The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast | Episode 36 with Elliott Cohn | Talking About Satanic Abortion

Listen to Elliott’s story of abortion and how this led him to help other men find their voice.


This is Jacob Barr, and I want to summarize a recent episode of the Pro-Life Team Podcast where I had Elliott Cohn as a guest. We discussed Elliott’s involvement in the men’s ministry related to pregnancy clinics, particularly his organization “Expectant Fathers Without Voices.” Elliott’s story involves a traumatic experience with his ex-fiancée, which led him to create a ministry focused on the rights of expectant fathers from conception to birth. His ministry provides remote counseling to pregnancy clinics without a men’s program, leveraging the expertise of a licensed clinical therapist and his own experience, though he’s not a licensed therapist himself.

Elliott shared his personal journey, including a heart-wrenching experience in 2005 with his ex-fiancée, who misled him about a miscarriage that was actually an abortion. This revelation led him to discover disturbing aspects of her life, including involvement in Wiccan and satanic practices. His story also touched on the broader issue of men feeling helpless when faced with abortion decisions, drawing parallels between this helplessness and the trauma experienced by rape victims.

Our discussion emphasized the necessity for both legal and spiritual approaches in addressing these issues, highlighting the role of churches and faith in combating the spiritual warfare associated with abortion.

Here are some relevant hashtags that match the content of this podcast:
#ProLife, #MensMinistry, #ExpectantFathers, #RemoteCounseling, #PregnancyClinics, #FatherhoodRights, #TraumaAndHealing, #SpiritualWarfare, #LegalApproachesToAbortion, #ChurchRoleInProLife, #AbortionTrauma, #MensRightsInPregnancy.


The transcript was automatically generated and may contain errors.

Jacob Barr :

Welcome to the pro-life Team Podcast i’m here with Elliot and we’re going to talk about his ministry, essentially the men’s ministry that’s available to clinics across the country because it’s virtual. And we’re going to talk about his story that involves some dark things with his fiance. Ex fiance and we’re also going to talk about how that’s led him to work on creating a ministry to answer and how God led him into this men’s ministry work. Elliott, I am glad to have you on the podcast. I’m excited to, you know, hear your story and to be able to ask you some questions about it and essentially provide executive directors with the opportunity to hear your story, which is unique testimony and experience. Would you, before we get started, would you introduce yourself as if you were talking to a group of executive directors?

Elliott Cohn :

Ok, hello everybody. My name is Elliott Cohn i’m the President and Co founder of Expectant Fathers Without Voices, and our organization exists to protect and actually invest in the rights which currently don’t exist, but the rights of the expected father from conception until birth and then obviously beyond. That’s our main objective.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, and I’m excited actually. Well, let’s go ahead and let’s talk about it for a moment here sure. Your new ministry. How new is it?

Elliott Cohn :

We found it in November of 2019.

Jacob Barr :


Elliott Cohn :

So relatively new. Yeah, it’s pretty new.

Jacob Barr :

And so with your ministry and essentially you can provide possibly remote counseling to a pregnancy clinic who may not have a Mint program. Absolutely by providing counseling by non licensed counselors, right but you know, so maybe, you know, life coaching, I guess maybe a better term.

Elliott Cohn :

Well, we do. We actually do have a licensed clinical therapist on staff. Oh, but OK, we only have one. So we don’t have a staff of therapists, but we do have a licensed clinical therapist on staff, you know, but a lot of times I will engage with the people directly and I’m, you know, so I always have to announce ahead of time that, you know, I have experience in this, you know, life issue, OK. But I am not a licensed clinical therapist.

Jacob Barr :

And I think what’s interesting though is that we can provide this service of talking to the man in this pregnancy.

Elliott Cohn :

Yes, Sir.

Jacob Barr :

Remotely, via phone, text or essentially without having to be in the county, you can provide this to someone. So if there’s someone listening or watching and you don’t have a men’s program, you can talk to Elliot about having him provide this service remotely. And yeah, so anyways, I would encourage you to consider that because that would be a way for him to expand his ability to reach his mission and for you to reach your mission so it seems like a really helpful idea for those who don’t have an active mint.

Elliott Cohn :

Program, absolutely. And we would love to stand in the gap and fill that, fill that void. And it is definitely missing at many pregnancy care centers and sometimes I would say.

Jacob Barr :

About 20 to 30 % seem to have a men’s program and some of those aren’t necessarily in a healthy position because men’s programs don’t always just flourish they sometimes start up and then have some trip difficulties. But I think majority of Tracy clinics don’t have an active strong men’s program and so I think there’s definitely room and may not be you know for not trying it’s just simply they it doesn’t seem to have standing power and there’s a there’s a room, there’s room for that to be improved. Generally speaking, not just everyone doesn’t have a good men’s program, but many don’t.

Elliott Cohn :

That’s true. And I mean i’ve seen some incredible men’s programs like for instance there was there’s I met a gentleman who works with an organization called Rookie Dads and they do go into pregnancy care centers and they provide very good counseling to the men that are there. Other than rookie dads in the state of Florida, I don’t know of any actual organization that’s affiliated and that actually reaches out to the pregnancy care centers. So expectant fathers without voices, or EFWV as we call it for short because that’s kind of a mouthful. But expectant fathers without voices eFWV, We would love to reach as many people as possible and help as many people as possible and preserve families. So one of our main mottos is keeping the family together. We need the nuclear family to stay together. And in order to do that, first there has to be a family that we need so basically what we’ve done so far through the people that we’ve reached is that we’ve sorry man.

Jacob Barr :

No, it’s OK. Take your time, OK it’s an authentic podcast, so you have trouble figuring out what to say.

Elliott Cohn :

Well, there’s so much that I want to say, so I’m just going to slow down South.

Jacob Barr :

Well, so I don’t want to go to. We actually might want to. We will come back to it because, you know, essentially expectant fathers.

Elliott Cohn :


Jacob Barr :

Voices is a way to provide help to a father who my phone’s ringing authentic that’s.

Elliott Cohn :


Jacob Barr :

It’s going to, it might be the oh, it’s KVOA well, I’m going to call him back afterwards, turn off my phone and I can edit this part out. I’ll leave it in and people get to hear this.

Elliott Cohn :

But one.

Jacob Barr :

Of the other’s going to happen.

Elliott Cohn :


Jacob Barr :

Ok, so.

Elliott Cohn :

It’s been a long day here at the IT has been a long day at the conference, yes.

Jacob Barr :

Expectant fathers is a without voices is a way for men to be encouraged to support.

Elliott Cohn :


Jacob Barr :

And like one of the questions that you have brought up before was asking the man, would you like right to abort?

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, well, your.

Jacob Barr :

Child, yes, I think that was the question you said.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, Well, yeah. And the way that came about was on social media. Ironically, women were, you know, found us and we’re reaching out. I expected, you know, men to be the ones reaching out, and there were men reaching out but where we have actually seen the most success and where we’ve seen the hand of God work in such a way that is very powerful, is we’ve had pregnant women that saw our organization, let’s say on Facebook and just seeing the name have reached out to us and said, hey, I’m on the fence and I’m thinking about having an abortion. I don’t really want to have an abortion, but I also don’t want to go through, you know, a pregnancy and be a single mom and I feel like the father of my child and these are single people. Well, not single people. Boyfriend, girlfriends and also and also married couples have all this has also happened with but the women have reached out and expressed concern that their the father of the child wasn’t interested in pursuing the pregnancy or being a dad. And they asked would we reach out to them so that he didn’t end up being wounded like what they read about on our website. I myself am. I suffered 2 abortions. I call them forced abortions because when you’re a man you have 0 rights, zero under the law, Even after marriage, 0 rights so even when you’re married, you your wife can have an abortion without even consulting you so.

