The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast | Episode 17 with Cindy & David Lange | Choose Life Idaho License Plates

Support Life in Idaho with Choose Life License Plates

Listen to Cindy Lange, David Lange, Victor Lennartz and Jacob Barr talk about the Choose Life license plates in Idaho.  These license plates will be used to raise thousands of dollars for pregnancy clinics across Idaho every year – if they can get 1000 plates on the road by the end of this year.  Hear their story here.


This is Jacob Barr, and in this episode of the Pro-Life Team Podcast, I was joined by Victor, Cindy, and David Lange. We discussed the journey of the “Choose Life Idaho” license plate initiative. Currently, there are 660 plates on Idaho roads, and the goal is to reach 1,000 by year-end to ensure these plates stay available.

Cindy Lange, co-founder of Choose Life Idaho with her husband David, explained how they started the nonprofit to introduce the Choose Life license plate in Idaho, inspired by similar initiatives in other states. David highlighted their fast progress in making the plates available on the road, a testament to their dedication.

Victor inquired about their personal journey towards this cause. Cindy shared her story of being inspired years ago by a Choose Life license plate frame and how an email from Russ Amerlin of Choose Life America sparked her active involvement in bringing the plates to Idaho. David, involved by virtue of being Cindy’s husband, expressed his surprise at Idaho not having such a plate earlier, given its conservative and pro-life stance.

The Langes detailed the legislative process, including forming a nonprofit and obtaining 501(c)(3) status. They managed to get the bill passed quickly in 2019, and by 2020, the plates were a reality, with delays due to the requirement of being a nonprofit for two years.

Victor raised a concern about the Choose Life national website not updating Idaho’s status, which Cindy clarified was a misunderstanding and would be rectified. She emphasized the urgency of reaching 1,000 plates to ensure ongoing availability and financial support for pregnancy resource centers.

David elaborated on the significance of these plates as mobile billboards, spreading a pro-life message and directly supporting pregnancy resource centers financially. They discussed challenges, such as misinformation at DMVs and online, and encouraged community involvement to overcome these hurdles.

In conclusion, Cindy and David urged listeners to support their initiative, highlighting the potential for these plates to unite communities and provide tangible support to women in crisis. They also invited participation from churches and community leaders to spread awareness and reach their goal of 1,000 plates.

#ChooseLifeIdaho, #ProLifeInitiative, #LicensePlatesForLife, #PregnancyResourceSupport, #CommunityInvolvement, #IdahoNonprofit, #AdvocacyForLife, #LifeAffirmingMessage, #SupportingWomen, #ProLifePodcast.


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Jacob Barr :

Welcome to the pro-life Team Podcast. I am Jacob Barr i’m here with Victor, Cindy and David, and we’re going to talk about the 1000 plates that will be on the road by the end of the year with the choose life tag. And right now they’re at 660 but we’re going to talk about the journey they have taken to get to where they are today and where they need to get to by the end of the year for these plates to stay on the road. Cindy and David, would you introduce yourselves as if you were talking to pro-life friends in Idaho and possibly beyond Idaho?

Cindy Lange :

So my name is Cindy Lange and I started Choose Life Idaho along with my husband David Lange. We are a very small nonprofit here in Idaho we are 5O1C3 organization and we formed. With the specific purpose of bringing the Choose Life Idaho license plate to idaho didn’t have a Choose Life license plate or 32 other states that already had them, and we felt that we needed a plate in Idaho.

David Lange :

I’m David Lang and i would to add on to what Cindy said, I would say that we’ve been told by the folks at the National Choose Life America that we were the from start to finish. The fact we were the fastest state to get there, to get it to where it’s actually on the road. So I think that you can see in the passion that Cindy has and I have that you know we’re in this, we’re very excited about this and we hope that we get some other people excited about it as well.

Victor :

Absolutely let me, I want to start by asking you guys just tell us a little bit about yourselves. How did you guys start to get involved in Choose Life? How did that kind of start out?

David Lange :

Yeah , absolutely.

