-to-day operations in order to compete in this very competitive space against, you know, 38 abortion clinic plus. Yeah so it just seems like and I and I don’t know if any other, I mean I actually, I probably shouldn’t say this, but I I would expect there’s other businesses that have done something similar but I don’t know their story and I haven’t come across them yet, but I’m sure there’s lots and lots that have not done this idea and that this would be really good for more people to hear. And to think I could do this like this is not, this is reasonable, this is helpful, this is good for the community. This is a way to this is a way to raise money and and as well as posture a group as being, you know, for the community like you know, being the salt, being the light like this is a way of doing that.

Cristina Valencia :

This is exactly the way of doing it and as we said, a lot of people are already donating. See what I’m saying a lot of people are already donating to a worthy cause, you know, I mean, and looking at the big companies, all the big companies, Amazon, McDonald’s, whatever it is, you know, they tell you, you know, portion of our income gets to be donated to charity. You know, it’s it’s natural it’s normal people like that people like to know what you’re doing with your money. But the problem is that you have really no idea. You know, if they’re doing. You know, so in this case, that’s why you know, I presented this idea to our Board of Directors and of course to Martha and I said, listen, we really need to make this limit. So we’re going to create thank you guards and Martha is going to personally sign them and we’re going to be mailing to every single one of our customers saying listen by the way, here it is you we did receive the money on your behalf. So thank you and we extend that to everybody in the transaction. Because at the end of the day everybody was part of it saving your life. It’s not only my client or I say like that my client is the buyer, well the seller is also part of it. So we also send one to the seller so now we know somebody that had no idea about our contract receiving a thank you card and we and we send it to the other agent because the agent was also was also part of it.

Jacob Barr :

How of the how of the other the sellers or the other party and how of the other agents responded to being a part of this, like what’s the response been like?

Cristina Valencia :

Well, you know, to the seller, the only way that I have or to the other party is by mail so I have no idea if they have actually called Martha or Google or because you know, I have no, no direct access to them but I mail them the card and some agents actually have wanted to come and work with me. They say, listen, I love. This is awesome. I want to know more about what you do as a matter of fact, the other day I was in a in a in a conference and I was speaking about, you know, abortion and all that. And a lady in the in that was attending the conference had happened to be a real estate agent. So I explained to them this little movement that we have and then after the conference ended, she approached me and she said listen, I want to work with you. I’m pro-life and I’m in the different brokerages and then I just want to change and put my license with you.

Jacob Barr :

That makes a lot of sense because I’ve my company we work on a lot of pregnancy center websites and everyone on my team loves the heart of the company like of working on these pro-life life minded pregnancy clinic websites essentially we’re like we’re like the support team working to support the heroes on the front lines like that’s how we sort of feel and I feel like you have you found a way to turn a real estate agency or company into that same kind of like cultural essentially you’ve made like the atmosphere similar to that where you’re, you know you now people that are life minded will want to join the team because you’ve made it part of like the character or part of the atmosphere of working there. And so people who are passionate about life, you know, by working there, it’s not just about the money it’s it’s also about spending your time in a way that, you know, just feels like you’re essentially you’re being a blessing to someone else that you want, that you want to bless and now you’re able to do that not just like in after hours, but now you can do it as part of the nine to five so it’s sort of like this. It’s like bringing those passions into the work day hours in order to get more enjoyment out of the the time and hours spent and I think that’s just so creative and and then the fact that you’ve brought in like the other partnering companies like the sellers and the and the age, you know the other, you know the title company and these other parts of the real estate world. That just speaks to that vision being a lot bigger than something small like that speaks to a big vision and also the vision of having 38 to compete with the 38 that are already, you know, on the opposing side of this of this worldview. That’s awesome and I just hope so. This podcast, this video audio podcast is going to be sent out to executive directors to the clients and people that I have their email address for and or who sign up for this on Spotify and and essentially they each have a whole little world of their own supporters like they each have their own circle of supporters they shouldn’t say little, but they each have their own world or circle of supporters. And each one of the supporters, it’d be, you know, some of the supporters would be essentially in a really good position to adopt A really cool idea like this in order to exercise their their belief, their faith, their their passion, their their desire to, you know, you know, to answer God’s call to do what God’s calling them to do, which might be this. And so I think that this is, this is just like really a really good example that someone else could springboard off of or they could benchmark in order to see, you know, how could this work with a construction company, how could this work with my pizza company how could this work with, you know, whatever it happens to be because honestly, it doesn’t really matter as long as you’re selling something, you you have, you know, a company that is selling something could include this as part of their messaging, saying, you know, for every widget sold, we’re giving a percentage to the pro-life Pregnancy clinic in our county supporting women and men experiencing an undesired unplanned pregnancy. And they, you know, helping them feel less overwhelmed and more like they can actually, you know, keep going without feeling overwhelmed. Trying to lower their anxiety and just giving them a place, a safe place to talk ’cause life is hard sometimes and.

