The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast | Episode 28 with Kelly Christian with Shreveport Pregnancy Center | Talking About Funding Needed for Shreveport Pregnancy Center

Listen to Kelly Christian and Jacob talk about the backstory for Shreveport Pregnancy Center and their current need for financial assistance.  If you feel called by God to help, please donate here.


This is Jacob Barr, host of the Pro-Life Teen Podcast. On the show, I had the privilege of conversing with Kelly Christian, who leads a pregnancy center in Shreveport, Louisiana. Kelly’s journey is both inspiring and challenging. Located near one of the largest abortion clinics in Louisiana, her center has become a beacon of hope for many women, especially since the implementation of the Texas heartbeat bill, which has led to an increase in out-of-state visitors seeking abortions.

Kelly shared her personal story of transformation – from a troubled teenager who experienced the pain of chemical abortion to a devoted Christian and leader in the pro-life movement. Her testimony is a powerful tool in counseling and guiding women who visit the center. We discussed the center’s strategic location, its proximity to Texas and Arkansas, and the challenges and opportunities this presents.

Kelly’s journey to her role was unexpected but clearly divinely orchestrated. Initially, she didn’t see herself leading a center. However, through prayer and a sense of divine calling, she accepted the responsibility. She spoke of the hardships the center has faced, from financial struggles to operational challenges. Despite these, her faith remains strong, guided by a conviction that God is leading her path.

The center’s vision includes converting to a medical facility to offer ultrasounds, a crucial factor in helping women choose life. However, this goal faces financial hurdles. Kelly’s story is a call to action for the pro-life community to support centers like hers, not just financially, but through prayer and spreading awareness.

In conclusion, Kelly’s unwavering faith and dedication are truly inspirational. Her journey demonstrates the impact of personal transformation and the power of a community united for a cause.

Relevant hashtags for this podcast include: #ProLifeTeenPodcast, #ShreveportCenter, #ProLifeMovement, #KellyChristian, #PregnancyCenterLeadership, #TexasHeartbeatBill, #ProLifeTestimony, #ChristianTransformation, #PrayerAndAction, #CommunitySupport, #ProLifeAdvocacy, #FaithInAction, #DivineCalling, #PregnancyCenterChallenges.


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Jacob Barr :

Welcome to the pro-life Team Podcast. I’m Jacob Barr i’m here with Kelly, and we’re talking about the Shreveport Center and how she has been called by God and brought, you know, essentially about her story and journey to help run this center. And we’re looking at some of the fingerprints that God has left along this journey as he has LED her and brought her into the space and now we’re asking those who are listening to see if they can help too. Kelly, I am so glad to have you on the podcast today. Would you Would you share who you are as if you were talking to, let’s say, in a Prancy Clinic executive director or maybe someone in the pro-life community looking to support Prancy Clinic?

Kelly Christian :

Directors Sure. So my name is Kelly Christian and I just took over a pregnancy center well about a year and a half ago in Shreveport obviously, which is a big city where we have one of the largest abortion clinics where it’s one of the only two abortion clinics in Louisiana. So it’s definitely a kind of at times a scary task because you know, we do get a lot of abortion minded women. But you know, we’re also, we’re just out there in the middle of this fight and we’re just looking to get others that are in the pro-life community to kind of just show us their support and help us in this big task that we’re trying to accomplish.

Jacob Barr :

So tell me about where exactly is your clinic and how close are you to the nearest Planned Parenthood and how does this connect with like the neighboring States and the new laws that are in play?

Kelly Christian :

Sure. So we are probably about 10 minutes from the Hope Medical clinic, which is the abortion clinic in Shreveport and we are also about 30 minutes from the state line of Texas. So what’s happening is we are the abortion clinic in Shreveport actually increased in abortion numbers last year by 420 That was before the Texas law went in effect, the heartbeat bill so now they went from having abortions every three days a week to what I’ve heard is seven days a week. They’re open every day and we are seeing lots of license plates from Texas so we know a lot of these girls that are in Texas are now just coming over to Shreveport for their abortions. So and then we also are very close to Arkansas. So we actually get women from Texas, from Arkansas, and all of the neighboring states they kind of pull into Shreveport.

Jacob Barr :

Ok so you’re in Louisiana and it looks like some people might be coming in from like the greater Dallas area or maybe even the greater Houston area sometimes. Is that?