Cindy Lange :

Well, I decided to purchase a Choose Life license plate frame probably about 12 years ago and had was probably the only person in Idaho that had a Choose Life America frame on my car. There wasn’t an option in Idaho to get a Choose Life license plate. But being a busy mother and working there was not something that I was had time to take on as a challenge And Fast forward several years later, I’m on the email list from Choose Like America and I get an email one morning before work. And it was basically a plea from the president of Choose Like America, Russ Amerlin. And he said that he was in Montana. That he’d be willing to drive over in Idaho. If there’s anybody in Idaho that would like to talk about starting to choose like plate in Idaho. And at that time my children had moved out of the house. I had free time and I just replied back Maybe I can help and it all started like that and i think that the choose life plate. It just brings such a positive, wonderful message to our community. It was something that I felt really passionate about doing.

David Lange :

My involvement by default by being her husband, but it is a passion of mine as well. Absolutely, we saw a need. What surprised me was that Idaho didn’t know as conservative as we are and as pro-life as we are, we didn’t already have a Choose life. Late here. So after doing some more research, come to find out that there was, they made overtures in the past. They just couldn’t find someone that really had the passion for it. So you don’t have passion for it it’s a it’s a long haul right so they found the right person with Cindy.

Victor :

Right so Cindy, you mentioned that you emailed him saying you wanted to get involved, but. At that time, I’m think you’re probably thinking like I’m not going to lead this whole thing. So how did it how did you count go from being a little bit involved to leading the whole charge there?

Cindy Lange :

Well, he did come to Idaho and we met, and I decided to take it to my group at church. I volunteer at church and there were four other people that decided that they would join in and we formed a board. I recruited my husband and we just took it step by step. We formed a nonprofit we had to get 5O1C3 status with the IRS. We formed a corporation and went through all of the legal process of that we had to do before we could even get a legislature on board. So then Fast forward to 2019 We had a volunteer who moved here from North Carolina, saw that we were working on the license plate and he happened to have some contacts with some senators and representatives and he got them on board to support the bill. It all, the community really got behind it we had almost a thousand signatures on our petition. And the bill passed within just really a few months. And in 2020 it passed. And we had to be a nonprofit for two years before we could have the plates on the road. So that’s why there was a little bit of a lag and they weren’t available until January this year.

Victor :

Yeah, well, that’s great so you guys have done a lot to get to this point, which is, which is a testament to all your hard work. One thing I was interested in knowing is. How come i looked at the Choose Life national website. How come it doesn’t stay like Idaho as like basically having these license plate it’s almost like a pending stage. I was kind of confused about that.

Cindy Lange :

Yes, I noticed that this morning and I contacted Russ and he’s going to be changing that. He had he had a misunderstanding. I we contacted him in August. Because we were looking for some grant money for some advertising and our plate had already been available and it was green on the map. But he thought that I was saying that we had to have a thousand on the road before the program was active for pre sales. So he’s fixing that, and there’s a link from that website to our website and our website’s accurate.

Victor :

Great, so. You guys are completely active at this point that’s great for people to know that they can buy the license plate right now and get that and support you guys.

Cindy Lange :

Yeah so as of this morning, we have 660 on the road. We’re updating our website every day, so you can check the progress. Just go to purchase a plate. And hopefully we’ll get to our goal we need a thousand for the end of the year or the program will be inactive and the people who have a license plate, they’ll be able to keep that for probably 10 years when the state requires them to change their plate. And then at that time there would not be any more choose like plates on the road. So it’s really important that we get a thousand, otherwise the program will go away and the pregnancy resources are going to really miss out on some funding opportunities. When we hit our goal this year, that’s 22,000 thousand for pregnancy centers. And the number’s going to be actually a little higher because we get 22$ for each but, we also get twelve dollars for each renewal. And when people go in and they renew their license plate for two years, then we’re getting that extra 12$ as. Well so David and the board and I, we strongly believe that 100 % of the funds that we received from the sale of the plates will go to benefit pregnancy resource centers. So we’re going to do that. Everything that we’ve done with the nonprofit has been through donations. Or has been self funded and it’s really a great opportunity for pregnancy resource centers to help their funding.

Victor :

Right so I have a question.

Jacob Barr :

So I was wondering, how do you pick which pregnancy clinics to benefit or to fund with those with the money coming in?

Cindy Lange :

Well, we thought about looking at how many plates are in each county and. Perhaps funding more dollars to the counties with more plates for the initial checks that went out, We decided to equally spread it amongst everybody who sent in an application. So we did our due diligence on the applications we made sure that these pregnancy resource centers do not prefer for abortion and everybody got almost 900$ in August that applied and we didn’t turn anyone down awesome.