Cristina Valencia :

As you said, it could be applied to any industry, to any business because either it’s. A portion of your income, a portion of our income will be donated on your behalf to XYZ you know in this case Harvey of Miami organization is very simple to do it. You know and and and the more people that know that’s my goal that’s my will you know, to everybody, everybody that gets to hear this, like how is it that I can implement this, you know, and and and and make it legit and sometimes just for you to create awareness just for you by saying this is what we do.

Jacob Barr :

It’s a huge impact in the community, especially when you’re talking to people who you know would label themselves maybe as pro-choice before you talk to them for them to be aware that you know that this group is loving and caring i think that you’re giving, that you’re giving the heartbeat of Miami Prancy Clinic a voice in in places where it needs to be voiced like it’s in where it hasn’t been voiced before and and so that awareness is huge And also just like having a friendly voice promoting it in a positive way like before Google took over on the intake forms of like how’d you hear about before Google took over the answers of all questions. Word of mouth has been like there for decades and word of mouth is still number two currently on in that posture you know how you know for answering questions and so and word of mouth is super powerful and so essentially what you’re you’re like a word of mouth seed generator by essentially like creating new places where word of mouth can then spread from by essentially planting seeds where it was. You know that soil hasn’t been used before possibly in a long time and by trying to plant seeds in places where then it can then word of mouth can be repeated in new spaces that’s really cool.

Cristina Valencia :

Whether they agree or not, at least now they’re aware.

Jacob Barr :

And even if they do agree often, most, you know, most people who are followers of Jesus aren’t really. They’re not necessarily engaged in the pro-life world and they need seeds planted in them as well of how important this is and how we need them to be for them to be a part of our team and we need more people and and so even if someone happened to be life minded and they end up going through this with you, they’re essentially seeing how they’re seeing your passion and excitement i think then that will encourage them to up their excitement and passion and I think that’s that’s a good thing.

Cristina Valencia :

We did meet with the city of Doral, where we’re at with the major, with the mayor, and he’s a pro-life you know, he’s very pro-life and most of his staff in the city are. And he was very touched as a matter of fact, he’s one of our advocates for the movement. You know, I didn’t even know about this and I run into people all the time here in downtown Doral. And one of them just got to me i was like, listen, I want to know about more about what you’re doing because Mayor Bermudez told me about your movement. So, I mean, how great would that be that this city will be the first, you know, pro-life city in Miami-Dade County, you know? Where we’re at can actually say, you know, Doral is a pro-life city because this is what we do, you know, and in in real estate, that’s what I was also telling my colleagues. When you’re in real estate, you’re the go to person, you know what I’m saying? You have a client and the client moves and they’re going to tell you, hey, do you know where is it that I can go and get my hair done or my dry cleaning or what’s the best, you know, supermarket in town, the best restaurant, You’re like the go to person. So we’re like, you know, giving voice to the city. And we’re not saying, listen, by the way, you’re helping us, you know, change this fact about the city. And you know, when we just started, started the movement, as I said, it was during COVID, everybody was talking about, oh, let’s flatten the curve, let’s flatten the curve. You know, of COVID, they say, I mean the curve of COVID, it’s nothing, You know, let’s flatten this curve.

Jacob Barr :

You want to help and do something of.

Cristina Valencia :

Course, you know, everybody’s helping about COVID, but.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, you know, since the abortion’s like the elephant in the room that no one’s paying attention to or the, you know, it’s just it’s just, you know, so much larger Or I guess for COVID it’d be 18 times bigger per year I.