Jacob Barr :

This might be a good time to go ahead and share that story.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, so we had, we had a lot of women reach out to us and it was always the same story they were always on the fence and they wanted us to reach out to the men. And so in the in the first time this happened, it was I was kind of surprised and I took it on myself and I said, you know, I replied to the young lady who sent us a message and I said would you be OK speaking on the phone and she said, yes she called and put me in touch with the father of her child. And I called him up and I said, hi, this is Elliot Cohen i’m calling you from Expectant Fathers without voices. Your girlfriend asked me to speak with you. And the gentleman was, you know, very surprised, I guess we could say, to hear from me, it was like what do you want? Rather gruff. And I said, well, I’m calling you for one specific reason. She reached out to our organization because she’s concerned that you are not interested in being a father. So let me ask you one direct question. Do you want your child to be aborted? And the man said absolutely not. He was very fervent in that and I could hear it in his voice and he got really loud. He’s like, absolutely not he’s like, why would you even say that he’s like, I’m praying that she chooses life. And I said, well, unfortunately, Sir, you have fallen prey to a lie from the abortion industry, which is that men should tell their pregnant partner whether it’s a girlfriend or even their wife. I’ll support you whatever you choose when pregnancy is not so when you say I’ll support you, whatever you choose you’re basically now turning the child into a choice. And you’re saying, well, and I don’t really care whether you have it or not. Either way, I’m good. And so puts all the pressure back on the like.

Jacob Barr :

Abortion yeah, because of pro-choice.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, in a way, it’s almost suggesting abortion. You know it.

Jacob Barr :

Feels like it is suggesting it to me, I think.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, and but for unfortunately for gosh, almost 5 decades now, we’ve been having generations of men get pounded with this. Well, if you really love her and you really care about her, then you will support you’ll support her whatever she chooses because this is her body and it’s her decision and so on and so forth, which are all just lies they’re just lies. Yeah, they’re just they’re just evil lies from the satanic abortion industry to be honest, yeah, that’s really what that’s all about. It’s a way to divide men and women.

Jacob Barr :

So that makes a lot of sense.

Elliott Cohn :

And so just by asking a direct question, do you want your child to be aborted? The answer’s no so, OK, hang up with me and call your girlfriend or call your wife right now and tell her what you just told me, because that’s all she needs to hear. And you’re going to be a dad. And you are. You already are a dad. Yeah because sometimes the response is, well, I’m not sure if I’m ready to be a father. And the way we answer that is, well, you know, you already are a father. You just have to decide now, would you rather be the father of a living child or a not living child? Yeah, the answer’s always, well, I’d rather be the father of a living child. And by just correcting that narrative, that’s been unfortunately so steeped and settled in to most of our society, even a lot of people that go to church and call themselves Christians and you know, it’s just it’s everywhere. I think the numbers are one in four women in America have had an abortion and that’s huge. So we’re looking to balance that out and so we’ve been able to actually preserve seven families that we know of so far since we found it and that means that the child was is alive and the mother and father are together. So that’s been a tremendous.

Jacob Barr :


Elliott Cohn :

Tremendous success, yeah. And I wish it was 7000 or 7 million, but we have to start somewhere.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, well, yeah, One life at a time i mean, that’s where we’re at when it comes to one of my favorite quotes from the last podcast, which I think it was Jarrell or Peggy Hartshorn said was the best response to, like to help someone not choose abortion is another person and I think you are, you know, you’re living that example of being that and really the other person, more so than you or me, is really the dad in the situation, the father.

Elliott Cohn :

Most times it is.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, that that’s the other person that has a very influential.

Elliott Cohn :

Voice, absolutely. But we’ve been trained that we’re not supposed to use that voice, you know, So when we get into a situation like that, we just remind those men that, listen, this is your child and you do have a choice as to how you respond. So right now, while we are working, I guess you could say behind the scenes on legislation that will hopefully grant equal parental rights from conception until birth and then obviously beyond. But just to fill in that gap, because right now, you know, as soon as a child is born, you’re a father. And 20 minutes before the child you know is born, even while your wife’s in labor, you’re not considered a father, you know, and that’s just ridiculous. And we have to change that narrative. We you’re a father from the moment of conception and we know this scientifically. You know, it’s not up for debate it’s a fact. It’s been proven that is a unique human being from the moment of conception, separate and apart from the from the mother or the father. They have their own unique DNA, everything for the, you know that it is going to be what they become it’s already there, you know? So yeah. So just by kind of reinforcing that basic knowledge, we’ve been able to help correct that narrative.

Jacob Barr :

So let’s go back let’s go to your story out of so set up set up the back story I guess so yeah so you were you had a fiance.

Elliott Cohn :

Yes, in 2005 OK. So all the way back in 2005 yeah, I was engaged to a lovely, lovely lady and we were very happy. Or so we thought. And she came to me and she said, hey, you know how do you feel about children? And we had we had to talk about you know do well she already knew that I wanted children but she was like would you like just get started on that now because I’m 27 and you know like let’s basically she came to me and said I’d like to have a baby, let’s have a baby. And I was overjoyed at this news and so I said OK, now one thing I need to say for the for the people in the faith community that would be listening to this at the time I was not saved yet. So I was technically, I mean, I was living in sin and maybe that would have prevented the situation from happening. Maybe not. You never know because like I said, this does affect married couples quite a bit as well. That being said, when she asked me that, it made me feel so special and so wonderful it’s like, wow, you know, she loves me so much. And I mean, I already knew that because we were getting married and we, you know, everything was wonderful. So we try for a child, we’re successful. We find out the sex of the child, we announce it. You know, our, you know, my family was thrilled. From what I could tell, her family was thrilled. They lived in another state, very far away but you know, she said they were happy her parents were happy about the news and my parents were thrilled at the time my grandparents were alive and they were super excited, my brother but everybody was so happy.

Jacob Barr :

I think you said it was you found it was going to be a boy.

Elliott Cohn :

Is that right? No, actually, this, Yeah, it was going to be girl. A girl. Yeah, a girl little girl.

Jacob Barr :

And you’re thinking about names already.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah her name’s Sarah. But unfortunately, Sarah is in heaven. So the way she got to be in heaven was my wife. Excuse me, my fiance yeah.

Jacob Barr :

Well, she told you something. You know that was a lie, right so we should go there.

Elliott Cohn :

First, yeah, sorry, Yeah, we should back up. We might have to edit this. We’ll just.

Jacob Barr :

Keep it authentic.

Elliott Cohn :

Ok, cool. Ok, so she says to me that she had a miscarriage.

