The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast | Episode 25 with Terri Baxter with H3LPLINE | Talking About Healing from Abortion

Listen to Terri share stories of healing & hope beyond the shame of abortion.


This is Jacob Barr, and I recently had a conversation with Terri Baxter on the Pro-Life Team Podcast about the significant work she does in helping individuals heal from abortion. Terri Baxter, the director of H3 Helpline, emphasized the importance of offering help, hope, and healing to those who have undergone abortions and are seeking restoration. She shared her journey from being a young, naive pregnancy center director to realizing the deep emotional wounds carried by many volunteers and clients. Terri highlighted the critical role of churches in fostering a non-judgmental and grace-filled environment that encourages individuals to share their stories and heal from past abortions.

We discussed how shame, especially within the church, often prevents women from speaking about their experiences with abortion. Terri stressed the need for the church to openly address abortion from the pulpit, offering both truth and grace. She shared her personal story of healing and how a church service was pivotal in her journey towards surrendering her past abortion and finding peace. Terri also touched upon the changing landscape of abortion recovery, noting a trend of women seeking help sooner after their abortion, particularly in the wake of chemical abortions.

Finally, we explored the collaboration between H3 Helpline and pregnancy centers, emphasizing the importance of providing emotional support and resources to women nationwide, irrespective of their location. Terri’s commitment to offering healing and her vision for expanding abortion recovery ministries highlight the profound impact of compassion and support in the journey towards healing.

#ProLifePodcast, #HealingFromAbortion, #SpiritualHealing, #ChurchAndHealing, #AbortionRecovery, #H3Helpline, #GraceAndForgiveness, #SpiritualAttack, #ServantLeadership, #EmotionalHealing, #AbortionStories, #ChurchRoleInHealing, #AbortionTrauma, #PrayerForHealing, #HealingJourney, #MissionField.


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Jacob Barr :

Welcome to the pro-life Team Podcast i’m here with Terry and we’re going to talk about healing from abortion and how that is this remarkable opportunity for people to go from being burdened and hurt through spiritual, essentially a spiritual attack in order to find healing to then be restored and then on their journey towards servant leadership. So Terry, I’m really excited that you’re here. Would you please introduce yourself as if you were speaking to a group of executive directors of pregnant clinics?

Terri Baxter :

Well, I’m Terry Baxter and I am the director of H3 Helpline. And H3 stands for help, hope and healing because we connect with those who have already had an abortion and are wanting to recover and restore could be restored after their abortion. So we’re national Helpline and we like to connect them anywhere in the United States. If they call in hurting and just want help anywhere, we’re not going to turn them away.

Jacob Barr :

Awesome So how did you get started with this helpline what’s the back story or what motivated you along this journey or you need to sort of tell us how that how you how you arrived at running this helpline.

Terri Baxter :

I started 20 something years ago as a pregnancy center director. I was the founder. I was young, naive, and I was a director in Denver, colorado for ten years. And as a director, I thought I was just going to be doing pregnancy tests, passing out diapers, sharing Jesus. But what I found out was I was my main ministry became the women that came to volunteer, and they had hurts and pains that they had not surrendered. So my heart started getting heavy. Here they’re telling the young mothers to trust Jesus. He’s got your future he’s going to take care of you. But they had not trusted him with their past. And that started breaking my heart because I have abortion in my past and I knew what God had done in the healing and restored me, and I knew he wanted to do that. And these women from the church and these women from wherever to volunteer, they needed to use their voice god wanted him. We say and somewhat teased, but it’s true we’re trying to get the women from out, from under the pews of the church and restored so their voices loud and they can start telling their stories to stop abortion and tell the truth about the harm abortion has done.

Jacob Barr :

What is? What is preventing the women from being able to tell those stories or what are you helping them get past like, what does that hurdle? Is it shame? Is it? What is the piece that is in the way?

Terri Baxter :

That is shame it’s shame from the church. But it’s amazing, Jacob. We’re getting calls from women coming out of Planned Parenthood the day they have an abortion, the week after they have an abortion. They’re coming sooner. And they, even though they’re the pro-choice generation, when they talk to us, they don’t have anybody to talk to they’re instinctly shamed that they’ve done something wrong they can’t quite connected they’re grieving and it’s a big and then regret, shame and regret.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, so essentially you’re providing them, so healing from.

