The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast 87 | Dr. Joe Malone & Jacob Barr | Talking about the History of Sex Education

Listen to Dr. Joe Malone and Jacob Barr talk about history surrounding sex education and the desire for sexual integrity education.


This is Jacob Barr, and in the latest episode of the pro-life Team Podcast, I had an enlightening conversation with Dr. Joe Malone about the history and future of sex education. Dr. Malone, with his expertise in sexual wellness, highlighted the transition of sex education from its original health-focused purpose to a more sexualized approach influenced by various socio-political factors. He traced this change back to early movements in communist countries and key figures who aimed to destabilize Judeo-Christian ethics.

Dr. Malone emphasized the shift from preventive education to promoting casual sex, a trend that took root in the mid-20th century. He critically analyzed the contributions of figures like Alfred Kinsey and the spread of comprehensive sexuality education, which he argues has been used as a cultural weapon against traditional values.

We also discussed the crucial role of brain development in understanding sexuality and the impact of early exposure to sexual content on children and adolescents. Dr. Malone stressed the vulnerability of the young brain to addictive behaviors, underscoring the need for responsible education and guidance.

In envisioning a healthier approach, Dr. Malone advocated for “sexual integrity education” for older students, focusing on fostering respectful relationships, understanding physiological differences, and preparing for successful marriages. This approach aims to counteract the negative effects of current sex education trends and promote a more wholesome understanding of human sexuality.

For those involved in pregnancy care centers, understanding this context is vital for effective outreach and education. We explored how this knowledge could influence parenting classes and engagement with local educational boards to promote healthier, more responsible approaches to sex education.

Hashtags that match the content of this podcast include:
#SexualIntegrityEducation, #HealthySexEd, #ProLifePodcast, #BrainDevelopment, #MarriageAndFamily, #PreventiveEducation, #RespectfulRelationships, #YouthDevelopment, #SexualWellness, #HistoricalContextOfSexEd, #CulturalImpactOnSexuality, #ParentingGuidance, #AdolescentBrainDevelopment, #AgainstCasualSex, #PromotingChastity, #ChristianValuesInEducation, #InfluenceOfPornography, #UnderstandingGenderDysphoria, #EducationalOutreach, #TransformingSexEd.


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Welcome to the pro-life. Team Podcast I’m. Jacob Bar and I’m here with Doctor Joe Malone and today we’re going to be talking about the history of sex education and talking about where we would like to see it continue towards this is which is a healthier sexual integrity education viewpoint. So Doctor Joe I’m excited to have you on the pro-life Team podcast once again. For those who don’t know you as of yet would you introduce yourself as if you were speaking to a group of crazy clinic directors. I will be glad to Jacob and thanks for having me again. Yeah i’ve come to the pregnancy care center movement, I guess just the last couple of years, and it’s been a pleasure and honor. I have a background with a PHD in health with a specialization in sexual Wellness. So I’m really on the preventive side i’m really on the side of educating young people, particularly young women, about the things that they can do to prevent even getting into the situation of having an unwanted pregnancy so I work with a lot of pregnancy care centers Staffs in helping to educate them on all the biological background to how heterosexuality works so I’m really glad to be able to provide that and it’s been something that God has blessed me with. I really feel it’s my mission in life awesome so tell us about the history or, you know, go ahead and get the conversation started with what you want to talk about when it comes to the history of sex Ed and your vision. Yeah, go ahead and get us started of this conversation. Ok, That’s great yeah it’s always a pleasure talking with you, Jacob. I always appreciate it. Sex Ed really has come to be something that I think is negative in a lot of ways in our country and around the world actually, because it’s been used to sexualize literally sex sexualize our young people in and for a purpose that most of us don’t wouldn’t agree with. There’s a whole history to it and that I’d like to get into and Are you ready for me to get into it at this point? Yeah OK so let’s go for it. Ok Well, originally sex Ed in the United States, you know, starting, you know, let’s say the 19 early nineteen hundreds in a noble purpose to it was basically called hygiene and, you know, I’m old enough that I can’t even remember this approach when I was a young person. And what they did was teach the different things that the STI dangers and different things that you could get problems that you get from being sexually active as a young person. They actually taught morals and that type of thing and ethics and the consequences like I said of you know pregnancy of course and all those STISTDS So it was actually a good thing to begin with. But up to about 1960 it continued on that pattern. But around between the fifties and sixties there was a change and it