Kelly Christian :

Yeah. There’s a one more clinic down South Louisiana. They do get a lot of women from South Texas, but we still see a lot of them coming up here because the schedules are so full, it’s hard for them to get in down there. So yeah, we’re getting them from all over.

Jacob Barr :

And when did you, when did this roll, this new, this new role for you at your clinic start?

Kelly Christian :

So as I mentioned, about a year and a half ago, I was approached actually by somebody on the sidewalk out at the abortion clinic. She was volunteering for a pregnancy center here in Shreveport, and she was driving over about an hour and a half away to come in and help direct this center. And she just couldn’t do it she was just filling in for that month and so she actually called me about a month later and said she’d been praying for somebody to come in and help and she thought of me so at the time, I thought, there’s no way I have time for that i’m a homeschooling mom we’re planting the church. We’re about an hour away from Shreveport, actually and but I thought, hey, this is my heart, this is my passion you know, I’ve been praying about how I can give back to God. And anyway, so I said, yeah, I’d love to help well, I didn’t know it was going to be taking over a center completely. And at the time, I also didn’t know that the ministry we were currently under was going to end up having to pull out and we were going to have to completely start over. And that’s kind of where we’re at today.

Jacob Barr :

Ok, yeah, so tell me about that heart and passion that you had, that you that you were, that was driving you to pray about how you can get involved tell me about that story.

Kelly Christian :

Great so these girls mean a lot to me because of my history. I actually kind of have a familiar story with most of the women that I meet. I’m now, you know, 40, so but back when I was a teenager, by the time I was 13 was on drugs. We lived on the welfare system. I have experienced the pain and regret of having a chemical abortion myself. I was 19, though, when I met the Lord and I was pregnant. And you know, I always tell my girls, you know, when you’re pregnant, it’s a time where you’re sensitive and you’re more tender to the Lord’s calling and dealings with you. And so, you know, a lot of these women, they find themselves very vulnerable when they’re pregnant and they feel like they failed so many times how God could ever forgive them, You know, they’re just their life is a waste and, you know, I’m able to give them my testimony and able to share my story with them. And we’ve seen lives change we actually just had a girl through that testimony, give her life back to Jesus she had been raised with a little bit of knowledge of the Lord and in church by her adopted mother, and she prayed through to salvation and decided to keep her baby. So anyway, back to your question is, you know, I had been praying, ’cause I, you know, I had just opened up to my family. My husband, of course, knew my history, but my children didn’t. And the Lord had laid it on my heart to share my test, to share my story with them and tell them what I’d done and ask for their forgiveness because I had robbed them of a sibling, you know. And of course they were very, you know, gracious and loving and all of that and so this all kind of came about at the same time. So I felt like it was God showing me that he could take what I had, you know, gone through and use it for his glory and turn it around.

Jacob Barr :

Awesome yeah and when it comes to like, you know, you know the greatest Sinner that kind of. Or you know, how could God forgive me? This morning I was listening to my Bible, not reading just listening. And the part that was on in X, it was talking about Saul and how he was going after followers of Jesus and then talking about his the road to Damascus and how he converted but before he converted he was you know literally you know persecuting and chasing down believers and so and I think all of us have a story of how we don’t you know, we don’t deserve god’s grace and so I think you’re in very, you know, very friendly territory with, you know, having that, having those thoughts and God being God’s grace being just remarkably amazing. So when it comes to driving an hour to work and trying to start a clinic, that seems like an uphill battle. Like literally that sounds like you’re driving, you know, you’re having to go uphill both ways to the snow like that sounds like a hard way to get, you know, to try and start a new venture how are you making that work how is that playing when it comes at living an hour away?

Kelly Christian :

Well, we’re used to it, really honestly my husband lives works up there as well so we’re kind of just out in the country, in a small town and so we were used to that before we moved here to plant a church we were, we lived down by Baton Rouge and we were an hour north of Baton Rouge in a little bitty small town so we were used to driving, you know, then so it’s something that we do and we just do it for the Lord you know, we’re open three days a week, so ideally I don’t have to go every day, which is, you know, kind of nice but yeah, we just make it work it’s just part of it and we’re used to it, so.

Jacob Barr :

Wow so you’re and you’re within how many minutes of the plant of the abortion clinic in the in Shreveport?

Kelly Christian :


Jacob Barr :

10 minutes and then you’re how many minutes away from Texas?

Kelly Christian :

About 30 minutes.