Terri Baxter :

The heart of abortion, the pain of abortion, that the emotional pain. We don’t do any medical, of course, but we help them with the emotional because they don’t even understand they need to grieve their loss or what they’ve even lost so we help them when they call on our line, we help them understand loss and that they need to grieve and get those emotions out. And they’ve started their first step of healing, and the second step is connecting them to resources, whether it’s retreats or Bible studies or zoom now that we’ve had COVID, we can do zoom. So there’s so many avenues that we can do to help them through healing, and we turn no one away.

Jacob Barr :

So going back to what you said about helping people, is it coming from out of the pews in order to find was it you said you say healing or what did you say?

Terri Baxter :

From Yeah, it’s healing OK You know it’s still a long journey for the women who have had abortions 1020 years ago. They’re still sitting there wanting to wear their mask that we’re fine this Sunday. And the churches still it’s a long battle are not making it easy to come out and tell your story. It’s still a shameful place, even in the church.

Jacob Barr :

So I know that the Princey clinic movement has there’s always been sort of like this friction because of politics or because of culture when it comes to having a life minded, pro-life stance against abortion in the church. In some churches i mean, it’s an ongoing piece, but it’s it seems as if the doorway might be healing from abortion like that seems to be the doorway that doesn’t have all of the conflict that some of these other politically charged doorways might have in that church setting like that might be a really good place for a church to start is to invite and promote healing from abortion or sexual abuse and encouraging people to shed light on these dark spaces in order to find healing and providing a non judgmental space. What are the holdups? I guess What like what does the Church need to do in order to get to that spot?

Terri Baxter :

The church needs to speak it from the pulpit, I asked pastors you know, especially during January sanctity of life, it’s all about stopping abortion and I just ask if the pastor will, if they’re going to preach on stopping abortion. Don’t forget to preach on the grace of restoration for those that are sitting in the Pew that have had an abortion, because we know one in four even in the church have had an abortion. And so that’s the first step, that the pastors preach the truth that abortion’s wrong, but then on the backside, show the grace of the Lord. Because it’s the grace it’s not the shame, but it’s the grace of God that’s going to get them healed and their voices to be able to share their story.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah and I know pastors, you know many stories that they don’t share publicly and that’s probably one of the things that they’re struggling with is if I preach on this one person’s going to be, you know, they have a lot of hurt and shame that they’re dealing with and it’s going to be really hard for them. And I sort of feel like, yeah, the healing from abortion is a really good place to start and then and that will sort of free the space to be able to then go into you know.

Terri Baxter :

And I was blessed to be in a church that called out and showed grace that they had that’s where I surrendered my abortion was in a church service. And he had, the pastor had opened it up for testimony And a girl across the room because I was sitting there pretty proud saying, you know, I was maturing as a Christian and my family was good i’d seen my kids baptized. And then a girl stood up and said, I want to ask the church for the forgiveness for the sin of portion. And I sitting there thinking, Oh no, we got to go there. Nobody knew about it but my husband. And so I’m sitting there in the church just like a lot of women, hoping nobody can see me move the wrong way. And the Spirit started, Lord start convicting me. It’s time to. And so I went forward and got prayer and the girl that prayed with me said this pastor want, you need to tell the pastor this story and I said no. And he did that exact same thing he said, I can think of one woman in the congregation, if you could help her, would you tell your story? And of course I said no first, you know, because nobody really knew and here in the big church, I’m telling my story for the first time, but I said OK and I didn’t get to tell my story right then they came back that night and basically what I did was I knew I’d been forgiven years ago for my abortion. But what I wanted to do publicly was to lay it at the cross because everybody has a skeleton in their closet. And so I wanted mine was abortion, and I wanted to lay it at the cross, and if God could use it, I wanted to surrender it and let him use it for his glory. And that was two years later when the pregnancy center started and that started my real journey wow yeah.

Jacob Barr :

So it started with, yeah, it’s just a it’s an amazing beginning.

Terri Baxter :

I don’t recommended that for everybody to stand in front of the church to get their testimony, but that was mine. God called me out and it was a pastor that showed grace and you know, of course they prayed over me and blessed me and it gave me the encouragement and the strength to go forward.