started going in the direction of I think really promoting sexuality amongst the students. And the reason that happened, I believe, you know, we have to kind of look outside the United States and because around the rest of the world and along with the progressive movement in the United States, which you know, kind of started in the late eighteen hundreds and then was just getting started in the early nineteen hundreds. In the combination with these folks I’m going to mention, we’ve ended up in the place that we are today with comprehensive sexuality education that really is rather than preventive, it’s more of a promotive of casual sex. But before I get into the people in that line of the historical line, I should point out that the first modern sexual revolution and the way that we think about it happened in the Soviet Union when the Russian Revolution brought about the Soviet Union, and starting about 1918 and in the in the nineteen, twenties basically soviet union, at least the early to the mid twenties, they had all kinds of things that were, you know, the first time in history They had abortion for the first time in history they had abolition of marriage, just civil civil partnerships. Nudity was practiced widely in the Soviet Union you could get divorced just by making a statement that you are no longer married. There was a bunch of illegitimate babies being born, for instance, in Moscow over half the babies there was the early nineteen twenties were in moscow, were being, you know, illegitimately born, so out of wedlock, I should say. So the interesting thing is they tried this really modern, first modern sexual revolution in the Soviet Union, the communist approach to things in the early twenties, and it lasted until about the mid twenties and at that point, because of the problems that it caused, because of the way it was tearing up society, they started rolling it back And by the early to mid nineteen thirties so lasted for maybe ten ish to 15 years. Everything was rolled back. Everything all of the I guess they liberalizing things that they’ve done and so it ended up being a failed experiment so that’s something we need to keep in mind from the beginning but some people around the rest of the world started taking up this idea and starting instituting in other countries. And the reason I’m laying this out is because it ended up in ended up in the United States eventually and West Western Europe. So a young man named at the time George Lucox he was a Hungarian communist and he was the commissar of their of culture for their country. The country didn’t last very long but he tried to institute sex Ed there as a weapon. It was a cultural weapon to try to break down Judeo-christian moral ethics and really marriage in the family and all the people men I’m going to name off here have that common they all were. Their goal was to break down the judeo-christian basis of society. So George Luke Ox his program in Hungary only lasted it started in 1919 only lasted about a year to two years because the Hungarian communist government got overthrown but he was one of the first ones to put forth the idea that you could use sex as a weapon, particularly sex, and as a as a weapon to sexualize the young people and destabilize the society. Around that same time, 1920 early nineteen twenties, nineteen 20 itself, Antonio Gromsi Gromsky I should say who was an Italian, put forward the idea that you could use same kind of thing. You could use different things to destabilize society. And he had the term, the March, the long March through the institutions, take over the institutions of a society and then you could, through cultural Marxism, you could change the society rather than just trying to take a frontal approach and take over the society, you know, through power so between Luke Cox and Grant She, the idea of Cultural Marxism basically came about And again sex and sex Ed were major weapons that especially Luke Cox put forward as being important. Fast forward a bit to the mid nineteen thirties and there was a gentleman named Wilma Well and Reich and he’s a German again. All these people have in common that they’re communist is their communism is their philosophy. He was a German communist and he and several others of this school, they called the Franker school and called it that after had been initially called the social socialist school as the name didn’t resonate very well as with a lot of people. But the Franker school he and they ended up leaving Germany because it was becoming Nazi Germany and they were being threatened with coming to the United States, coming to Columbia University particularly, and bringing their ideas with them. He’s a gentleman that wrote the book, The original book called The Sexual Revolution eventually, but originally it was called Sexuality and the Culture War that’s what it was called before it was interpreted into English and it was the subtitles along the lines of for forming the modern socialists person. So again those type of things should be taken note of as far as the intention of these people that we’re talking about. He ended up being put in prison eventually and dying in prison but his ideas lived on after him into the fifties and sixties as we talked about the beginning he’s for instance he’s the gentleman that came up came up with the term sex positive. So it’s all the way back into the nineteen thirties of that came up. Then the next one on the