Victor :

That’s great. So i’m kind of interested more about the law. Can you guys tell me just what do you guys think about the Idaho law? Do you know why it was passed this bill basically stating that if you don’t have a thousand license plates, specialty license plates by the end of the year that the license plate will be cancelled. Why what is the reason for that? Would you guys know?

David Lange :

It good question because when we first started this, the law was 250 plates the first year so that was our goal. And then literally within a week after our bill getting passed, a new bill passed stating that you have to have that thousand dollar thousand minimum the first year out, otherwise it’ll be discontinued. My feeling is from those that I talked to. Generally speaking it was just there’s so many specialty plates in Idaho, there’s over 7 and it’s it had been a bother it’s been bothersome for some of these legislators over the years I guess getting the special interest groups, contacting them one in their own plate so I think they just got tired of it. That’s basically what I’ve heard. And really the executive or the Senators that are on the leadership team really did does not want specialty plates at all. So, well, that person is out of office. I don’t think you’ll see any more specialty plates.

Victor :

Yeah, that makes sense and I looked up basically as I understand it. I did some research Idaho they made a law and you can correct me if I’m wrong. That extended the license plate usually you have to have a new license plate every seven years. But I think it was, I can’t remember if it’s 2019 or 2020 stating that they’ll extend it three more years so you don’t have to get a license plate. And so I was like, man, that makes it a lot harder for you guys, especially you know, specialty license plate because then a lot of people are thinking, well, I don’t need one for another three years. Is that correct or i don’t want to make this up, but that’s kind of what i found but.

Cindy Lange :

I thought you could only renew one for two years, but it’s every 10 years that they require you to get a new actual metal plate. So they’ll send you a new one in the mail. And so in 10 years, if we don’t meet our goal, then they they’ll have to get a new plate within 10 years. I think that’s what that means. You can’t one thing that’s important that I think a lot of people don’t realize is that they can. You can switch your license plate at any time. You don’t have to wait until your registration is due. They will the math how they calculate it. I think they prorate what you’ve already paid for and then you renew for the next year. There’s a couple different ways that you can do it, because you can renew your plates for two years at a time, but most importantly, you can go into the DMV at any time. Even if you’ve just renewed your license plate last week and you can switch pay the extra 35$ they’ll tag on a couple extra fees to mail it to you and to chart they’ll charge you 10$ for the metal and so I think it’s worth it. I think it’s a small price to pay they have that message out there. I think we have a little granddaughter who’s now five or she’s going to be five years soon. But I think about her and her friends soon. When you know they’re driving in another eleven twelve years, what do we want them to see when they’re in a car with their friends and somebody’s in a crisis, somebody, one of their friends is pregnant? We want them to see these license plates everywhere on the road we want it to be a visible sign that this community supports life, that we don’t want anybody to ever be afraid to tell another person that they’re in a situation that they don’t know what to do with. I think fear drives people into clinics such as Planned Parenthood. And if we can eliminate that fear through a simple little message on a license plate, I think we’ll save a lot of lives.

Victor :

Yeah. And like you said it, so not only does it raise money, but raising awareness like you mentioned and it’s kind of cool when you see someone else with that license plate as you’re driving around it kind of is encouraging is that is that your experience?

Cindy Lange :

It’s very encouraging and i just got news. Last evening that the Saint Vincent DePaul trucks in one of the counties here in Idaho in Canyon County purchased choose life plates and so that’s five new plates that we have on the road. So it’s on my To Do List to call Ada County which I think has more than five trucks and hopefully we can get them on the road trucks all throughout Idaho. They Vincent DePaul on them. That would be awesome if we could come on a choose life plate and we have mobile units for ultrasound in Idaho and I don’t know if they have a choose life license plate on them yet, but wouldn’t that be awesome to see a mobile unit in your community and have that choose life license plate on?

Victor :

It, yeah.