Jacob Barr :

There is such good power, the power of prayer when it comes to a group of You know one of my favorite verses, James i think it’s James five six or sixteen. It’s the verse that says confess your sins one to another so that you may be healed. And the prayers of a righteous man availeth much right. And I think in your case the prayers of your church body availeth much, Yeah, and I believe that is and it’s right there is next to healing.

Terri Baxter :

And 20 something years later, I’m still in ministry.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, and that speaks. That’s a whole different set of impressiveness.

Terri Baxter :

Yeah, for me too.

Jacob Barr :

So tell me about your heart today, and where you see God’s heart today and in the space of healing from abortion, how would you describe God’s heart in your heart?

Terri Baxter :

Well, my life first now is Second Corinthians one three and four, where God comforted me through my trouble so I could comfort others with his comfort through their trouble. And so that’s what really got what keeps me going. Because I know God’s power i know his comfort i know his healing and he’s called us to be missionaries and to go forward with our testimonies. And so if I’ve experienced it now, I can share it with others and tell them about his power and his comfort and his restoration so.

Jacob Barr :

That’s how there’s a mission field, not even outside the church i mean, obviously there’s the mission field outside the church as well and overseas, but how much more is there a mission field just within our own community and just with our neighbors and our family and ourselves like the mission field is so close.

Terri Baxter :

And I’ve always considered it took me a little bit to understand because you do think about mission trips, going to Mexico, going here. And then all of a sudden God showed me one day you’re the local missionary, you’re the home missionary. And so keep going forward.

Jacob Barr :

The church I’m going to now, we have a slogan, Healing the city one person at a time, and one of the things that we often will, it shows up in conversation is how are you being the one person providing and providing the invitation for someone to find healing. And healing is, it covers, you know, just emotional healing from, you know, a parent abusing a child and then you know 30 years later that’s still ringing in that person’s ears. Or is this a wide range of abuse and healing that people need? You know, healing from a variety of abuses right so tell me a story about where you have seen God’s fingerprints or seeing God working in these. How many years have you been doing this again you said?

Terri Baxter :

Well over 20 in the over 20 pro-life ministry from pregnancy centre to phone coaches.

Jacob Barr :

So tell me so if you think of a story where you’ve seen, you know, god working, I’m sure you have lots of stories, but just.

Terri Baxter :

Well, my favorite one happened a few years ago, and that one I had, I was on the phone answering the calls and I don’t remember, but behind the scenes, the other phone coaches and the director at the time was talking about this New Girl coming to the our ministry and how she was excited and she was going to go through the recovery retreat. And they just kept talking about this girl i just kept hearing her name over and over. And so finally, a couple of months later, I had the opportunity to sit down just like this and I just said, Susie, that’s not a real name. I said tell me your story. And she said, well, I called the helpline and I they prayed with me and they got me restoration. And I said, well, do you remember the phone coach that you talked to and she said, well, it was you, Terry you saved my life. She said I pray for you by name every day. And of course that I thought that’s why I keep going just one person at a time, like you said. But it was so powerful and of course, we’re still friends to this day and we still pray for each other. And it was she reminded me how I prayed she said you prayed the sweetest prayer. Of course, I don’t remember that was God speaking through me. And she sent us an email and I had to go look all this stuff up because I was just focused on helping her find it. I didn’t care what her name was, but God let me go that full circle moment to see to meet her and know a name that said you saved my life wow.

Jacob Barr :

That that’s amazing. Yeah, that’s. It’s so encouraging that, I mean and how many years, so the point you talked to her it was?

Terri Baxter :

It was months. It was probably about 6 to 9 months before the full circle, because she immediately went to a healing retreat and then some other things happened in between before I met her,

Jacob Barr :

Yeah and so, and you know, Sylvia, right?

Terri Baxter :

Sylvia Blakely I did.

Jacob Barr :

And she, I just recently learned about her new ministry that’s only a year and a month old, where she’s helping people who are very excited or very interested in going after they’ve gone through the healing process, they’re interested in going further to essentially become servant leaders, it seems like in that direction, right and so I just feel like with her ministry, it pairs up perfectly with your ministry and essentially that’s like sisters you know you’re heading, it’s like a handoff to, you know, with this subset of people who are continuing on.