list would be Alfred Kinsey and a lot of people have know about Alfred Kinsey and again American product, but also somebody who wanted to tear down the judeo-christian basis of our society. He was at Enemy out of university in the nineteen thirties in nineteen thirty. Eight he created a marriage class they call it marriage class because they want it to be accepted and it was they became very popular class, but really it was about sexuality it really is about sexualizing young people and again in his in his research which she used eventually to write two books to like a Seminole books for this whole subject Sexual Behavior in the human male was the early one nineteen forty eight and then the second one on females same title except female was 1953 The research subject that they used were people that were for in prison and homosexual folks and just and of course he’s famous for experimenting on little kids and down to even babies infants as far as how many orgasms they’re going to have at what age they could have them and that type of thing. And his, which again would qualify for child abuse, I believe these days. But he tried to establish the idea that people are, and children are particularly are sexual from birth. That’s his a very famous phrase of his. And also another thing, another word that he coined was sociosexuality, which means how inclined you are to casual sex. So again, he promoted sexuality amongst his staff. They pretty much had open relationships. His wife was having sex with one of the other graduate student to begin with and then one of the other professors and so he was a homosexual himself, Alfred Kinsey. And even with all of that, even with the tainted, you know, not representative subject pool for his research, the American universities, which again starting the late eighteen nineties, there had been the progressive movement really getting into the universities, land grant institutions and all that came about. And so kind of this communist movement that we’re talking about these communist folks coming in from outside the country combined with this progressive situation they had going on and then people like Kinzie and ended up coming out with supposedly authoritative tech textbooks that were the basis of what we use today for in most cases they use for sex Ed and so again you can kind of see how you can see how corrupt it was kind of from the beginning and that had political motivations from the very beginning. One more man I will add to this list. Man named John Muddy. He was again he goes up in the nineteen sixties when kind of this kind of all coalesced and really started changing things in society. But he’s famous for there was a pair of twin brothers from Canada called the Reimer twins that had a unfortunate accident when they were being circumcised. They were trying the newfangled approach to it with electric an electric type of machine, I guess you say instrument to do the circumcision with and it malfunctioned and one of the boys penises was burned literally burned off. And so the parents were and this is again the early to mid nineteen sixties that parents were at a loss to what to do with the twin boys and one of them without normal male anatomy. So they got in contact with his John Muddy and he said to them, I have the absolute solution. And he said, you know, it isn’t how, you know, isn’t biological what a person becomes as they mature from a baby to, you know, to a child and into adulthood. It’s how they’re raised and so you know, it’s socially constructed and we hear sex is socially constructed and he’s the one that created the term gender so that’s where that came from. And also gender identity and then sexual orientation. He came up with those terms. So what he proposed to the parents was to raise the little boy that had this unfortunate accent as a girl and then the other one had normally as a boy. And it was a kind of the perfect experimental situation for him because he had two identical twin boys and one, you know, it was in one situation, one to the other and he could prove his social construction of sex and gender theory, which was again had become and still is today as far as higher education goes, probably the predominant belief on how sexual sexuality occurs. Yes, he had a chance to raise him and they already called her a colleague, him, her and gave her a girl’s name i think it was Brian or something like that to begin with and they changed it to Brenda, put him in dresses and gave him hormones, you know, gave him female hormones and that type of thing and did everything they could to make this little boy who grew up with this think that he was a girl, even to the point of having his twin brother and he, as a mature, encouraged him to have like sex project sex sessions and that type of thing kind of imitated sex sessions, which again is, along with Kenzie’s practices, extremely just bad and just wrong and really probably criminal these days. So he wasn’t taking the boy that was supposed to be Brenda about 12 years old started tearing his clothes off his skirt off and wanted to wear pants and wanted to you know do all the things that boys do play with play with boy toys and that type of thing. But right but money John Money hid that from the public he was he said that everything was going well and she he was becoming a she and that type of thing so again this is kind of what today’s gender the transgender situation is goes back to