Jacob Barr :

Truth carriage.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, And I was. I was just devastated, you know, just, hey, you know, I’m sorry i, you know, I lost. I lost the baby. And I was, I was crushed so sad but at the same time, I was trying. I was, you know, being strong for her. But she seemed fine, which was a little odd but I thought, well, it’s a coping mechanism maybe, like she’s just got it in a box somewhere, you know, and she’s not ready to deal with it yet. So I suggested that we go to counseling. Ok. And she did go with me to 1 counseling, you know, session. And she was hesitant i mean I kind of had to drag her to it but she went and soon as we left, she said, I’m never going back, you know, I don’t need this i don’t need this i’m totally fine, you know. And I said, well, I’m still going to go because I’m grieving, you know, and I’m not going to, I’m not making any judgement on you but I don’t, I don’t understand how you’re so OK, you know, with all of this. And she said, well, you know, I guess everybody copes differently. And so I accepted that. And we kind of know over the next few months life kind of sort of got back to normal as much as it could. And I was even talking about trying for another one, you know, and she was like, let’s wait, you know, let’s just wait on that, you know? And I was like, OK. And I thought, you know what it’s probably better that we wait till we’re married and such, you know so, you know, I don’t know. I was telling myself all kinds of things just to try to cope i’m like, maybe God didn’t want us to have the child until we were married or this or that you know, like, why was, you know, because she was healthy and there was no history in her family of miscarriages and things like that like so I was just wondering, like, how did this happen, you know? So anyways, I get a phone call about three to four months in to coping. And it was from the young lady who had originally introduced us to each other several years before. And she said to me, Elliot, have some very difficult news to tell you. And, you know, prepare yourself because this is not going to be an easy phone call. So are you sitting down i said, no, I’m not sitting down, but it doesn’t matter you’re scaring the crap out of me tell me what you have to tell me. And she says, well, the miscarriage that you’ve been grieving, in fact, was not a miscarriage it was an abortion and. I was kind of in shock and I just kind of was on the phone silent. And she’s like, are you there? I said, yeah, I’m here i’m just like, I don’t. I don’t believe you know, like, I think, like, why would you say that? Like, why would you say such a thing? Like you already know I’m struggling she says elliot, listen to me. I’m telling you the truth about what happened. I was sworn to girl code to not tell you. But I can’t sit there and watch you grieve like this she’s like you’re I’m watching my friend walk around broken. And I’m watching my other friend who that at that point they were no longer friends because they had a huge argument but she’s like, I was watching my other friend, you know, have no problem with this. And I said, OK, so you know, how like, how did this all come about like, you know, like why did she do it? Did she tell you why? And she says, OK, well, this is what I really called to talk to you about and This is why I said it was going to be really hard. And I said, OK, well, just, you know, tell me. And she says your child was selected through a Wiccan satanic. I guess you could call it a selective process, you know, and basically to be aborted, to be sacrificed, to somehow empower her and I said, wait, what are you talking about? And she says, OK, I’ll start at the beginning. She says I was raised in a faith-based home. I was raised, you know, we went to church i was, I believed in God. And i got into my teens and I rebelled and then that spilled over into my twenties and I was still rebelling. My parents were, you know, bothering me and wanting me to come back to church and all my church family and friends wanted me to come back to church but I was in this rebellious mode, is what she said and when I say she again, I’m referring to the young lady who introduced me to my fiance who’s talking to me on the phone. Ok. And she says, because I’m using a lot of pronouns here, so I just want to clarify all that. So she proceeded to inform me that while the abortion was taking place, they were having a Wiccan a coven meeting, and they were sitting in a circle chanting. I draw power from his pain. I draw power from his pain.

Jacob Barr :

While the abortion was taking.

Elliott Cohn :

Place yes. And while this young lady who had introduced me to my fiance while she was sitting there taking part in this coven meeting, she felt God speak to her and say, you know, get up, You know what’s right this is wrong. Get up. And she got up and she left and she was repentant. And after she had gone to her path, that’s why it took a few months, because she had to go through this whole process. But she was repentant. She went to her old church she got accepted back into her old church, talk to her pastor, so on and so forth and kind of work things out in her own mind and got to a place where she was like, OK, and now I need to tell Elliot this really difficult news. So that’s the only reason why I know what really happened. So I didn’t want to believe it, but she was very convincing on the phone. But in the back of my mind, I was still praying that this was this was just some horrible prank or she was just, you know, devious or, you know, I was telling myself all kinds of things and I’m like, maybe she had a secret crush on me and she’s trying to break us up and or whatever you know, I was just coming up with all kinds of crazy ideas, just trying to cope with hearing that because I’m, I was just, I mean, how do you react when somebody tells you, like, you know, well, trying.

Jacob Barr :


Elliott Cohn :

Find a witchcraft Satanism you know, I’m like, OK, this sounds a little over the top this sounds a little hard to believe. I know my fiance, she would never do something like that. Well, it turns out I was completely wrong and she was 100 % right. And the way I found that out was, you know, my fiance got home a little while after that phone call and I said, hey honey, how was your day? And she said just another day. And I was like, OK, well, I just talked to and I’m not going to say her name, but I said, you know, I just talked to our mutual friend. And she said that you guys had quite the argument. And she told me that the reason for your guys’s argument and for the falling out of your friendship was the fact that you have been lying to me about the miscarriage and then, in fact it was an abortion. And not only an abortion, but an abortion for reasons of witchcraft and you know Satan worship. So that’s that was a tough pill for me to swallow and I’m trying to believe that’s not true so just tell me it’s not true. And she said it’s not true but it. But I knew she was long. It just she just said it’s not true. And she just went about her business as just cold as ice. Oh man and I just, I said, well, that doesn’t sound very convincing. And she turned around and just started yelling at me she’s like, well, what do you want me to do and she just snapped and just started yelling and screaming. And she was like, she should have never called you she should. She was cursing our friend and calling her a liar, saying all these awful things and, you know, totally out of character For I’d never seen her like that i mean, I’d seen her get mad about things you know, we had disagreements, but she, you know, we never yelled at each other we never, you know, it was never like that. And she just went into this fit of rage. And it was kind of scary, to be honest. But I walked over because I felt, I felt a heaviness all in the house, in the room. We were in the living room of the house that we owned together at the time. So I walked over and I said, you know, once she started to kind of get like out of breath from all of her ranting, i’m listening and I’m like, going, OK and I’m just kind of waiting for my spot, you know? And i walked up to her and I just kind of gently took her by her shoulder, her shoulders, put my hands on her shoulders. And I just kind of drew her close to me. And I put my forehead on her forehead and I was practically whispering and I just said, i said honey, I need you to just tell me the truth i said whatever it is, I said, I love you. I said whatever it is, we will get through it. But just tell me the truth, I said if you’ve been mixed up in this crazy stuff, like, we will get you out of it we’ll get you, OK. We’ll get you counseling we’ll do whatever. And I love you. Just please tell me the truth. I need to know. And when I said I need to know, I open my eyes and I looked up at her and she opened her eyes, But her eyes look different now it wasn’t different like a like a horror movie or something like that it wasn’t like a special effects thing they just looked cloudy, like she had cataracts or something. She had big beautiful blue eyes and they were just glossed over, just cloudy looking. And one of the things that I always just found so lovely about her was her smile, which would always it broke from right to left. But in this particular instance, it broke from left to right. So with this crooked smile and these glossy eyes, she took, you know, like I said, you know, we were here like this. And she pushed me back and she took several steps back herself. And she then very loudly and proudly proclaimed that, well, I won’t say what she said. She said you’re GD right i had an MF and abortion and I would do it again. And she was acting proud of it. And I looked at her, and I said, who are you? Where is my fiance where is my beloved fiance where have you gone? Who is this person? Who am I speaking to right now? And at the time, I didn’t realize that I was what I was dealing with, but I was dealing with somebody who was heavily demonized and who would open the door to accepting all of that demonic energy and demonic forces and maybe even legions of demons into her. And she was as, after she told me the news, I was just saying like, who are you? Things like that. And she was just laughing. Just like laughing like you know, like this i don’t know, like this evil laugh. And she was. It was. It’s so creepy because she was so exceptionally beautiful. I mean, you know, and she was just saying the nastiest things like, did you actually think I was going to get effing stretch marks for you? Did you actually think that I was going to have some little snotty brat running around the house puking on everything? She’s like, you actually thought that was really going to happen and I’m like, yes, of course I thought that was going to happen. I’m like, who are you i just kept saying who are you? Where is my fiance where have you gone come back to me. Come back to me. I can’t live like this. That’s what i said I can’t live like this. And she says I don’t care if you live i don’t care what you do. And I said this is not my fiance. This is not i said I don’t know you. I don’t know you. Please come back wherever you are come back to me. She just laughed and she said oh I’m sorry did my poor little baby loses little baby. And she said Boo Hoo, I’m so sorry for you. And she mocked me a lot and laughed and I just I was and I was just sitting on the floor crying and as she and just in complete shock and disbelief and she turned around and she walked away from me and she walked down the hallway towards the bedroom. And as she walked away I heard her say very softly I draw power from his pain. And when she said that because i had never told her that her friend told me what they were chanting. So when she walked away and she said that it left no doubt in my mind that every all of that was true. And it just hit me like a not a ton of bricks it hit me like 12 skyscrapers that everything she just said. When I say she, I mean you know everything that I just learned from our friend was true and she and my fiance was actually proud of this and I couldn’t understand it at the time because I was just I was in shock i guess I just knew that she wasn’t there and I did like her physical body was there but that was wasn’t her. But I’d never seen anything like that. So I witnessed essentially what I know now to be as now as Fast forward to now as a saved Christian and you know I know exactly what was going on, you know. But at the time when I was in it I was just scared. So I know I got my keys and I left, you know. And she said I don’t care, don’t come back, you know, said some nasty things to me. And I left, went to my parents house and I told them what happened and you know they were, they were shocked, everybody was shocked, but there was no changing it. So obviously that was the end of that relationship,