David Lange :

The other thing too Victor to add on to this, but if you think about it. And I did this little exercise not long ago i was riding to the office and I just counted how many times I stopped at a stop light or a stop sign and you know, just going to the office, it was 10 times, right? So we’re wired as human beings to notice things that are out of the ordinary. So I got to thinking to myself, the folks that are behind me looking through the windshield. They’re likely seeing as something they’ve never seen, right A Choose Life Idaho plate they’re not used to seeing that. And if you if you just think about a thousand plates and if everyone has the sort of the same experience that I do, going to work, that’s 10.000 thousand impressions, right a day just for someone going to work for a thousand people driving and you multiply that over the course of a year, that’s significant these are mobile. Mobile billboards that are that’s spreading a very good message. So that’s another way to look at this. The money’s great and it’s all 100 % going towards the pregnancy resource centers, but just the fact that we can get out there with this message on so many cars is also kind of exciting.

Victor :

Right. Yeah, that’s an excellent point and. Going back to the bill, that’s why i feel like this is such an urgent situation and we want to get your message out because from the law basically says that if it’s not by the end of the year, it’s not ever happening because they don’t want to allow any future specialty license plates, right so you can’t just like, oh, let’s try again next year, you know there, there’s no opportunity for that, Is that correct?

David Lange :

Yeah, that’s correct and not only that, but just to give you an idea of a few obstacles we’ve had year to date, it was we found out not that long ago, maybe three four months ago, that the plates weren’t even being posted in the DM VS. So your if you go into a DMV here in Idaho, yours some of the DM VS have the specialty plates on the back wall, right and they’re all there so that you can see them visually. However, ours weren’t so, which was interesting and we found out later on that it’s the office managers at these DM VS. That are really the ones that make that decision whether or not they want to have a plate on the wall or not. So we actually did an exercise or Cindy did went out, visited some DM VS here. Not a one of them had a the plate on the back wall. The other interesting thing is we got word. From email and actually spoke to somebody who said they went into a DMV getting the plate and they were told they weren’t available. Well, they’ve been available since the beginning of the year so that is another thing I want to get out there. They’re out there regardless of what anyone’s telling you, they are available and have been made available. It’s just that perhaps, perhaps there’s just some obstacles we need to overcome but. From what I understand now they the message has been sent out to the DMV they would really appreciate it if they posted them on the wall.

Victor :

Right yeah that’s a good point and it and it does make sense because if they’re trying to end the specialty license plates they’re clearly they’re trying to do this by requiring the thousand and also adding to that i’m surprised to hear that they about the plates that they won’t sometimes show them. You know, in the offices but also online like you think they would give an option to purchase online and when I looked online and I and I checked the Choose Life one, it says it’s not available, right and that there again, I’m like, why would why are they writing this you know, because that’s going to cause people to think that the license plate’s not available when it is.

Cindy Lange :

That’s new because I did go online and check and if you go to personalizing a License plate. It used to be available so that’s a that’s a new obstacle that we’re going to have to look into and what a shame. I think it’s such a wonderful message and I think it’s a message that will build the community. I think it will unite people it it’s something that every God loving person can get behind and even if you’re not a believer in God many people believe it’s not OK to kill a child in the womb. So I think it can be something that can unite the community i don’t think it should be something that’s political.

Victor :

Yeah. And as far as going to the DMV, I’m sure a lot of listeners like there’s that impediment like I don’t want to go to the DMV. It has a reputation, right. But do you think that’s kind of? A fear that people are going to be stuck there all day that’s not necessarily true like, you know, they could make an appointment maybe and streamline the process. What would you encourage those people?

Cindy Lange :

I would encourage them to go during the week. Monday is their busiest day but if you go on a Tuesday or Wednesday they’re not very crowded. It it’s not like getting your driver’s license where you have to go to just one location in all of Ada County and there’s hundreds of people waiting in line. They have three offices in Ada County they’re listed on the website you go to my purchase plate link on There’s a link there that’ll take you to where you can find the DMV locations. But I have heard from people that they have found it very easy to go in every time I’ve gone in to redo my registration for my license plate, it’s been a really easy process. And I also have some contacts with the Idaho Transportation Department that if anybody has an issue with somebody saying they’re not available that we’ll make sure that they get the license plate that they deserve.

Victor :

Yeah, that’s a good point go during the week. I mean, it’s less busy i thought of like maybe to just, you know bring a friend or something to do it together. You know, maybe with a couple people would be fun or you know, to encourage each other to do that.

Cindy Lange :

It would be great, yeah. I think that’s a great idea. If everybody brings a friend, that’s going to make it a lot easier to get a thousand.

Jacob Barr :

Plates and so.

Cindy Lange :

And as of today, it looks like you need 340 more plates by the end of the year, yes?