Terri Baxter :

We’ve had some calls from different ladies who have gone through some healing programs, whether it was a retreat and they just needed another step and I have referred to Sylvia and what the helpline looks for. Our dream is to have abortion recovery ministries, not just in the pregnancy center because there’s so busy, but to actually have ministry independent ministries where they can do what Sylvia’s doing since we’re in Missouri today. What if not for Grace is doing? They take them through a Bible study, then they do a week in retreat, and then they have a next step to disciple them and help them decide where they want to serve and that’s what Sylvia does with a RISE daughter she’s mentoring women who have already been through the healing but don’t know where to connect and maybe just need another little nudge or another little something. And so that would that’s a dream is to have more full circle.

Jacob Barr :

And that feels like that’s what Sylvia’s doing. Could also be a church ministry when it comes to sort of helping the woman who’s gone through healing and then continuing on through discipleship and I feel like not all churches provide excellent discipleship and it’d be really beautiful if they did. And I feel like there’s an opportunity there for this special, a special niche type of discipleship being done off someone continue on healing and helping them essentially grow towards being prepared and empowered to be a servant leader. And I feel like that’s partly, you know, partly why the pro-life movement is doing so well is that we are encouraging people to grow up, grow into servant leadership and providing these avenues and there’s still a lot of room for us to do more there. But I think, I feel like that’s why we have grown as a movement and as a group, and we need to continue that, you know, providing spaces for people to grow. Yes. When you said surrendered my abortion, can you tell me more about that phrase like, why would you use that word of surrender with that? Like what’s the benefit there?

Terri Baxter :

The benefit is nobody’s asked me that, but that’s a good one let me let me get that thought together.

Jacob Barr :

Because it feels like surrendering that you know that verb of surrendering it. I’m imagining like you’re at the cross of Christ at his feet. Or maybe not at the maybe you’re just simply at the feet of Jesus, right? And you’re giving it to his feet in a way that he will then take it from you almost as like you had like this big backpack full of bricks.

Terri Baxter :

Right well, I knew I was forgiven. And he’s not going to take anything out. You know, he gives his gifts. If we ask him for it, he’ll give it. But the surrendering was an act of obedience to release that abortion instead of keep it because I was still had it as a secret. Even though I knew I was forgiven, I still clung to it as a secret. I never talked about it and that’s what so many women do. So I was taking it out of the closet to surrender into the open and the light where God could heal it totally. And that’s what’s happening. Women intellectually, may know they’re forgiven by God, but they don’t experience it because they want to cling on to it. And we need to let that abortion go and give it to God to heal it, because forgiveness and surrender and obedience are, you know, go together. But they’re still different. He can forgive us and then we never do anything with it. But if we surrender, even our if we surrender our lives, you know, as Lord and Saviour, we surrender our life to Him, be Lord over us because he’s not going to do it unless we ask Him. So the same thing with the abortion is I was surrendering him to use it like you just said, any way he wanted to for his glory. And so I was giving it back to him so he and it was a healing moment when.

Jacob Barr :

You did that surrendering of your abortion. Did it? What did it feel like? Like what?

Terri Baxter :

Was for me as soon as I said that and in the church, the pastor said, Ladies, come pray over her. Well, I immediately felt the physical heaviness lift. I did not know that was that heavy on you because I had suppressed it so long and pushed it down so long. And so I knew I was immediately healed. And as a pregnancy center director, that’s then I learned about abortion recovery programs and then I learned there is abortion recovery retreat. And so I would go through them and there’d be little things that I check off and say, yes, I’ve made it this far in my healing. And then there I’d get to the chapter and I think, oh man, I got to work on this isn’t healed yet. That you know, that type of thing so but it was a physical healing.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, it sort of sounded like a weight being.

Terri Baxter :

Lifted yeah, it was I.

Jacob Barr :

Wasn’t quite sure how to. I mean, I felt like that was coming a little bit when it comes to like you’re weighed down by your abortion by keeping it inside and then by giving it to Jesus feet, it’s probably as if you know, it’s like taking off a heavy a heavy stack of verdicts.

Terri Baxter :

Right, it is and that’s a good picture because we’re laying, we’re just taking that backpack and laying it down.

Jacob Barr :

Exactly. So how do pregnancy clinics connect with H3 how do you interface or how do how do some clinics interface and how do like? What are the different options?