Jacob Barr :


Elliott Cohn :


Jacob Barr :

So let’s what does she So she essentially wanted to get pregnant to have an abortion. Is that what they can use? Can you speak to?

Elliott Cohn :

That yes concept, yes, so.

Jacob Barr :

When did your friend tell you about that or how did how did that come about for you to understand that concept?

Elliott Cohn :

It was a she. Ok, so I keep saying she because I’m talking about two women so I’m going to clarify every time so sure so our friend OK, that introduced us. She was basically, I guess the best word is a whistle blower and she was the one who told me about the witchcraft she was the one who told me that they were branching into Satanism and there’s like a there’s a satanic order that’s in action today. I don’t really want to give them a plug or whatever, but it’s called the womb of, excuse me, the womb of Lilith. And Lilith is supposed according to these wacky Satanist. Apparently Lilith is the bride of Lucifer. Ok, of Satan. And so one of the things that goes on in these Satanic situations is they will engage in a Basically, they will get pregnant on purpose with the, and the only reason for the pregnancy is to have an abortion.

Jacob Barr :

And how do they pick? How do they pick the person to be with? Like what does that look?

Elliott Cohn :

Like from what you heard from the research that I’ve been able to do, it’s usually somebody who is a man who is very popular, well liked. You know, somebody of influence, somebody that has some level of, you know, standing in the community. Somebody that because the way the way that they think about it in this sick, twisted, backwards way of thinking is that, well, if the stronger the man is who is the seed bearer, that’s what they call it. It’s so it’s so clinical and just, you know, premeditated like just like a murderer. It’s like it’s a premeditated you know killing and so anyways so they were they don’t even refer to the father as a father or anything they call him a seed bearer. And so whatever which is in their coven, who is going to be the one to be the, you know, the womb for the seed bearer, you know basically they select men on the on whether or not they have any sort of power or influence or popularity. Now for me it was more out of all those things, it was popularity because I was in a very popular band at the time. Things were going really well. We always had tons of people at our shows so on and so forth. And I was I was well liked you know, not saying everybody liked me, you know, but I mean you know I was somebody within her social circle, you know, that was that was like, OK, he’s an alpha guy like he’s the leader of this band he’s popular he has influence Let’s break him let’s break him and.

Jacob Barr :

That one image.

Elliott Cohn :

And then we’ll get powerful.

Jacob Barr :

Earlier today it said something like the woman who does this become like her, it becomes like her womb becomes the womb of.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah OK so now I don’t have confirmation that. Ok, it’s right here i don’t have confirmation that my ex fiance was was in this womb of Lilith cult, but it was it was like a precursor to that it was a forerunner to that I guess you could say. I don’t know how long this womb of Lilith thing has been around to be honest, but I did come across some of their literature.

Jacob Barr :

When they were saying we draw.

Elliott Cohn :

We draw power from his pain.

Jacob Barr :

Power from his pain. And they were circled around her as the abortion was taking place.

Elliott Cohn :

Well, no or no, they weren’t at the facility. So now I don’t know there might have for all I know somebody, you know she might have been accompanied by one of her fellow you know witches witches or yeah. So she may have been accompanied you know to the abortion that way. But what I what I found out like I said you know doing research on this was you know I ran across this whole cult this cult this womb of Lilith cult. So I don’t know if she was actually doing that specific, she was in that specific cult, but I don’t really care what cult it was. It’s all the same thing it’s demonic possession and it’s a premeditated killing of a child and somebody who’s actually willing to get pregnant and let the child grow inside them for several months and then you know, kill the child or have pay somebody to kill the child.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, premeditated.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, premeditated abortion.

Jacob Barr :

Or getting pregnant with this getting pregnant.

Elliott Cohn :

With the sole purpose. I’m sorry, I’m saying the same thing.

Jacob Barr :

I’m just we’re just trying to like some concepts.

Elliott Cohn :

It’s hard to wrap your head around exactly.

Jacob Barr :

And so it’s sort of like.

Elliott Cohn :

I don’t mean and I’m sorry about my nervous laughter. That’s a coping mechanism for me. I kind of just chuckle otherwise I’d just be crying through this entire interview.

Jacob Barr :

No, it was just like a such a bizarre. It’s one of these stories that I don’t think I’ve heard about this before and so I think it’s important to know that this.

Elliott Cohn :

Well, it’s very real. And yeah, I’m not i’m not the only man who’s been affected by this. I mean.

Jacob Barr :

But based on all the lies, it would be really hard for someone to know yeah, when it and then might, you know, might have the relationship, could have had an end and you would have never found out if there wasn’t absolutely lower.

Elliott Cohn :

That’s true. So i look at what happened to me. As strange or as crazy as this might sound is, even though it was awful, I know that God wanted me to go through that. So I hesitate to call it a blessing, because it wasn’t really a blessing. But I needed to see that. God knew that i needed to see that and feel it and go through it so that I could be a voice to help stop it. Because if you don’t know that the enemy exists, then you don’t know how to.

Jacob Barr :

How can you?

Elliott Cohn :

Protect Can you fight against an enemy that you don’t even know exists?

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, if you didn’t, if you weren’t able to find out the truth and the lies weren’t exposed.

Elliott Cohn :

I just would have thought she had a miscarriage and.

Jacob Barr :

You know, yeah, it seems like more, you know, the abortion is being used as a tool to destroy families absolutely or destroy men destroy families from future family or it’s a, it’s a it’s a very destructive. Evil Satanic Well Mindset.