Jacob Barr :

30 minutes from Texas. Wow so that’s and so you’re the closest pregnancy clinic to this? Sounds like a large abortion clinic next to Texas, right?

Kelly Christian :

Yes, there is another center that is in Shreveport and we work alongside with them a lot. But yeah, there there’s us and there’s also them. So a lot of times we’re working on the days that they’re closed so we kind of do alternates days and we kind of I send people to them or they’ll send people to us, that sort of thing so it’s been a great, it’s been a great benefit for me because you know, I’ve never done this before i’ve never worked in a nonprofit before and they’ve been, they’ve been awesome to kind of help show me the ropes and help me along, so.

Jacob Barr :

Oh, that’s awesome. Yeah and I’m a big fan of, like treating other Princey clinic sort of like we’re all members of a giant pro-life team and we’re competing against the abortion clinic team and we’re it’s good to help out teammates with you know ideas and resources when that’s potentially lining up with our mission our you know our overall group mission. So tell me the story of how you were called or how you felt. You know, how your prayer life and the opportunity to help with this prestige clinic in Shreveport. Tell us the story of how that played out.

Kelly Christian :

Yeah, so basically like I said the a lady named Cheryl had approached me about volunteering and so once I had agreed to that and kind of they had me hooked so I thought you tricked me. But once I was in there, you know, they this center was being ran by basically me and one other person. And but you know, I couldn’t walk away it was like every time I would think I can’t do this is more than I bargained for the Lord would just tell me, you know, don’t walk away, don’t close the door that I’ve opened. And we just felt like we were kind of spinning our wheels at times we had a little bitty house, a ministry house on the back of a church property and I had asked to for approval to move because I had found a medical facility i found a doctor that was willing to lease a medical facility to us it was a gorgeous facility for about the same amount of what we were paying in rent to the church and we were wanting to target abortion minded women and So what was happening is these girls were coming to the church property, seeing this little house in the back and they were scared to go back there and they just turn away and we were losing girls and that was just killing me and but I got denied. But I prayed and I was discouraged at first but the Lord just kind of said hang on. And in February of last of this year we had a terrible freeze and our pipes burst and it flooded the entire building. And so I got my approval for my new building. So God worked it out. He did a great miracle there, moving on the heart of the ministry and so we moved and then we hit another hurdle In June. We were told that our funding was going to be lost and nothing that we could do to, you know, to avoid it was just one of those political things. And they asked us if we wanted they said basically you can try to keep paying for everything yourself or but we don’t have any money for you. So I knew God told me at that moment, The prior to that God said do not close the door that I have opened and my family personally and another pastor’s wife in Shreveport, her family we both agreed that we would kind of keep things floating financially as long as we could ourselves and we didn’t want to close it down we wanted to keep things going so we started our own non profit, our own ministry. We began working on that we were only closed for one month and had our insurance and everything up and running by September and we’ve been open ever since and we just saw a report I think we’ve serviced 100 and I can’t remember but it averaged out to be about 30 women a month. We’ve reopened so it was, I think it was actually I said a hundred, I think it was 77 so yeah, we’ve got these girls that we’ve been working with. It didn’t stop us. The enemy has definitely fought at times, but God is definitely greater and we do offer parenting and prenatal classes as well so we have several women that have chosen life and then we have the ones that do continue on in our center they’ll take virtual parenting classes and prenatal classes they earn baby bucks and they’re able to buy diapers and wipes and baby clothes we have donors that send in items that they’re able to buy from the boutique rooms.

Jacob Barr :

Wow so I love, I love that quote that you or the what you said you heard from God that don’t close. Was it like don’t close the door that I opened is that what? Is that what you heard? Just that i love asking how did you hear that was it like in your prayer life was it through someone saying something inspired by God, or how did that come about?