Terri Baxter :

There’s two different ways that we connect with the pregnancy centers. You know, they are so busy with ultrasounds and going medical and again going back to the one in four women walking through their doors have had an abortion. They’re volunteers they’re clients and so we want to be make it easy for them to have our number that if they don’t have time or have a recovery program in their pregnancy center, we can find it for them. So that’s the 1st way we can work with the pregnancy centers. The second way is there we’re finding they’re putting our cards in their ultrasound room. So if an abortion minded woman comes in and has her ultrasound and she’s still abortion minded, they can say call this number because we’re twenty four seven and all of our phone coaches have gone through abortion and abortion healing so when that woman has questions, we can answer the truth about how harmful emotionally it is, how long it lasts, you know, and we go through their three options with them and then send them back to the pregnancy center. So that’s two different ways that we work hand in hand with pregnancy centers.

Jacob Barr :

Ok, oh, that’s awesome. And when it comes to clinics, I mean, obviously you’re a national hotline. And so whether they’re in Florida or California, Texas, Missouri, does it make any difference where they are since you’re 24 hours?

Terri Baxter :

It does not make any difference a story you like the stories. Before Zoom, there was Skype and so I answered the call and there’s the lady from Germany called us she was American, but she was from German, living in Germany. And I could tell, and of course I didn’t know what to do, who was recovery over there, but I could tell she was really wanting something and she wanted to go through a healing process. And so we did Skype one-on-one Skype programs, and I walked her through forgiven and set free via Skype for eight weeks, her in Germany and me so.

Jacob Barr :

Normally, would you refer someone to a local?

Terri Baxter :

Normally I would, but the point is we would not turn anybody away. Well, if.

Jacob Barr :

Someone’s in a an area where there isn’t one local, right they could actually still do it through remotely.

Terri Baxter :

Yeah, and now with Zoom, we really can do it. Oh yeah, that’s been amazing. So that is one of the best things that’s happened for us is Zoom, because I feel bad for the ones that are in, you know, Alaska where there’s no pregnancy centers or no recovery.

Jacob Barr :

Programs when they’re super rural.

Terri Baxter :

Remote Remote.

Jacob Barr :

Exactly. But essentially they need to have Internet access, so they connect with a group. Is your group how small or how big are the healing groups?

Terri Baxter :

They, I think, well, because they’re independent, you know, they’re run independently. They’re probably 3 to 8. Ok, I know on the retreats about eight is the Max that they’ll take on the Rachel’s Vineyard retreat that’s one of that we’ll refer to. And then on the zoom calls of the weekly about an 8 week program they’ll. I don’t know if they have a Max on that, but 6 to 8 is ideal.

Jacob Barr :

So when it comes to your team that’s answering the phone and running these retreats, maybe even virtual retreats, are they volunteers or are they staff?

Terri Baxter :

Our phone coaches are volunteers. We don’t actually run any retreats ourselves. We refer to them, but because our phone coaches have the like, one of my phone coaches is a pregnancy center director, so they have the heart to carry that phone and answer and help the women whether it’s to their pregnancy center or somewhere across the country but.

Jacob Barr :

What if it’s a virtual option, like for them to get healing? The virtual retreat or the virtual?

Terri Baxter :

So restate that question.

Jacob Barr :

So what if it’s instead of being an in person, what if they’re doing it the virtual zoom? Yeah do you have some of your some of the volunteers and your team do those they?

Terri Baxter :

Can I’ve got one or two that do it?

Jacob Barr :

Or just.

Terri Baxter :

Because but I work with others yeah. In fact, we just moved to Texas and the church asked if I wanted to start up recovery program, and I said, no, I didn’t because there’s a Rachel’s Vineyard right next door that’s doing great, you know, And I could just push them over there. Yeah i just wanted to introduce our helpline that it’s available and get it involved in the church yeah.

Jacob Barr :

And that church could then support Rachel’s.

Terri Baxter :

Vineyard, right which would?

Jacob Barr :

Make perfect sense yeah so what do you what is if a clinic, let’s say a clinic’s in a relative like well let’s say they have a, they’re in an area where there’s only 7000 people and then they don’t get a lot of clients coming in, but yet their volunteers are there looking to help, you know maybe 2 to 8 clients in a given day, but they have lots of downtime. Would that be someone who might be a good candidate to volunteer and answer the phone for the helpline?