Cristina Valencia :


Jacob Barr :

The 3 5 million people, million people have passed away because of COVID since, you know, and that’s terrible, but it’s nothing when it comes to the numbers it’s much smaller than the number of people who have been destroyed by abortion and and abortion wasn’t like a a plague you know, being spread through people breathing it was based on marketing, based on, you know, essentially people feeling like they had no choice based on, you know, a variety of, you know, essentially very oppressive marketing and oppressive decisions and and people just not having kindness poured out on them with care and and encouragement i mean that I think the number one tool that a pregnancy clinic uses to encourage someone to go from being like I need to get an abortion to I think I can be a parent is having someone you know having that person across the in that same room, that counseling room, having that person show care build rapport build up trust and then provide you know essentially free and confidential services and provide support and encouragement and a a big part of that is a listening ear and you know essentially good body language saying that I I’m listening to you and I see you I know you I know this is hard and it’s just sort of like building community and building relationship and and but that’s like the the key when someone donates for Prancy clinic they’re essentially helping support this listen ship. Building tool you know, this group that’s essentially improving our, you know, improving the community one person at a time.

Cristina Valencia :

Yes, because we do get to share with them about who God is and how much you know, God loves them Because, as I said, most of them feel unloved, you know, abandoned.

Jacob Barr :

That’s the truth, yeah.

Cristina Valencia :

It is also faith that that helps you say, OK, I can do this, I’m going to have the support from. From our staff, which is just wonderful. And when they come back with a baby, it’s just it is AI get so emotional every time that I that I think about that because as I said when I had to face my abortion heartbeat of Miami did not exist. I had nowhere to go, right if I if I would have been in the position of a Martha Avila or our staff being there for me, my story would have been different, right? So when, when I am there in the clinics or when we get reports of how many babies we have saved a month, or I hold one of those babies in my arms, I’m like saying this, it’s priceless. It is priceless to know how God can transform such a huge pain and trauma into something so beautiful and seeing health and all this women and all this young women, you know and I when I get to speak to them, I was like, listen, I was there i was in your shoes. You know, so I can talk on experience as of how it is to be a single mom because, you know, I’ve been a single mom for 20 years you know, my son just turned 20, my first born. And to let them know about the provision of God, because it was him who transformed my life, you know, from poverty to owning a real estate firm with 45 agents working with us at the moment. You know, it’s it’s only God, you know, If he can do it for me, he can do it for anybody, you know?

Jacob Barr :

That’s also encouraging them for them to see that I feel like you’re helping you’re helping spread the truth about, you know that they can do it and that you’re spreading the truth about the good that a Prancy clinic does in a community like introducing people to Jesus, helping them build, you know, hope and and and courage and you know eventually getting support for making decisions they’re going to enjoy for you know 10 plus years more so than like the short term and and so so yesterday at my church we had a we were talking about the book of Micah and it has some false prophet peace chapter in there about how false prophets would just tell someone what they want to hear and not tell them the truth like there are false prophets that would talk to the king and and pretty much they would just tell the king what they wanted to hear. It makes me, I was wondering in the back of my mind, like, you know, when people are promoting Planned Parenthood or these other options, they’re just trying to tell someone what they want to hear in the moment more so than what they need to hear for like, you know, decades or for lifetimes. And so I feel like Planned Parenthood is full of, you know, the Planned Parenthood group is full of what could be classified as like a false prophet of sort. And And when someone who tells someone what they need to hear that they’re going to enjoy for not just decades but for generations, I think that’s like the opposite of like a truth teller or someone who’s there for for them out of love, like through Jesus’s love and I don’t know, I just feel like there’s a those are very opposite, you know, telling someone what they need versus telling them what they want or might appease them in that moment of desperation.

Cristina Valencia :

Not only that but you know that there’s a law that forces this this clinics to to do the ultrasound, right. It’s it’s a reasonable but you know they ‘d say oh you don’t want to see this you know nowadays they’re like you know it’s it’s better for you not to see it so they put the ultrasound here so the the woman cannot even see. You know the miracle happens when you hear the heartbeat and when you see your your baby in our clinics we have the ultrasound right in front of them.

Jacob Barr :

It’s a big TV, yeah, because your ears and eyes can pick up that truth. And there’s It just says so much like a picture is worth a thousand Words well an ultrasound is worth a thousand words and a heartbeat. That sound of that heartbeat is worth a thousand Words.