Kelly Christian :

Well, I was actually at my partner, the lady that has kind of been by my side through all of this, when I was praying for God to send someone else to take over this center when I first started, she came along in my life and we were kind of out here with nobody, right our family moved out here. It’s just our family we’re pioneering, starting with nobody and we met the these people at this church in Shreveport and so we started fellowshipping with them and anyway, she said, I’ve been praying about helping at a pregnancy center like this and doing this kind of work. And I said, well, I’ve been praying for God to send someone to do it and so anyway, she said, but I don’t want to take over so I realized then, well, God didn’t send her to take over he sent her to work alongside me. So we were actually at their church they had a special meeting one night and I was actually down in the altar praying and just crying out to God and telling God, you know, this is more than I can handle i’m not qualified for this, you know, I don’t know what I’m doing and this is way over my head and you know, I was really ready to just say, OK, you know, someone else can do this and that’s when I felt the Lord speaks to my heart and in prayer just and tell me very clearly, you know, it wasn’t an audible voice necessarily but I know what he spoke to my heart and I knew that he wasn’t going to let me walk away.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah i’ve when hearing God’s voice, I usually think of it as like it’s like a small still voice in my head that’s not audible maybe for someone else to hear but that’s i’ve experienced, yeah experienced that as well where it’s you know and then the words match the character of God and I think yeah and then just sort of don’t close the door that I opened just sound that’s that sounds like God, that’s that sounds like his voice. So anyway that’s just, that’s amazing that’s a really good. That’s a beautiful a beautiful back story to how you were brought in to this work or how God has been. Yeah, bringing you in and.

Kelly Christian :

It’s important to, I think, because you know, something I learned a long time ago in ministry is if you’re doing something and you don’t have that assurance in your journey that you know God sent you to do it, you’re going to quit you’re going to give up because there’s going to be pressures and the enemy’s going to fight. But if you know you’re doing something and you know you know God’s in it, all things are possible with God it’s not with man, but it is with God.

Jacob Barr :

So yeah, that’s true. So tell us about the current, the, you know, the financial state, the financial need, how you guys have managed financially so far what’s That Financial World Look Like for Shreveport Pregnancy Clinic?

Kelly Christian :

Sure so that’s been a struggle but again, you know, God comes through always just in time. We just had our first event in October we had a Sing for Life benefit we.

Jacob Barr :

We’re church for life. That’s a new idea.

Kelly Christian :

Different yeah. We’re church girls, so having a big banquet or anything like that is just it was way intimidating for me so I said, you know, actually it was Sonia, my partner’s idea she said let’s have a singing, let’s just have a church singing and get all the people we know and buy them, invite the community and there’s a park where we had it outside they have a big platform and a huge lawn and the weather was perfect. We were able to invite everyone in, the community out we didn’t have a huge turn out, but we were able to raise a little over 4000$ and that was you know great because we didn’t have any overhead cost really. So that was a blessing and it was a great way that we could honor the Lord and what we were doing and kind of get our feet wet a little bit and fundraising but up until that point, honestly my family and her family have just kind of carried the load of the center and we have about 2000$ a month in operational cost that we have to cover from our rent to our utilities and you know the bare minimum. So really branching out into stuff that we really need to start doing, which is the marketing, you know, things like signs, stuff like that we haven’t really kind of dove off into that real deep because we’re just trying to take it. That’s another thing I felt the Lord tell me one step at a time. And so that’s what we’ve been doing up until this point we’ve just been kind of taking our own resources that we have and piercing it together as cost effectively as we could. But we definitely, we definitely need help and we’ve had some of our churches that were associated with, they’re mostly smaller churches, but people around several different states have been able to donate especially like the items for our boutique room, things like that so you know, we’ve had some help, but we definitely have need.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah and it sounds like you’re effectively in a you know at the beginning stage with the you know with the with you branching out from the previous parent company or parent organization. You’re at the beginning stage of building a donor base of building you know of essentially finding a way to cover these expenses that come with running a pregnancy center. And as you, yeah, there’s all sorts of expenses needed based on all these new things started even though the parent organization sounds like it was there for a long time, but you’re now you’re a group that’s been in, that’s come out, it sounds like and you have a lot of new expenses that are not well, it’d be nice to find a way to cover them and then grow into where you need to be.

Kelly Christian :

Yeah one of our big goals is we want to convert to medical so we can do the ultrasounds that’s a big need we all know that makes a big difference when a woman is choosing life right now, we kind of work with the other center and try to do that on the days they have it available but we need that at our center on the alternate days. So that’s a big goal for us. But you know, like I said, I know God said one step at a time and we’re getting there,

Jacob Barr :

So how have you found encouragement or where have you seen God’s fingerprints when it comes to the financial difficulties or the financial challenges?