Jacob Barr :

And so it feels like the call to action for people in Idaho is to is to update their license plate regardless of it might be not being expired and ready to be renewed. But the call to action is to update your plates on all of your vehicles because we need to reach three forty, otherwise this yeah this, opportunity won’t be there the following year.

David Lange :

Yeah so this is really the big push right now if we can get over the thousand, i do believe after this year it’s easy from thereafter because the number goes down not only that there’s going to be less specialty plates to choose from because others are going to fall out. I will, I will say this yes, we need, we need if there are people out there that kind of fall in love with the current. License plate they have, whether it’s a number or whether it’s some sort of specialty plate it. If they don’t want to get a plate but they believe in this, find somebody or go talk to somebody you know everybody knows somebody that they think would fit or would appreciate something like this just let them know that it’s available and let them know that this thing needs to needs to happen this year they need to go get it. Otherwise, it may be gone next year.

Cindy Lange :

Yeah, and another thing that people can do. I have a notice on our website at and it’s in the format of a picture it can easily be copied. It’s titled Be A Messenger of Hope, and that can be reproduced in any bulletin, any online newsletter. It can be just emailed to friends with a link to our website just to let people know, hey, there’s a there’s a pro-life license plate that’s out there. And if we can get people to email their friends and get on email lists for churches, and maybe there’s a slideshow before a church in the morning and they can put our slide up there. And if you need any information, can you email shoes life idaho dot org And I’d be happy to help produce something that you can share. But we really need to get the word out. There has not been any publicity on the plate at all. We felt that was a good thing when it was going through the legislature because we didn’t have any challenges legally and but now it is a big thing and people are not promoting it. People just they don’t know about it. So we need the public, we need the communities to really join together and not just go out and buy a plate for themselves, but tell a tell a friend, get the word out.

Jacob Barr :

So it sounds like if a pastor in Idaho would be willing to let you have that slide and maybe also invite you to their church on a Sunday morning to be at a table or set of tables after the after the church service that would be a really good way to share this positive message and opportunity to support pricey clinics who are essentially saving lives in Idaho. And so, yeah, if a pastor is interested, emailing Cindy and inviting Cindy to be, you know, at. You know, maybe at a table or a set of tables to share and talk and answer questions and help people identify that this is, you know, understand what kind of long term support opportunity this is for pricy clinics and for pricy clinics this is a beautiful idea to have a passive income where they’re being supported by the work that David and Cindy are spearheading along with all these local Idaho. Drivers supporting and making it into a very, you know, supportive thing for Princey Clinics who are benefiting and able to then help the community.

Cindy Lange :

Yes, I’d be happy to speak. I’d be happy to have a table after services. And one thing that we didn’t mention on our website, there’s a page called Resources and there’s three important things on that page at the very top there’s a wonderful video that’s put out by the Endowment for Human Development and it’s about a 5 minute video and it shows from conception the full development of a tiny baby in the womb. It’s a beautiful video and can it can be shared with family and friends. I think it’s a wonderful way to teach people about life. There’s also a link on there for abortion Pill reversal. And if you click on that link, it gives you some good information on if a woman has taken an abortion pill and has changed their mind. It can be reversed. And there’s also all the pregnancy resource centers in Idaho listed. And I’m happy to tailor that message to any of those resource centers if they want to change it, If they want to put on a link to a specific spot, just let me know, send me an email. And I’d love for our website to be a gathering place for women who need help. And then they can be led to the pregnancy resource centers in Idaho that are benefiting from the plate so that we can save babies.

Victor :

That’s good. Yeah, that’s great and. I think it’s really important for the directors of pregnancy centers to understand is that you guys aren’t in competition with them, you know, for funds, right and I could see sometimes there might be that confusion like, well, I need to raise money for my center, right i can’t, you know, invest in you guys, but by sharing your message, they’re really investing in themselves, right? And like you guys said, all that money. Every single cent of every dollar is going back to them so it isn’t a competition is that is that right is that how you guys see it?

Cindy Lange :

Absolutely and I think we could take that one step farther and say if we have thousands of plates on the road leading women away from clinics that are going to encourage them to have an abortion, they’re going to need some place to go. So I think if anything, it’s going to bring more women into their resource centers looking for help.

Victor :

That’s a very good point.