Cristina Valencia :

They don’t let you see that they don’t let you hear it. And and and you know, as you said, Planned Parenthood, just for you to know, they have a budget of one hundred thousand dollars per month per clinic on advertising.

Jacob Barr :

And how many do you know how many clinics at those 38 might be Planned Parenthood’s Probably several.

Cristina Valencia :

But you know, I do know that around the US and the world, because they are everywhere.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah budget is a hundred thousand per clinic per month, per month.

Cristina Valencia :

Women to come to their clinics.

Jacob Barr :

That’s a big budget. That’s an enormously big budget.

Cristina Valencia :

Huge budget can you imagine what it’s like, 100,000 thousand per month?

Jacob Barr :

It’s hard for me to fathom that because I work on a very tiny budget, like I have a hard time thinking about spending. Yeah, I I don’t even i can’t comprehend that.

Cristina Valencia :

I can’t. I I was I was in awe you know when I just came back from the from the in Harvey international Conference in Ohio.

Jacob Barr :

Ok, that’s where we get all these stacks that I’m like saying what you know how much it costs us to save a life a day or let’s say per month, then you don’t 1$ a.

Cristina Valencia :

Day 1$ a day saves a life.

Jacob Barr :

Oh wow. I’ve heard the number 3000 before, but you know, that was that was my speaker many years ago, so I don’t.

Cristina Valencia :

We really do another day because that’s the cost of our, you know, the the pregnancy test so if we can get them to come and we get the pregnancy test in our clinic, you know there’s we can say that. You know what I’m saying?

Jacob Barr :

Oh, definitely.

Cristina Valencia :

If you really, really want to take into all the expenses, it’s 300$ a month per, you know, per baby.

Jacob Barr :

So it’s about right, you know, thirty six hundred a year per one life, you know, if you want to cover all the expenses, Yeah. Well, it’s interesting. And Martha has so many stories like, I feel like her clinics are there’s just, there’s there’s such a huge number of people who who go through there, but then there’s, you know, such a large number of people they’re going that don’t make it there but she, her clinics are so busy and the stories are amazing. I mean, both with her client stories and her team stories like there’s just so much rich richness and like, you know, there’s just a lot there that needs to be shared, like to see how God’s working in that space like there’s a lot of stories that need to be amplified and repeated and shared so that you know what God is doing can be recorded and passed on and understood. We see between 80 to 100 women a day in our clinics, 80 to 100 per day and that’s out of is that three locations or four locations, OK.

Cristina Valencia :

Right that’s a lot that’s moving. You know, we still have to make appointments. We still have. We don’t have walk insurance. So it’s a lot of women as we’re talking you know, this is the number one county in the nation. So between, I mean, the numbers are so insane because as I said in this conference, you know, somebody was saying how excited they are to have been able to save close to 500 lives, you know, and I’m like saying yes, you know, 500 lives that’s amazing you know, 500 lives, what in in a in a month, in a trimester. And they’re like saying no per year. You know, what do you mean in this like, why are you so in shock? And that’s when I tell them we get to see eighty women per day in our clip.

Jacob Barr :

So 500 is like 6 days of work.

Cristina Valencia :

What exactly? You know, within a week, that’s how many women we see. You know, out of those, over 90 % will choose life for their babies that’s our ratio.

Jacob Barr :

Oh my goodness.

Cristina Valencia :

8 % of the women.

Jacob Barr :

And I think in a place that gets less traffic, you know the number, the the price tag per life saved, it would be higher because the admin cost don’t get to be spread out over as many clients. But when you’re having in Miami, the volume, the, the number of people being served is huge and so the admin cost gets spread out more, and the cost per person helped or per person saved is lower because there’s a higher volume of people being helped.

Cristina Valencia :

Well, actually my goal is to save you know 1000 babies, 1000 savings, you know per southeast, which literally is 3 6 million if you look all the all the expenses because you know, remember that we get to see the moms afterwards as well. We keep them parenting classes so after the baby is born, they can still come back to our clinics to get pampers or clothing, whatever is it that they need for the baby, but they need to come for parenting classes. So, you know, our work does not stop when the baby’s born. We really want to make sure that they are equipped, you know, and to continue this sexual integrity education for that has not to happen again because this is, that’s also a big problem. You know, you have one mom and then again she gets pregnant again and it’s the second child last it happened with me, you know, so I. So we don’t want them to. Fall into that again and we give them all these classes they have to keep on coming back and coming back and seeing us and you know, we have moms that bring our their children that they’re like 12 to 10 years old and we get still get to see them.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah. And then definitely the goal would be to, you know, to have a client join the pro-life support team yes. And not to stay in the client sphere, but to have her rather, you know, for her to they.