Kelly Christian :

Well, I just seeing God’s people come together, the few that we have, You know, that’s one thing that I’m very uncomfortable with probably the most And all of this and I think I shared that with you before is, you know, I’m just the type of person that I’d rather just go out and find a way to make money and do it myself but there’s just no way I can do it all myself. And trying to learn that and being able to give some of that financial load to others so they can answer their calling and being able to give and do their part. And wrapping my mind around that this isn’t for me, this is for God, it’s for his Kingdom and it’s for his work and it’s for those girls that need our help you know, the Christian community, the pro-life community, we can make a difference and we can’t all do it in the same way but everybody has different gifts, abilities and callings.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, and someone listening it might it may be their calling or someone listening to maybe you know, God, maybe pushing them to refer this podcast in this message to someone they know who may need to hear this. And you know, God calls us each to do different things or do a variety of things and one of those things might be to donate to the Shreveport Precis Center and helping you with these, you know, this seed money that you need for building things and then some of these, you know, financial needs that you have as an ongoing expense and so essentially that’s sort of what motivated us to do this podcast was to make a call for inviting people to, you know, to inquire of God if they are being called to help assist with this or possibly to then share this with someone who may also possibly be called. Not that we’re asking someone just to donate, but really we’re asking people to inquire of God if they’re if God is saying yes, you should help this group as because it feels like God’s behind behind this push and this setup. And it also feels like you’re uniquely positioned at the edge of heartbeat i mean the Heartbeat Bill with Texas and in the edge of Texas. And then there’s a human huge amount of traffic that’s coming. Those directions cause the people in Texas that are abortion minded a lot of those abortion minded women are driving to the edge of Texas more so than just feeling like they’re landlocked. I think a lot of women are driving and so your group is competing for that closest one of the closest abortion clinics on the edge of Texas and so there’s. But going back to just the donation concept is I would encourage those who are listening to pray and ask God, you know what would you have me do god and then. Yeah and if you’re called by God to do something, then I would encourage you to listen to that. You know listen and follow and so yeah. So this might be a good time for so Kelly, would you, would you mind, you know, praying for those who are listening to hear God’s voice on this and just or somehow, you know, pray what you, what you feel led to pray in regards to this you know, topic and need?

Kelly Christian :

Yeah, sure. Lord, I thank you for this opportunity to be able to come together with Jacob and with the pro-life podcast here. And for those that are listening, God, I thank you for them and I thank you, Lord, that you would give us this opportunity to be able to come together to discuss something that you care deeply about god, your heart is for these children that unborn and for the mothers that are carrying them and these families that are affected by abortion and God, I pray that you would just help us all to do our part. I pray Lord, that you would move on the hearts of the listeners. God that you would speak to their heart as you’ve spoken to mine that they can answer a call the whatever the call would be that you would have for them in their life that they would be able to fulfill That. And God we just ask that you would help us to come together as believers and God that we would be able to make a difference in the this world and the difference of the women and the children and the lives that we are called to help. And I just thank you God and I know that you supply all of our needs according to your riches and glory and that you are faithful you have never failed and you never will and we thank you for that and we just praise you for this time and this opportunity and we ask that you would just have your way in Jesus name amen.

Jacob Barr :

Amen. So tell me about So your husband, he works in Shreveport as well. So have you been able to carpool with him for that hour drive with both of you working and commuting in Shreveport or do you drive separately because you’re on different schedules?

Kelly Christian :

Yeah, Sometimes we do not always though sometimes we’re on in a little bit of a different schedule he has to stay later or you know, I want to get home sooner and I want to wait on him so a lot of times we’ll take our own vehicle and actually the part where actually where our center is, it may be about 4550 minutes so yeah, not quite now, but yeah, Downtown Shreveport’s closer to about an hour from us, but yeah, we’re just used to it so we don’t always carpool we sometimes we take two vehicles.

Jacob Barr :

So and who have you found to be an encouragement or you know a really big help along this journey when it comes to taking on this new role?

Kelly Christian :

Well, definitely my family. You know, as I mentioned in the beginning, i homeschool have a 12 year old. And so you know, he’s made some sacrifices we moved here and moved away from everything we knew and everyone we knew and so that was a big sacrifice for him and then he’s having to give up part of his mom, you know, or he’s used to having me all the time and my husband as well, you know it. There’s definitely a cost that they’re having to pay as well and so first and foremost, you know, they have been a great support because the times where I did feel like maybe I don’t need to do this and I mentioned that to them, they ‘d say, no you can’t quit, you know. And so I’m thankful for that. And I’m also thankful for Sonia she, like I said, she, God sent her right in time because I couldn’t have gone through with what we’ve done, you know, without her answering the call herself and helping and coming alongside and you know, telling me, hey, we can do this you know, when I say, well, they’re not going to be able to support us anymore we can try to keep the center going ourselves and she said, yeah, let’s do it. You know, didn’t even hesitate. So i’m thankful for that and those that have prayed for us because we know prayer is really the most important weapon we have so.