Terri Baxter :

Yeah, we’re always looking for volunteers. And of course the top requirement, I hate to say is that they have abortion healed story All of our phone coaches have had, have had an abortion and gone through a healing process before they can, but that would if they wanted to be involved but yet their town wasn’t large enough to do a retreat or a program. Yeah, I’d love to have a phone, coaches.

Jacob Barr :

Because some groups, you know, some groups have a lot of traffic and they’re fully, they’re fully booked from the morning, the very moment they get to work at that clinic to the time they go. They just have, you know some clinics have 80, you know, 40 plus client visits in a day. But then some groups have just a few and there’s lots of downtime and then it would be really exciting for groups that don’t get a lot of traffic is for them to be able to help more people over the.

Terri Baxter :

Phone which?

Jacob Barr :

Then helps it helps a few ways one gives them experience. It also helps allows them to help women across the country going beyond just their local community. And so essentially it would help the community across the country as well as helping them get better at having conversations because now they’re having more conversations.

Terri Baxter :

Right and that’s exactly right and then we’re able to help them as a small center because they don’t have enough volunteers maybe to put together a group so we can help them find and even in their local area as they reach out and maybe help us as phone coaches.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah and it feels like the smaller communities are actually really good at helping the whole country. Whereas communities like in Los Angeles, you know, clinics are very busy sometimes and they don’t have the bandwidth to help to essentially go beyond their community because there’s so many, you know, client, client visits or in Florida, I mean, there’s some clinics in Florida that are just really busy.

Terri Baxter :

Right, but in.

Jacob Barr :

Smaller areas, sometimes they feel like that’s a negative, but really it could be a positive that they have some free time to help with this national helpline situation because they actually could, you know, sort of help.

Terri Baxter :

With yes, you can be anywhere as long as you have a smartphone and email and answer our phones. That’s the cool thing is I can be here and I’m working and I can check on our volunteers to see if they have anything going. And so it’s a great ministry being virtual, but we’re national being able to help people all over oh.

Jacob Barr :

That is so awesome. Well, i feel like you are. You’re helping our country heal and it seems like that is, yeah, you’re essentially helping people heal one person at a time or.

Terri Baxter :

One phone call at a time. Yeah.

Jacob Barr :

And so that is, it’s amazing. So I am. I’m just thrilled to be able to talk to you well.

Terri Baxter :

Thank you. Yes, that We’ve got some hard ones, Jacob, you know with the chemical abortion and they’re calling us sooner as they walk out of Planned Parenthood and they’re hurting the, you know, we’ve got some trials too and some tribulations because they’ll call us and they’ll say I’m here and after taking the pills, they’ll say this wasn’t a clot of blood, this was a baby. And so we answer phone calls like that and then we heard of somebody that actually put the baby in a freezer after having the chemical abortion because she couldn’t bear to part with it. So the trauma that’s coming out of these chemical abortions is real and we’re need, you know, working with the pregnancy centers on how do we minister to these women, how do we reach them before they take those pills. And this is a new trend that’s just growing and growing.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, it seems that they’re trying to with the pill based abortion or the. Yeah, the drug based abortion, they’re having to process it usually by themselves, probably in the bathroom at their home and without any yeah.

Terri Baxter :

Support, right and so the traumas more and harder because they become the abortionist and their bathroom becomes the abortion clinic and they’re all there by themselves. And so when they call, they are crying and tears hurting yeah and nobody prepares them.

Jacob Barr :

And then there’s and then, well, it’s not a not a heavy trend here in America, but outside of America, sometimes people take the second pill as the only pill which the first pill out of the two pill regiment kills the baby while the second pill expels the baby or baby’s coming. And when someone takes that second pill only, I feel like they might end up having a live birth, a premature live birth by themselves in their bathroom.

Terri Baxter :

They could.

Jacob Barr :

And you know and it just yeah so they might they may end up doing it’s just it’s just hard to fathom that situation and what they might and what’s going on there.

Terri Baxter :

Right and we’ve got to be prepared. That’s what we’re trying to do, is be prepared to minister to them and the trauma that they’re going through. And we may be changing, we may be shifting a little bit with the trend because we’re used to ministering to women five years out, ten years out, and now they’re coming so quickly.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, that’s interesting. Yeah, that’s true so essentially it sounds like if they were coming after you know 10 plus years, there was probably a void where this wasn’t being offered you know back then and right and now that it’s more prevalent and people are able.