eventually in their twenties I think it was I think it was late twenties maybe early thirties the twin that didn’t have the surgical problem committed suicide first I think by overdose and then the one that did have that was made and but by the way he by the time he was about 17 or 18 he had he had come out and said I’m not going to live like a girl another girl and so he went over to all the different things of the boys you know male clothes and ended up marrying somebody as well And so it looked like he was going to have a successful life but the damage I think had been done earlier in this in their lives. So both of them ended up dead in their early thirties the boy that had the sex change against his will you know, I mean, when he didn’t even know what it was going on, he ended up committing suicide by gun, I believe using a weapon. And again, john Money, he’s the one that came up with the along with sexual orientation and gender identity, he came up with the term sexual reassignment surgery. And so that’s again where that comes all the way back in the nineteen sixties. So with all those people that I named off as kind of the progenitors of sex Ed, it’s no wonder that sex Ed has become what it has with a sexualizing approach and really a corrupting approach to the young people that are in school now along with this, you know there are a lot of other things societally that contributed to a sexualizing environment. In 1960 the whole level birth control pill was invented. So again that took a lot of the a lot of the restraints off of sexual activity in especially the young people. In 62 the Supreme Court removed prayer from schools, which again you know they’re putting sexualizing sex Ed into schools that are taking these things out. So in 62 the prayer was removed, 63 of the Bible was removed the ability to read the Bible in class and in the school. Sikas, which is the acronym for the for the main sex Ed program, it’s Sex information and Education Council of the United States that’s what Sikas stands for. It moved into the schools in 1964 so after, you know, after the other things I mentioned the Bible and prayer being taken out and then in 1990 I’m sorry, yeah, 19, I’m sorry 1970 no fault divorce came about in the United States. And so again we’re moving more and more away from traditional courtship, traditional marriage, traditional family and making it easy to get divorced. And then finally in 73 the one that we all are very familiar with, Roe versus Wade made abortion legal across the country so to sum things up. Really, the sex Ed that was changed from what it originally had been in the nineteen hundreds to nineteen hundred or so to nineteen fifty with the hygiene approach and the ethics and morals being taught and that the bad out sequences of extramarital sex being taught it had changed over by, you know, as we went into the seventies it’s gradually just on to this from the seventies on up to today. It has become I think a really destructive force in many cases, especially the idea of, you know, going along with Kinsey’s idea that kids are sexual from birth that’s just that’s just crazy. As a scientist, you know, I can tell you that the hormone structure of children, it is anywhere near being ready to deal with sexuality that they aren’t sexual beings of that age. And again, we could go all the way through the different, the changes as children go through and into puberty and past puberty and all that, but it’s really a crazy and destructive concept so what I would propose I’m going to stop here in a minute and get your thoughts but what I would propose is that we because of the way it is, because of high speed Internet pornography and the way that porn has become so ubiquitous and poor addiction is extremely common these days. And there’s reasons we can go into on that out of it in the middle if you like but because of the fact that porn ends up being the main sex Ed sex educator for these young people if we just leave everything alone, particularly at the upper grades like the sophomore junior Senior High in high school. I think something needs to has to be done in this area and sex is such a powerful reinforcer it is the most powerful natural reinforcer and the most natural, most powerful natural reward that humans experience. So it’s a powerful weapon and these guys were right there’s a powerful weapon in their hands to degrade young people with. But I believe that there’s a way to educate them where they need to be educated and do it in a way that leads to what I would call sexual integrity education i think that’s needs to be sexual integrity education as a replacement for the sex Ed. And just one other thing I want to get your thoughts if you don’t like, it’s a scary thought but 53 % of boys and 37 % of girls believe that porn realistically portrays sex. So they there’s a large number of them that think that porn is a realistic portrayal of sex so I believe, but we have to speak into that and we have to speak truth into it and science and you know the scientific truth. But I don’t think we can stand idly by, but I think we need to recognize the history of this and realize it has been used for nefarious purposes. And we have to, I guess you’d say, redeem it to some degree and get it, get it going on the right track and be able to be helpful to these kids to have a good life and not be destructive to their lives. I’ll let you what if you have any thoughts on