Cristina Valencia :

Become a For sure they do.

Jacob Barr :


Cristina Valencia :

They do, yes i mean, they go to churches and speak about what we do and speak to their friends about what we do, you know, So they bring their friends, are pregnant to our clinics, you know, our relatives.

Jacob Barr :

Oh, that’s good that’s.

Cristina Valencia :

All we get to see, I mean, we’ve we’ve seen over 70.000 thousand women.

Jacob Barr :

It’s a lot of women, 70.000 thousand and my and heartbeat of Miami is seeing that number. That’s a that’s an That’s hard to fathom as well. That’s an incredible number wow 70.000 thousand how long? So I don’t is this like I don’t know how many years heartbeat Mammy’s been? 14 this year, OK, I feel like I’ve been working with Martha for like 7 or eight. Nine i’m not sure, but for many years, 14 years cool.

Cristina Valencia :

The 70.000 thousand and fourteenth year over fifty five thousand babies saved.

Jacob Barr :

So 55,000 thousand babies out of 70.000 thousand clients?

Cristina Valencia :

Because remember, some of them are not pregnant.

Jacob Barr :

You know the thing well, yeah, Like there’s a lot of negative tests or people that decide to go a different direction. That’s a really high percent.

Cristina Valencia :

Right there’s some of them have a not viable pregnancy either, you know. So there’s many reasons why you know, which is another thing you might not even know if the pregnancy is going to continue you don’t even know if there’s. Heartbeat if it’s a viable pregnancy and still these women are having an abortion chemical abortions now, which are 50 % of abortions nowadays, are chemical abortions.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, and.

Cristina Valencia :

It’s completely unnecessary in some cases because they don’t even know if that’s going to be viable or not.

Jacob Barr :

You know, if you’re going to ever have a heartbeat, but then yeah, then they go through instead of. Instead of mourning, they’re going through with guilt, thinking that they ended that life not even knowing that it might have had a short, you know, short lived and it’s just, it’s just hard on the women like the women are just simply in that yeah, Planned Parenthood is just chewing them, just chewing through them and setting them up for, well, sounds like a third of them will end up trying to commit suicide. Was that suicide number of people who had an abortion or was that or was that people who were looking at getting an abortion 50?

Cristina Valencia :

5 % will think and consider. I mean out of the the women that have had an abortion, OK, 65 will contemplate or have some sort of suicide intent, 65 % between 30 and 35 % will actually attempt suicide.

Jacob Barr :

And those are the women who are post abortion, post abortive. We’ve, we’ve had it, yeah. Post abortive, Yeah so essentially by, you know, the sense of the work that Martha and her team are doing would be preventing someone from having that those suicidal thoughts and those suicidal experiences and saving those women’s lives as well, obviously, besides just the baby’s life, you.

Cristina Valencia :

Save both lives. And that’s exactly the message that we give you’re not only saving the baby’s life, you’re saving the mother’s life because she will. She will go through these post Traumatic Stress disorder symptoms, either one or all. 100 women will face it, whether it’s now or whether it’s between 70 or 50 years from now. When I had that radio show, I had a woman who called me. She was 90 years old. Listen to this when we spoke about the abortion issue and she said I can finally die in peace. He had had an abortion when she was 1575 years with that girl. That shame and with all that trauma that she had to endure for 75 years, because again, 90 % of women who had an abortion do not know where to go to seek for help. They’re going to be facing all the symptoms, you know, which is shock you kind of like denial first is denial nothing happened. That was nothing, you know. Then you’re in shock. Then you start getting either panic attacks or or nightmares. That’s a fact you know, you’re going to start getting one or the other. Those take you to isolation you’re isolated because you think that everybody knows what you did. Kind of like, you know, with those, those guilt trips, that’s what we call them, guilt and shame. Isolation takes you to depression, and depression takes you to suicide.

Jacob Barr :

So my my church has this slogan of healing the city one person at a time, and it seems like what Martha is doing and what you’re doing to support Martha is definitely healing the city one person at a time, in a variety of ways.