Jacob Barr :

Awesome yeah and that’s. I mean, when you hear that, when you hear God’s voice on something or you feel his leaning, yeah, all that confidence, like you said, the confidence is provided as a result of that at that direction and so I think that is, that’s huge for when it comes to having confidence and where to spend time and effort and in which direction to go. So that’s amazing. Is there anything else you’d like to add before we wrap it up, or what are your final thoughts?

Kelly Christian :

Well, I don’t know. Just that we appreciate everyone’s prayers, even if, you know, you’re called, not called to help in a financial way we can all pray and you know, we can never have enough prayer so oh.

Jacob Barr :

That’s good.

Kelly Christian :

So yeah, I and I and I, you know, I do feel that I have friends that actually came in from another state one week right before our we had our events and things were just kind of crazy that week and we had lots of clients coming in, and these ladies were up there and they didn’t really know what to do at the center to help because they were just there for a couple days. But they stayed in the building and they were praying. And that week we just had a major breakthrough with these girls it’s like every woman coming in would break down crying, and they were so open to the gospel. And you can just feel a difference when you know people are really praying for you. There’s a lift, There’s a spiritual liberty that’s given in the center. And so prayer is key and so that is we appreciate that so much.

Jacob Barr :

Well, we definitely appreciate anyone that hears this if you know if you take a moment and lift up the Shreveport team and prayer it that would be that be that would be coveted and appreciated and loved and so thank you if you would do that would be wonderful. So thank you Kelly for being on this i hope that this will help with the this financial this is the first time we’ve done a fundraiser podcast but this isn’t mixing it with God’s fingerprints and sharing encouraging stories and also it’s very relevant to the world that we’re all looking at when it comes to the legal law side of the US when it comes to the heartbeat bill. And here we have the Roe versus Wade currently in the Supreme Court looking to be changed and the federal level which is going to affect more States and so I just pray that people will hear this and look to see how they can help Shreveport just like you’re driving 45 plus minutes someone from a different state could help could help support this pro-life team clinic or center now maybe eventually a clinic to yeah to help you know help grow towards being medical and so on and help with the all these marketing expenses these signage pieces there’s all sorts of things that but you like you said one thing at a time, that’s the way to, that’s what’s one way to look at it without being overwhelmed and so that’s good. And also, I just want to one of the things that you were saying in the beginning was like you felt like you were under qualified at times. And there was this one, there’s one quote that said it goes when something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly. The idea that if it’s worth doing, you don’t have to be an expert, you don’t have to go through years of training, It’s if it’s worth doing now even if you make mistakes. And that’s so it. So something that’s worth doing. So if God you know, gives direction and it’s worth doing at your very best even if you’re very best is at the beginning of a learning curve and you’re you’ll grow over time it’s still worth doing if it’s worth doing and so I would encourage you to, you know those mistakes are part of a learning curve and we all have to go down you know down that road of learning how to do things and I always encourage you that it’s definitely worth doing and so it’s worth going through those hardships and recovering from you know mishaps as they show up because that’s part of the journey.

Kelly Christian :

Well, that’s what I’ve learned, you know, just to humble myself and, you know, keep moving forward and that’s what God’s told me and you know, many times he said, you know, I don’t qualify or I don’t call the qualified i qualify the called. And, you know, just as a simple story as David and Goliath, you know, God has used that in my life so many times. When I see something too big for me, you know, and God will, you know, remind me, can I not take a little shepherd boy with nothing but a stone and kill a giant don’t you think I can do this too? And you know I’m like, yes, Lord, you can i know you can. So with God, all things are possible and he continues to remind us that and show us that and he takes the foolish things of this world to confound the wise and the small things the mighty so I’m thankful for that and i’m willing, as I told him, when I begin this journey, You know, here i am lord, it’s just me you know what I am you know what I have but I’ll give what I have to you.

Jacob Barr :

Oh, yeah that and humility is such a key ingredient too, for being, you know, essentially being ready to to work within God’s work that he’s called you to do i think that is so beautiful.