Jacob Barr :

So on a different topic, since this podcast will be going out to price Price, clinic leadership across the country and pro-life leaders across the country, I’d like I’d like to try and speak a little bit about how this idea can apply to well, it sounds like there were 38 states that have this. Choose Life license plate is that right?

Cindy Lange :

Cindy 30 eight it it’s 33 and the District of Columbia is what they have OK on the national website.

Jacob Barr :

So I guess the encouragement would be for those who live in a state where they choose life license plate, you should go get all, make sure all of your vehicles are using this opportunity to make this passive income for friendly local prancing clinics and then also. Yeah, just and if you happen to be in one of the states that’s getting one of these license plate, just know that your involvement is critical. And if you know anyone in Idaho you know, this might be a really good early Christmas gift is to pay for their plate to be upgraded and then you can give them the instructions in the check. But that could be the creative new Christmas gift or just like a way to, you know, maybe send them an email about how important this is along with a link to this podcast they can see the urgency where we have we have months to make sure that pricey centers in Idaho are being supported with this opportunity that’s going to hopefully be here for all the long, you know, the long term. And you guys are, yeah, getting 660 plates so far with all the hurdles when it comes to, you know, the plates not on the wall people having to come in person and they can’t, you know, they can’t do it online, people being discouraged and so all you know, in spite of all those hurdles, 660 people have still gotten the plates and only 340 still need to get the plates and so I feel like you guys are doing really well in spite of obstacles and roadblocks. Which, yeah, which are definitely, you know, not an you know, they’re difficult. But at the same time, it just shows the passion that you and your support team are bringing here to keep going.

David Lange :

Yeah and I will say this recently, I mean, we’ve got some big momentum swing, right i mean, so starting in later, late of August, early September, we’ve seen a big push when I say big push. At least a 5060 % lift from the prior month in plate sales. So with Cindy’s efforts and then with some advertising we’ve done, we’re seeing if we could just maintain the pace little, but there’s an urgency here we can maintain the pace we’ve had in September and now that we’re in early October, we’re going to cross the finish line we’ll get ahead of it. But we do need people to act on this.

Jacob Barr :

That makes sense is.

Victor :

There anything else that you guys would like the audience to know or anything to share?

Cindy Lange :

We’ll definitely visit our website it’s choose life idaho dot org. I think there’s some wonderful information there and it hit the donate button. We’ve self funded the majority of this. We’ve had donations come in from people which have been really helpful and we need that to keep advertising so that we can get across the finish line. Like we said, 100 % of what we received from the sale of the plate that will go to pregnancy resource centers so we could use your help and email me address is info at choose life idaho dot org and we’re also on Facebook at Choose Life Idaho. Please like us, that helps and share the posts that are there with your friends. I think it’s a great way to spread the news, get that positive word out there.

David Lange :

Well stated.

Jacob Barr :

And I think it’s awesome that you’re updating the purchase of plate page every day. So if someone goes up, you know, goes there tomorrow, they’ll probably see, you know, instead of it being 660 today, it’ll have that new number. And as you get closer and closer, it’s really cool but you can and people can actually see where you are along this journey towards a thousand.

Cindy Lange :

Yes, definitely if I can put in a plug for Obviously you developed our website for us we’re very happy with it and we love the idea that you gave us on putting the updates on there every day well.

Jacob Barr :

And we’re just glad to be able to work alongside you and your team, ’cause you’re actually in a very similar role as to how we look at ourselves because you’re supporting the frontline heroes that are in Idaho and that’s often how we look at ourselves as being like the support group, you know, the Technical Support group to support frontline heroes as well and so we actually, I think we’re like sister companies when it comes to how we, how we’re helping in the pro-life world, so absolutely so for pricey clinic directors in Idaho, you should be on the Choose Life Idaho list in order to get a check from them based on the money being raised. Their heart is pouring out to help you and you need to be on this list in order to get that this passive income from the Choose Life Idaho plates. So please contact Cindy by emailing her at And get on the list as a pregnancy clinic in Idaho and start benefiting from this ongoing passive income fundraiser. And please also help spread the word so we can get to this thousand plates on the road by the end of the year. And so this is exciting. This is awesome. And it’s a really good opportunity to help clinics, you know, helping your clinic and other clinics raise funds to make all, you know, all the communities in Idaho eventually helping women across Idaho.

Our sponsor for this episode include Heritage House, Patriot Insurance and