Terri Baxter :

With the Internet and.

Jacob Barr :

People go to the Internet to find how do I, you know, how do I help get help from this pain that I’m experiencing yeah, that’s and that’s what the and that’s what the thing about.

Terri Baxter :

That, but that is our challenge. That’s a challenge that’s coming down the Internet.

Jacob Barr :

I guess the benefit would be that they might be able to avoid repeat abortions, right, Since they’re reaching out more quickly and sooner than that’s the trending.

Terri Baxter :

Yeah and we couldn’t. We haven’t tracked that yet, but that may be a benefit.

Jacob Barr :

Well, it may not be a way to know that either yeah because if someone doesn’t have the repeat abortion.

Terri Baxter :

Yeah, exactly. You wouldn’t necessarily.

Jacob Barr :

Be able to know that.

Terri Baxter :

Yeah, but.

Jacob Barr :

It would make sense logically.

Terri Baxter :


Jacob Barr :

Well, would you mind closing closing out this podcast with a prayer for clinic directors and your heart for them and their ministry when it comes to the abortion healing side of their ministry?

Terri Baxter :

Ok, let’s do it. Lord, I just thank you for the privilege to be here. We’re among pregnancy centers right now. And Lord, I just pray for the directors in the centers that they will have alertness of the hurting women. Not only are they in a crisis pregnancy, but they’re carrying that bag of rocks that Jacob talked about. Please let them recognize that bag of rocks and help them lay it down and to heal those wounds. Heal those hurts. And find that if they don’t have the programs lord help them find the programs help them find us. We want to make it easier for pregnancy centers lord H3 helpline to do 1 less thing and let us be the professionals on finding help hope and healing for the pain of abortion. And Lord we just thank you that you are the great physician. You walk before us you’re our banner you walk before the hurting women. Be with the pregnancy centers directors as they try to fight against abortion. Lord, we know that the fight is we’re in the midst of it, but we can see the end and you’re going to do mighty things. And Lord, we just thank you that you answer our prayer. We thank you that you love us you thank you that you’ve called us to this ministry and to this movement, and that you’ve seen fit to use us your vessels, and continue to let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart be glorifying to you. Can we just ask all these things in Jesus mighty name? Amen.

Jacob Barr :

Amen. Before we wrap it up though, I actually have one so this is all free you provided us the clinics at no charge. Do some clinics donate to help?

Terri Baxter :

Help they haven’t. I think they.

Jacob Barr :

Do you guys have your own fundraising?

Terri Baxter :

Yeah, we have to fundraise. That makes sense goodness.

Jacob Barr :

And thank you. It’s just amazing how you’re fundraising so you can provide these free services for clinics who fundraise to provide medical services like this is like a domino effect of like working really hard to provide this other group with something for free. And so it doesn’t. Yeah, The pricing clinics have been doing this for a while, working really hard to provide high quality medical services and here you are working really hard to provide bone support and healing.

Terri Baxter :

Yes, yes. And that’s our heart, is to make it easier for them because they’ve got such a heavy load. But yet we know the hurting women are going in and out of those doors.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, and I just want to close this up so the person next to us in the booth next to us, which is Sarah Bowen, she’s not here right now but you know, one of the things that she said when I did a podcast with her was don’t and she got this from someone else we don’t know who she got the quote from, but she doesn’t even know but, she said, you don’t call it a spiritual attack unless you want to win. And so essentially I feel like you’re you are engaging in spiritual warfare and it needs to be, you know, the church needs to come alongside you. And I feel like you’re helping women go from battle torn to being able to put on the armor of God situations, you know, going from.

Terri Baxter :

That’s our desire you.

Jacob Barr :

Know Trying to find healing and then the church can pick up the gauntlet and take them from healed to putting on, you know, the helmet and the shield and the boot.

Terri Baxter :

That’s our desire and our dream is to do that and to help build up warriors.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah and you’re essentially taking them from, yeah, beaten and abused to the having finding that healing from that really hard situation that they were in right wow, thank you so much for being on this podcast.

Terri Baxter :

Thank you. Thank you Jacob

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