Elliott Cohn :

And think about it this way. Ok, so from like, i’m no Bible scholar. You know, I am a dedicated Christian. And after that experience, seeing somebody that I loved so demonized so that she would do something that horrible made me any questions or doubts that I had as far as like, you know, the stories that I was taught growing up about Jesus and God and the Bible and so on and so forth. Any questions that I may have had went out the window as soon as I witnessed that darkness because I was like, OK, I that was that was a demon or maybe many demons i don’t, you know. But that was that my fiance was possessed and there was and like I was helpless to do anything about it like it would have taken some kind of supernatural power to do something about that. And a friend of mine who’s a pastor, he actually said to me, he says when I confided this and him. And he said, well, you need to ask God to help you put some super on your natural, which kind of kind of kind of made me chuckle and kind of tear me up. Yeah, I like that is so I said, you know, I kind of do that a lot i say, you know, if I’m in a tough spot, I say, God, can you just put some of your super on my natural And, you know, we could, you know, because I need some supernatural wisdom to deal with the situation. And so by exposing this kind of thing, I think because the enemy hides in the darkness and the enemy and earlier you said it’s so destructive. Well, it is. And think about it. You on one hand, you have God, God’s a creator. And then you have Satan, who’s a destroyer. So if you ask someone, well, which side would you rather be on? Would you rather be on the side of creation or destruction? Well, it’s most people are going to say creation. Most people they don’t want to be. You know most people if you just ask the average person that general question.

Jacob Barr :

But if you destroy someone’s life, family, hope, future, they will fall into a spiral.

Elliott Cohn :

Yes. And thankfully, I be destroyed. I was destroyed and I didn’t even realize it. I mean, emotionally, psychologically i was processing, you know, everything kind of, OK, I was rationalizing it and I like to break that into two words, rational lies. But I was kind of lying to myself, you know, a little bit i was rationalizing it and saying like, OK, well, you know, maybe that wasn’t true or maybe I didn’t see what I really saw. But then I would, you know, immediately counter that thought with another thought. So, you know, so I’m going back and forth and so basically now there’s a battle going on in my own mind. And so I was, I was broken, you know, in my heart. My heart was broken. And honestly, I’m not ashamed to say that my psyche was even broken. But the way that I dealt with that, my coping mechanism was to just dive into my work, I think, you know, which again was being a musician so I booked as many shows as I could. I stayed on tour. I even took gigs with other bands, jobs with other bands. I would just, I stay busy all the time, and if I wasn’t busy, I was sleeping. And as soon as I would wake up like I would, I would do something i would idle Time was my enemy because when I had idle time, I couldn’t run from those thoughts and from that experience.

Jacob Barr :

It seems like the devil is using the tactic which was you know, masterfully used by the devil, which was to instill false beliefs. By creating this narrative of love and compassion with someone who didn’t love you and was simply fooling you or lying and then using and then playing with life, you know the life of a child as if it is a weapon to destroy something.

Elliott Cohn :

That’s exactly what it was it was like as soon as I, as soon as she saw how wounded I was, it was like she was really like laughing like she was really smiling and like whatever demons were inside her, they were enjoying it, like they were enjoying it, you know, and.

Jacob Barr :

That’s really hard to. That’s probably hard to think about, or hard.

Elliott Cohn :

To so which yeah, it’s. But again it was. It happened it all happened in real time it’s not like I knew it was you know, I couldn’t prepare for it. The phone call came out of nowhere that was shocking enough. I wanted to not believe that phone call. And then, but then when, you know, when my fiance got home, it was like.

Jacob Barr :


Elliott Cohn :

Know undeniable.

Jacob Barr :

So and then today you’re so.

Elliott Cohn :

All the way, Fast forward.

Jacob Barr :

To Yeah. So since that time, how long has it been since you’ve seen your fiance?

Elliott Cohn :

Oh, I haven’t seen her since that night. That night, yes, that night. I made arrangements through mutual friends to get my things, The few things that I needed. I left a lot of stuff there, like I left a lot of musical gear, just things that I could replace, some a few things that were irreplaceable, you know, family heirlooms and things like that i went in and I got those and I left the key under the mat. I had a mutual friend reach out to her and you know, I mean it was, it was kind of like getting a divorce, really. She, you know, we had basically, I mean there were practical things that had to be dealt with like I needed to take my name off the mortgage things like that, you know, because we were over and she was perfectly fine not hearing from me because she already knew this was going to be the result. So I don’t know if she had done this other times. You know, maybe, you know, if she had done, if she had done this multiple times. And i eventually found out the answer to that question, which was that she has had multiple abortions oh, really yes, I.

Jacob Barr :

Was going to assume that other people in this group would have you know if it if it’s like a womb of.

Elliott Cohn :

They call yeah the womb of Lilith.

Jacob Barr :

Like that concept.

Elliott Cohn :

Of and I don’t.

Jacob Barr :


Elliott Cohn :

Doing i don’t like giving them that much press,

Jacob Barr :

But the same time but it’s just putting light on something.

Elliott Cohn :

That’s dark. Yeah, speaking.

Jacob Barr :

It is a way of, you know, exposing it and exposure I think is good in this case because people who fight abortion need to know that this is, this is another angle and posture that.

Elliott Cohn :

Absolutely this is a spiritual war it’s not just a political thing.

Jacob Barr :

And I think regular abortion is also spiritual warfare but this is OH absolutely this is sort of like.

Elliott Cohn :

Spiritual warfare too.

Jacob Barr :

Like the I want to say like a higher grade military exercise.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, it’s like a yeah, I don’t.

Jacob Barr :

Want to say a certain military group because I don’t want to put any of them in the Satanic bus. No. But this is a very, you know these guys.

Elliott Cohn :

It’s like it’s like an elite group yeah, it’s like it’s like an elite group of pro aborts, you know, getting together and saying, OK, how can we take abortion and even like make it even worse and more disgusting?

Jacob Barr :

More destructive.

Elliott Cohn :

And more destructive. How can we get this squeeze the maximum amount of energy of, you know, take that positive energy and turn it into negative energy so that we can live in the negative and be strong and powerful. You know in that in.

Jacob Barr :

That seems to be evidence of and who is controlling her. You know that dark interest?

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, I mean, apparently she had been living this double life for quite some time because she was very good at it. You know, my grandfather who I was very close with for many years, he lived in well into his nineties He was, he was a psychiatrist and a neurologist and my mother is a licensed clinical therapist. And so, you know, I was kind of raised, you know, with like a lot of understanding of, you know, kind of like, you know, analysis of why, you know, people do certain things and certain social situations and in all kinds of disorders and so on and so forth. And you know if you really go through the, if you use only psychology and things like that and psychiatry, really everybody on the planet could be diagnosed with some kind of disorder. You know, like, oh, you’re fidgeting. Well, you’ve got some kind of, you know, you’ve got generalized fidgeting disorder you know you’ve got GFD, you know give it a name and you know make up a medication for it and try and sell it to you. But so you know, I’ve got certain issues there. But the main issue that we’re talking about here is the just literally the battle between God and Satan. It’s the oldest battle that’s ever been, and it’s and it’s playing out through US. Who are God’s children and the enemy? Satan what does Satan live to do? Try to destroy God, Try to anger God try to hurt God in any way he can.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, hurting God’s children.

Elliott Cohn :

Yes, and he’s jealous. Lucifer’s jealous of us because God chose us and kicked him out. You know what I mean? So what’s the best way for somebody who is thinking of Satan as their God, you know, to like, I guess be, you know, it sounds weird to say this, but to be, like the best Satanist you can be would be, I guess, to have something to do one of these. Yeah to do one of these actual yeah. To actually destroy life. And right now, you know you can’t just walk around like killing people because you’ll get arrested, but you can have an abortion and it’s.