that. Well, first of all, thank you so much for just laying out this rudely excellent executive summary of the history of sex Ed. And it’s interesting to see the roots from communist countries and these countries in the early part of the nineteen hundreds and how this has reflected things that we’ve gone through later on in that in that century and things that we’re even going through today are still. It’s interesting to think that things that we’re going through today started with the seeds or these previous programs or these previous people and ideas, whether they’re in the US or in Russia or in Germany or in Hungary. It’s really interesting. Yeah and it’s also interesting to see what happened to their societies and these countries, because we’re not all on the same timeline. We’re different portions and we might be able to get a glimpse of what happened to their history to understand and be better educated on how to, you know, respond to our own timeline in our country. It sounds like that’s what you’re trying to point at, perhaps. Oh, exactly yeah. We could definitely benefit from their experience and from knowing about them and also to understand their motivations you know, because our motivations are a hundred eighty degrees ° than theirs is. Because we want to desexualize. We want what do you want we want to save sex with these young people where it should be saved for which is their marriage and the successful life they can have and building their lives around the family and all of the things that many of us that have experienced it know are some of the most rewarding things in life so yes it’s a matter of taking the science on it and the knowledge and putting it in front of these young people in a way that will encourage them to practice chastity for one thing. Coming up to marriage and practice chivalry on the poor part of the young men and again just respectful respectful relationships really between each other and the exciting and just no other way to put it romantic adventure really that courtship should be between a young man and young woman i mean, it’s just there’s nothing quite like that feeling of being in love and just all of it the nerves, the exhilaration, the infatuation, and without the sexual, without the sexuality, you know, without the sexuality to the point particularly of orgasm that is so common today with aquaculture. So I’ve got a bunch of questions or a couple questions to ask you what I like to start off with. When it comes to the word gender, how would you say it’s defined or how would you define that word gender? And how would you compare it to other words that we might consider, such as someone’s biological sex? And how does that compare to the word gender? What are your thoughts on that word? I think that gender, as it’s commonly used in our society, is not a helpful word in a lot of ways i think it confuses and muddies the water with a lot of young people scientifically I think that they need to be taught that between 96 and 97 % so that’s leaves about 3 to 4 % of people that aren’t but not about between 96 and 97 % of people by self report are heterosexual. And so we’re talking about the large majority well supermajority of the population is heterosexual and you know their biological sex is absolutely dictating their how they feel and how they how they how they identify with themselves. There’s only three to 4 % that where there’s a question otherwise. So I would like to have young people realize what a large percentage of them there’s no question about it the physical process carries out, you know, creates them into my and probably our opinion. Our way of looking at God’s process clearly makes him a young man, a young woman by the time they’re 20 years old. The other 3 to 4 %. There seems to be processes that go on where they end up end up with same sex, desires and then also in some cases transgender. A transgender approach or dysphoria, I guess you’d say. That’s a tiny percentage though, of the of the overall, even this, even of the three to 4 % the transgender population as far as actual, scientifically proven, actual physical situation of them having those thoughts be having maybe feel like a female but having male genitalia and vice versa. Tiny percentages, scientifically, have actually shown that to be the case before the kind of social contagion of strangendrum transgenderism has struck now those numbers are something along the lines of one in 10.000 thousand live births. They end up having a situation where they feel like a they’re male genitalia, but they feel like a female. So again, female prototype is the way we all start off in the womb before about 8 weeks of gestation then when if there’s an XY chromosome baby then the testes of that little boy start putting out testosterone and it organizes is creating help creating the genitalia area and that type of thing and in the early, again the early stages of the pregnancy, the first trimester and as the pregnancy goes on almost always because again so one in 10.000 thousand where it doesn’t work this way the brain in the later parts the second and 3rd trimester, the brain is organized as a male organized brain. And so the baby is born and it’s a boy by his genitalia and it’s a boy it is brave but one in 2000 times there seems to be an anomaly, an aberration in the process where for whatever reason that hormone exposure isn’t the same at the end of the pregnancy as it was at the