Cristina Valencia :

In a variety of ways, you know, and and and we’re very blessed we’re, you know, in a way. I mean, there’s a reason why we’re in Miami. You know, I’m Ecuadorian. I was born and raised in Ecuador. And now I I have, I am very clear as of why I needed to be in Miami. You know what I’m saying? My mom passed away when I was 24 years old and before she passed away, she told me you are not going to stay in Ecuador. This is not going to be your destination you’re going to move you’re going to leave and I’m like, what i mean, what are you talking about? You know, there’s a God has a perfect plan for all of our lives, and and we all have a purpose in life that’s according to his plan, right? And the purpose is to just solve a problem you know, God needs us to solve problems. You can’t solve a problem if you haven’t experienced it or if you’re equipped to, right? So, as painful as it was for me, but I had to live with my daughter. I get to, you know, honor her memory every single time every single time that we have a closing. I know that we have saved our life every time that we make a donation. It’s just a way of healing as well, You know, it’s a beautiful way of how God can allow all this. Not only for me to heal every single time, a little bit more and a little bit more. And of course I know where where that I’m going to see her you know, I know where she’s at that’s that’s a great thing about Faith that we know we’re all going. But most importantly is to let people know because they they, I mean a man, with all due respect, a man is never, ever going to understand what it’s like to be pregnant. Therefore, it’s never going to understand what it’s like to have an abortion period you can’t because you know it’s something that only women can feel you know, as. So, so after that and and many women have debated it, you know, Oh no, nothing’s going to happen to me i’m going to be fine you know, this is nothing. And then few months later, they come back for, you know, two of us for help because we do tell them, even if that’s your choice, please know that we’re here for you because you’re going to need help. So they come back. So at least we get to save the mom’s life, you know, in that sense.

Jacob Barr :

Well, this has been a really beautiful story, and I’m just so excited to share this with other people so I appreciate your time and for, you know, for essentially taking on this idea and then making it so we can share it with others i just think this is really exciting. So thank you. Thank you for what you’re doing.

Cristina Valencia :

Thank you so much for having me. As I said, I’m so excited that many people can. We can implement this, you know, in in our real estate world, Saving a life one closing at a time.

Jacob Barr :

In any other industry saving a life 1X at a time? Exactly, yeah.

Cristina Valencia :

Same to the X do whatever you do.

Jacob Barr :

Your widget. Yeah, your widget that you sell, you’re selling at a time.

Cristina Valencia :

One insurance at a time, 1 tire at a time you know, one ice cream at a time. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter it’s just like. Donating just a portion, I mean, as I already told you, 1$ a day makes a huge, huge difference to us.

Jacob Barr :

Huge, yeah.

Cristina Valencia :

Instead of having a coffee a day, just donate. Just donate a dollar and you’ll be part of this huge impact in in society.

Jacob Barr :

Awesome well, thank you so much Christina. I just really appreciate your time and your story and so, thank you so much for being on this podcast.

Cristina Valencia :

Thank you so much. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Jacob Barr :

Awesome all right i’m going to go ahead and stop it there and but also yeah so we’re that that’s great i’m going to look forward to passing this one on and hopefully some people across the country will get to hear this story and and then who knows, maybe we’ll we’ll yeah, hopefully some people will pass it on to their donors who have a business who could then consider this idea and hopefully pray about it and be inspired.

Cristina Valencia :

Perfect you know, if they need to contact me by any means, you know, just let them know that I’ll be more than happy to to guide them, to talk to them, you know, whatever it is. I’m sorry that I have to drink so much water, but I don’t.

Jacob Barr :

I’m just getting out of a cold, so I’m like, coughing. Oh, it’s understandable. It’s it’s authentic.

Cristina Valencia :

Very sore throat, but I’m not going to cancel this at all, you know got it in control it doesn’t matter as long. You know, this is a conversation this would happen to me anywhere, right?

Jacob Barr :

Oh, awesome. Well, thank you, Christina i’m so excited that you got the chance to talk to you and I’m excited to share this and yeah, this will be good. Yeah, when you have it, you know, send it to me so I can also send it, you know, to other, oh definitely yeah, I will i’ll be putting it on to YouTube and Spotify once once it’s all set. So awesome, awesome. And I’ll send you a link.