Jacob Barr :

Perfectly legal, yeah through manipulation. Through lies, through creating life and then destroying it And then lying to someone And then and what was she saying against about your pain just by pull?

Elliott Cohn :

She said.

Jacob Barr :

We draw the.

Elliott Cohn :

Chant that they were chanting was we draw power from his pain and when she walked away from me at after, you know when I was on the floor crying like right before I left. The last thing she said as she was walking away was I draw power from his pain and she’s like she was chanting it to herself. She was like reminding herself and I was, I was laying there in pain broken and I don’t know maybe she got some kind of weird, you know, adrenaline rush and you know, I don’t know like what she was feeling. All I know is the only thing I can testify about is how I was feeling and it was just, it was broken, you know,

Jacob Barr :

And in this.

Elliott Cohn :

Podcast a long path to healing, you know and to be honest, like no matter how much people heal and I believe there are so many great healing you know, organizations and networks out there and by finding God in that because that situation, the only thing good that came out of that was it put me on a path to Jesus. It put me on a path to truly accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and truly understanding what he did and knowing that my little girl was with Jesus. That’s what helped. And it took me a long time to actually get baptized i wasn’t baptized until 2011 and this happened in 2005 but I immediately started going to church i immediately started, you know, seeking the Lord because I knew that now I knew that demons were real and this witchcraft stuff that you see on TV and really little shows like Charmed and stuff like that where they make it seem like, oh, witchcraft is good and it’s fun and you can just be a good witch you don’t have to be a bad witch, you know it’s all, it’s all seduction you know to eventually lead down that path you know, for those lost souls that end up.

Jacob Barr :

There, and I think in this podcast it would be so if someone, let’s say a precisy clinic director.

Elliott Cohn :


Jacob Barr :

Experiences someone who is experiencing possession and she made and that may not be the case because this person wanted the abortion and wasn’t looking for help but let’s say a PC clinic director does experience this and I don’t There probably are stories and I just don’t know them Yeah this happening.

Elliott Cohn :

But they probably don’t talk about it because it’s not, you know society would is not accepting of it that’s why.

Jacob Barr :

So if there’s an abortion determined woman that they’re experiencing, they might experience it in her maybe more so than abortion minded, if it’s abortion determined it might, It might be a spiritual it could be in this ballpark of options of why they might be determined more so than just minded yeah and I may we may not be able to provide the solution or answer, but I believe from my understanding is if your fiance would put herself under the authority of a church body, the pastors of that church would have a better chance at praying and laying hands on her and telling the demons to come out of her in Jesus name.

Elliott Cohn :

Yes, Deliverance.

Jacob Barr :

And or maybe you know in addressing them in Jesus name possibly under this but the hard part about that whole concept is someone in that position who is being terrorized or possessed is not going to put themselves under the authority of a church leadership. However, and so i think in the end that might be a future podcast maybe i need to have a spiritual leader address what are the, you know, what’s it look like to help someone as Jesus did in the Bible when it comes to someone who is possessed, like there’s the story of the legion inside, you know, the person who was possessed and then the Legion went into 3000 pigs right and then they proceeded to go off a Cliff and fall into the water and drown and then I recently heard that pigs can swim.

Elliott Cohn :

They can’t swim, but they can. They can’t fly, but they can swim because I didn’t know that about maybe possessed pigs can’t swim.

Jacob Barr :

I don’t know, but the fact that they drowned and there are 3000.

Elliott Cohn :

3000 We think like 3000 Demons.

Jacob Barr :

And Legion’s a way of saying a large number it’s.

Elliott Cohn :

Like a like a battalion.

Jacob Barr :

Actually, the word Legion it’s kind.

Elliott Cohn :

Of hard to stay away from military it’s like a.

Jacob Barr :

Roman a Roman legion I think is 3000 to 5000 military Roman soldiers, I believe.

Elliott Cohn :

Maybe and then?

Jacob Barr :

In the Bible, though, there were 3000 pigs. Like, right. I mean, that makes sense it’s sort of. It’s hard of a fathom how 3000 pigs were possessed like that’s a lot of pigs like, that’s a lot of.

Elliott Cohn :

Pigs that’s a lot.

Jacob Barr :

And for them like that, that’s just sort of that, that’s a lot of.

Elliott Cohn :

Noise a lot of volume good Lord.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, I mean 3000 entities going against a single person. It’s very, but then the but God.

Elliott Cohn :

Outweighs all those, oh God outweighs. And I think that one of one of the only ways that we’re going to be able to combat this on a on a spiritual warfare level is to we need the churches to rise up. We need the faithful people to talk about this. You know, I know so many people that attend church and some of them go to giant churches, like really big churches and mega churches. And I asked them, well, does your pastor ever talk about abortion they’re like, no, you know, And I went to a church that wouldn’t talk about that. And, you know, I just, I had to end up leaving that church. Yeah, so.

Jacob Barr :

Little thing churches talk about demonic influence, either.

Elliott Cohn :

Well, yeah.

Jacob Barr :

That seems to be one of those topics.

Elliott Cohn :

That it’s one of those things. It’s like it’s starting to become taboo.

Jacob Barr :

I mean, I shouldn’t say never, but I mean I feel like it’s one of those topics. I mean for the amount of times Jesus.

Elliott Cohn :

It’s uncomfortable to talk about so it’s one of those things that, like pastors don’t want to make their you know, their flock feel uncomfortable they feel science fiction.

Jacob Barr :

But Jesus addressed several people who were possessed absolutely and it’s one of the, you know, one of the places where he provided healing he didn’t provide healing for the sick or for the or healing people from death back to life or the blind to see he also healed those who were possessed to being free from those that possession, that ownership by a demonic force.

Elliott Cohn :

There was there’s a there’s a series that’s out that I’m I think you’ve heard of it’s called the chosen. Oh yeah. Where And it’s a it’s you know kind of kind of a modern I guess a modern take on the Bible sure you know, and you know, I guess it’s a very cool series, I guess, you know, because the way that it addresses, you know, the certain characters and kind of like this kind of shows like a behind the scenes, like the way that Jesus would interact, you know, And I guess there’s a certain amount of artistic license but you have to imagine that like if they were all together, like they would sit around and kind of like they’re not just going to be serious all the time they’re going to crack jokes. They’re people, you know, one guy is going to be nervous, another guy is going to be, you know, calm, one guy might have OCD, you know, one guy, you know, so on and so forth but.

Jacob Barr :

Also like Nicodemus where he went to go try and like.

Elliott Cohn :

When he went to.

Jacob Barr :

Yes to in.

Elliott Cohn :

That scene, Yeah, he tried to. He tried to.

Jacob Barr :

Remove cast the demon.

Elliott Cohn :

Out and.

Jacob Barr :

The demon’s like, who are you yeah and I think in that scenario maybe he should have used Jesus name or maybe that woman should have been under his authority and using Jesus name. I’m not.

Elliott Cohn :

Sure, Nicodemus hadn’t really quite understood what who Jesus was, yet he was still skeptical at that point.

Jacob Barr :

Trying to pull from that.

Elliott Cohn :

Server to be thought today but if he yeah if you know so he was unsuccessful at you know helping that woman who was possessed but then Jesus encountered her what a couple episodes later in that series and just kind of touched her and said I think her name was Lilith actually in the series and then she went from being known as Lilith to being Jesus said your name is Mary.

Jacob Barr :

Oh, I did not know that that’s.

Elliott Cohn :

Interesting. And.

Jacob Barr :

So and.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, there’s another powerful scene in that in that series where there was a man wandering in the woods and he was, he was demon possessed and he was actually attacking, I think Simon and Jesus was very tired because he had, he had been off talking and you know, working miracles and doing what Jesus did and when he got back. He saw what was there was a confrontation and he knew immediately what was going on. And he just said be gone and the demon was gone the guy was 100 % OK like, but he’s Jesus, you know. We’re talking about the living God, you know? So since I’m not Jesus and you’re not Jesus, and nobody is, we pray to him just like these Satanists pray to what they pray to. And i have faith and I believe that when all is said and done, the final victory is going to be gods. You know, there’s just, I mean, I can’t think any other way i mean, I know that truth.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah well, it’s like a summary of what we’ve been considering here. People some people need healing from a past abortion sure, some people need healing from abuse absolutely maybe through their childhood, maybe more recent or both. Probably both.

Elliott Cohn :

Oh, the statistics are really high as far as, like, you know, like women that have abortions a lot of times there’s abuse in their history and so on.

Jacob Barr :

And some people need healing from their own sin. Yeah, you know, the story of the Good Samaritan sometimes we’re, you know, sometimes we’re the person who abuses somebody else.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, sometimes we’re the ones that walk past and don’t pay any attention we.

Jacob Barr :

Have a busy out, a calendar full of things to do.

Elliott Cohn :

Oh yeah, we’ve got these phones, got all these devices and phones, and I’ve got to be here at this time and sometimes.

Jacob Barr :

We’re the one bleeding who needs help and we don’t get the pick who’s going to help us he’s like, you know, the person that’s the Good Samaritan was the undesired person to help.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, like the last person you’d want to help, but they.

Jacob Barr :

But in the end, I think what’s true is that everyone needs healing in some way, whether it’s from sin, abortion, whether it’s from being possessed demonically, which is a.

Elliott Cohn :

Whole nother, That’s another level.

Jacob Barr :

It’s less commonly understood, probably because it’s often hid.

Elliott Cohn :

It’s just it’s just it’s just something that like I said, it’s an uncomfortable topic some people.

Jacob Barr :

Need healing from physical ailments. Some people need healing from a stripe in their family. But in the end what’s The common element though is healing is needed and desired. And I think that’s where we can we can pull. You know a really beautiful thought is that offering people healing is good and trying to help them find healing is good but it’s also if there’s no easy road to sort of help someone there it’s a straight and narrow it’s the hard it’s hard to you know it’s hard to obtain well and.

Elliott Cohn :

On that note.

Jacob Barr :

Of our own power but Jesus is the only way that yeah to.

Elliott Cohn :

Jesus is the only way to fully heal. And I mean, I’m still healing now, you know and I’m at a point where I’m far enough removed from it to where I can look at it objectively and I can now help others but not to, you know go overboard plugging the you know, my ministry but expected fathers without voices. If the fathers of all of you, every child has ever been aborted. If the father had to be consulted and give his consent to this procedure for this procedure to happen, the number of abortions would be far less than where it is now.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, so the father would.

Elliott Cohn :

Say the abortion industry would have us I.

Jacob Barr :

Don’t want you to have an abortion. I want to support you in making the decision you’re going to enjoy for decades, right? By being as we’re parents, right? And I want, we want to be, and I would like to be. Ai want to be a dad of a living child, where it’s saying something along those lines more so than saying I’ll support you in whatever choice.

Elliott Cohn :

Don’t use the word choice and the choice is the worst word you can use choice if you have an.

Jacob Barr :

Abortion support you you’re.

Elliott Cohn :

Exchanging the word child for choice. So is it a choice or is it a child? It’s a very simple question.

Jacob Barr :

But that.

Elliott Cohn :

Word like.

Jacob Barr :

So when someone says I support you, whatever choice you make, but it’s up to you because.

Elliott Cohn :

It’s up to you.

Jacob Barr :

As a man, I have no uterus, therefore I shouldn’t.

Elliott Cohn :

Therefore, I don’t have any accountability either. So these men walk around thinking like because we have no rights, we also have no accountability. If we had rights we would have, there would be certain things that men would have to do. You know, it’s not it. You know, so one of the ways that I think that we can combat this is actually through legislation, through the, through the legal system. That’s how we got in this mess was this Roe V Wade thing that happened you know and 1973 So even if that’s overturned it’s going to get we know everything. Yeah, everything gets kicked back to the states so, you know here in Florida what we’re trying to do, you know what I’m not going to say what we’re trying to do, what we are doing, just taking us a little while is we are, we will be introducing legislation that we hope with a governor like Ron DeSantis you know, if it if we can get it to through the initial procedures to his desk, I think he would understand this and probably sign off on it. Because when I’m talking about equal parental rights from conception until birth, I’m saying it would be illegal for anyone to provide an abortion to a woman that didn’t have the consent of the father. Unless it would, obviously, I guess you know, issues of rape and things like that. I guess women could, they could lie, they could go in and say, well, I don’t have to consent on the father because I was raped and things because sometimes there’s loopholes like that but again.

Jacob Barr :

But I guess we can.

Elliott Cohn :

Trying to say.

Jacob Barr :

But it’s not just her pregnancy. This is also his.

Elliott Cohn :

It’s his pregnancy just as much as it is hers. She carries the child, but it’s also his child. She’s carrying his child. So it’s like it’s her child too. It’s both of their child equally. So why does only one parent have the decision making power to end a pregnancy and the other parent is totally, you know, shut down, muted, silenced and even aggressively, you know, shouted down and yelled at in silence in a very aggressive way from this, you know, left wing culture that you know, we’ve been evolving or not or devolving into. You know, that’s really what kind of the issue I think we need to look at on a practical level. Now on a spiritual level, like I said, I think it’s going to take really a massive movement is going to take a revival of faith and of people standing up and not just going to the church because it’s what you do on Sunday, but going to church to really understand the word of God and to really live a godly life, you know. And right now even people that do that, even people that get married, like there was you know, the enemy can still kind of worm his way in there you know there was a couple that I was consulting with where they were married and they were they had two children and they were happy and they found out they were pregnant with a third. And the man’s wife said, you know, I just, I don’t want to go through it all again you know, I just, you know, we’ve already got two children and we’re so busy and you know, I just, I can’t imagine having a child now and you know, and so this man called up and he says, hey, I’m kind of like every night I’m going through hostage negotiations that’s what he called it, hostage negotiations with my wife. And that really hit me hard because I was like, I mean, I knew, but hearing a guy say that, it was wow, even when you’re married, like you have no as a man just simply because of your sex, you have no rights at all in and you can’t protect your child, which is what we’re hard.

Jacob Barr :

Wired to do.

Elliott Cohn :

We are hard wired to protect our children and to protect the mother of our children. We are hard wired to do that like if you’re if you’re, you know, wife or your girlfriend is pregnant and you know and she’s about and you see a car coming, you’re going to push her out of the way. I mean, you can probably do that anyways if you’re a decent guy, but especially if she’s pregnant, you know what I mean? A whole different thing happens. We know now that when a man knows that he’s going to be a father, that his estrogen levels go up. All kinds of things happen within his own with his with within his body chemistry to allow him to be accepting and nurturing and basically to prepare him for what is coming so when that child is born and those levels have been reported to stay high through, you know, like sometimes the first year or two years of that child’s life, you know, So there’s a very profound effect that we can scientifically actually point to. So that way naysayers of faith can say, you know, we can say, OK, well, you don’t want to believe that well, here’s this you know.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, I wasn’t aware of that.

Elliott Cohn :

Yeah, it’s amazing.

Jacob Barr :

We have to go get a we.

Elliott Cohn :

Have to.

Jacob Barr :

Go get a citation to add so we can back up our medical claim in the podcast that’s.

Elliott Cohn :

True. Well, I mean.

Jacob Barr :

One of the things that Mayo Clinic have a page about that.

Elliott Cohn :

Well, one of the things that came out when I was in, when I was in counseling, OK was and I saw, I saw pastoral counseling and I saw traditional counseling. And one of the things that came up during my traditional counseling, I was speaking to a psychiatrist and he wanted to, you know, put me on, you know, antidepressants and I’m like, I’m not depressed and he’s like I’m anxious. He’s like, well, here’s anti anxiety medications and like, I’m not, you know, I tried that for a little while. It wasn’t really going to it doesn’t do anything it’s a Band-Aid So I was, I went back and I said, look, I don’t really like how I feel on these things it’s just this isn’t good for me. And he said, well, you know, we got to do something to help you and I said, well, you’re a psychiatrist like, tell me something don’t just write me a prescription for something. And so he shifted me to one of his colleagues who was a female psychiatrist. And she proceeded to inform me that the helplessness, that a, excuse me, the helplessness that an expected father feels when he knows that she is seeking an abortion, he knows that she wants an abortion and he’s asked her not to not do it and she’s like, no, this is my body, it’s my choice i’m going to, you know, just you don’t have any say, no uterus, no opinion that way. You know when you encounter that mindset, the men who the levels of helplessness that they that they feel she said are very similar, almost on the same page with rape victims. And she said it’s a certain form of PTSD because you know it’s very it’s very similar to rape it’s a violation you you’ve been bought it’s like you’d know that something terrible and awful is happening. It’s happening to you and your child and the woman you love, or at least the woman that you got pregnant, you know, And you can’t do anything to stop it. Kind of like if somebody was being raped, they’re in it they know what’s going on, but they can’t stop it. And then society mirrors the same things that a rapist would say to his victim. They or they say, basically you’re a man, you have no say just shut up and take it. That’s the same thing that a rapist would say to a woman. Shut up and take it. You have no power here because rapes rapes about a big power trip it’s not about the actual sex it’s about power. And so the men who have pleaded and gone through those hostage negotiations with their with their you know respective other whether it’s her wife or their girlfriend and been denied the been denied fatherhood. And they know that she’s going to go into this room and she’s going to pay this guy and she’s even maybe even going to ask me to pay for it she’s going to pay this guy to kill our child and then walk out and like, and I can’t do anything about it. And so that event will, you know, affect a man for his the rest of his whole life. I’m not saying that his life’s ruined or it’s over, you know. But when she pointed that out to me, I just, I thought, wow, I never looked at it like that before, you know, I never, I never, I never put those two things. I would have never thought to put those two things side by side but the way she explained it, I was like, she’s like, look, you’re suffering from PTSD, you know, and it’s the and it’s very similar. What I’m seeing in you is almost identical to what I see in women that have counseled that have been raped and even men that have been raped that were in prison or men that were molested, you know, so but anyways, so she was the one who drew that analogy and I thought, wow, I get, you know, that actually makes a lot of sense. And, you know, that’s kind of controversial when you say that, I guess because maybe a rape victim might take exception to that but at the same time, you know, it’s just, it’s just one of those again, I mean, look what we’re talking about Satanism we’re talking about witchcraft, abortion, rape, all of these are all every single word I just said is a word that most people don’t ever want to talk about. It’s very uncomfortable. So we need we just need to get more comfortable talking about these uncomfortable things, you know, because we can’t just pretend that the evil doesn’t exist, because it does. It’s there.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, and I think a good way to start talking about it is the is well, praying.

Elliott Cohn :

Oh, absolutely pray.

Jacob Barr :

Essentially, praying for what we need to be able to identify and praying for God’s direction and praying for God’s wisdom, his protection, is our ability to help these people, women and men who are being attacked or influenced or possessed or chased, whatever the case might be. So that might be a really good way for us to wrap up this podcast. Would you mind? Yeah, taking this, yeah, this time at the end and praying for. Praying for those who are listening to be able to for God to lead them and for God to direct them on how to help women in these hard cases that are hard to spot and difficult to address?

Elliott Cohn :

I don’t mind at all oK, Heavenly Father, I’m asking you now, as a faithful and humble servant of yours, to please, please show out. Show out in the people’s lives that need it. Just one small touch of your grace can change so much. And Father, I know that you know this already and I know that I’ve asked you this so many times, but I’m just going to ask you to continue to reach out and bring wisdom, bring forethought, bring grace to the men and women that would even consider the concept of ending a pregnancy, of ending the life of their own child. We know from the Old Testament that you tested oh gosh, I just.

Jacob Barr :

Let me let me.

Elliott Cohn :

Check then, Scott.

Jacob Barr :

We thank you for Elliot and for him finding the truth. And for and for your for you to, for your for your fingerprints. In directing him to create a ministry in response to the pain that he’s experienced with a desire to help other men escape and avoid this pain. And for families to avoid this crippling. The damage that abortion can cause to A to a couple or to or to a family Lord we just pray for those who are listening to be able to be able to help the hard cases that the help abortion determined women who are not just looking at it as convenience but to also be able to help women who are looking at abortion as that’s what they want to do. They’re not even you know it’s just like they’re is essentially it’s it feels demonic when they’re when they’re at the level of I am determined to have an abortion because that’s what it is if that’s where I wanted to go as an evil direction and destination. So, Lord, we pray that you will.

Elliott Cohn :

Just smite the enemy.

Jacob Barr :

We pray that you will help executive directors and volunteers be covered in prayer, that we will all be reminded to pray regularly daily and that we will we will use your name when fighting the enemy and we will say things like Jesus. We pray that you take this demon and that this demon will go to your feet and wait for redirection. Jesus, we pray that you will, you know, help you know help and the help us help give us the words when saying things and the way we say things does matter. And fighting and fighting these battles that are hard and difficult and scary. But we lean on you and we give you the circumstances and these hard cases and we look for your direction on what you would have us do.

Elliott Cohn :

Absolutely and we put, we put.

Jacob Barr :

Ourselves under your authority, Jesus and we are looking for your help because your name has power. Our names don’t have power and in these situations this is really important to consider. We pray all of this in your name, Jesus absolutely and we just thank you for helping us navigate this topic and we pray that you’ll give us, you give us all more direction and more help as this is something that is that is deep and there’s a lot of questions and thoughts to consider. We pray all this in your name, Jesus absolutely amen, Amen.

Elliott Cohn :

1-2-3 When I wake up in the night and you’re night right there by my side, that makes me feel so alive, but not so good not so good inside. But I know it’s going to be all right, I said. I know it’s going to be all right when I want to misbehave because I think about those early graves. I remember that Jesus says he can make you stop or brush that thought. Come to me and say that I know we’re going to be all right. Then I know we’re going to be all right. I’m all in love. I’m all in love. I’m all in love. I’m all in love. I’m all in love. I’m all in love. I’m all in love. The now it takes 2 to make a lie. Unless your mother married Joseph’s wife. So you tell me, what gives you the pride to use the law to strip a soul of our human rights? Your son is Cray. You’re going to be all right. When that little boy or little girl doesn’t get brought in to this world, thou be begging God for his holy word to heal your heart from the start to make a better world than I know we’re going to be all right. Should I know? It’s going to be all right. All right. All right. All right. All right.