beginning so you come out with male genitalia and female thinking and feeling brave. The other possibility, a female that feels like you know, somebody who has female genitalia and after they’re born feels like they’re have a male brain that’s very even more rare one in 30.000 thousand so just on the average we needed between the two, you got to have a one in 20.000 thousand chance of having actual physical situation that develops where you have dysphoria, true dysphoria, you’re born into one body and you feel like your brain feels like the other sex so in answering your question, I think keeping the keeping just sex, keeping the two sexes as the predominant approach and the predominant explanation of how almost all of human sexuality works, I think that’s the way to do it. And then I think where there’s individual variation as in all of the other varieties other than heterosexuality, I think they need to be explained on a case by case basis but to take the whole society as we’ve been doing and kind of wrapping wrapping all of the or much or most maybe of all the attention on the three to 4 % that are not heterosexual i’m kind of I’m leaving all of the 97 % 96 to 97 % of the heterosexuals does this kind of fend for themselves and figure out figure out how to live life on their own I think is a really bad approach so mostly I would say just focus on sex because almost everybody that’s all you have to worry about is are they a male are they female. And again for the small percentage that art don’t fit into that category then I think again more of a case by case basis and approach it as the need arises. So yeah, so if we have 3 % that are considered in that dysphoria section or grouping and then biologically maybe it’s one out of 10.000, thousand it seems to reflect a huge impact that our society has been pushing this mental confusion on to it seems like about 99 % wouldn’t have arrived in this space without being pushed. You know only one out of 10.000 thousand may have arrived in this space under a difference in the circumstances perhaps. Yeah that’s kind of that’s what I would say is happening in most cases is the social contagion with the with the big numbers you know of especially we can and we need kind of need to separate Jacob out a little bit the three to 4 % again is all of it LGBTQ and any anything else that they classify under there. So that’s where the T part of that LGBT is a tiny part of the three 3 % so the dysphoria really is a tiny number in reality. But with the way things are where we have in some high schools maybe 1010 students that think that they’re transgender, the odds of that happening in reality physically, physical reality they’re really tiny so what you just said is accurate. It’s social contagion in most cases. The thing is that some of them, a few, a tiny percentage of those young people are actually going to be dysphoric you know. So I guess the point i’m making is that the tiniest of numbers is the ones that are actually dysphoric as far as transgender. But again you have your three ish three ish percent % are not transgender dysphoric, but they are LGBT or L GB L GB I guess who would be so lesbian, gays and bisexuals so there’s a tidier just that’s a small percentage and it’s a tiny percentage of actual transgenders, if that makes sense. Yeah can you speak to brain development? So, like when, you know, at a gay pride parade, there could be a child or, you know, at these cultural bushes like, I saw a clip recently of Elmo from Sesame Street talking about gay pride. There’s I saw a video of a gay pride parade and there was children like one person was carrying a baby and a, you know, and a backpack. Another person, you know, another one’s like a small child holding the hand of someone. So and then when it comes to like middle school, you know, 12 year olds being voted to take hormone blocks or hormone ads or lighting them up for surgeries, That’s series of surgeries. You talk about brain development and when it comes to the youth all the way down to the youngest of ages, when it comes to influence, all the way through until the brain is fully developed and what it looks like for a 12 year old to be presented with this information compared to maybe someone who’s 26 or 21 you know, 21 meaning almost fully developed when it comes to brain development or you know, near the near the final stages, i’m assuming and then maybe 26 could be considered to be, you know, arriving at a fully developed brain for some people. Yeah that’s right i mean the brain doesn’t fully develop particularly on males until 25 or so i mean there’s arguments that it’s not until about 30 though it’s fully develops on some males and that’s what because the male males develop slower overall than the females do on average anyway, you know all the way through both physically and I guess you say mentally. So they generally end up being taller and bigger as well so there’s a reason for that as far as the development goes, development pattern goes. And we’re not the only species that happens in there lots, lots of other species where the males develop slower and bigger and stronger than the females do, we end up with about 80 % more. We mean males end up with about 80 % more muscle fiber in the upper body, you know 50 % more in the lower body so there’s a big difference in usually an athletic ability. That’s why you see a lot of the things we’re seeing now. But basically the brain, yeah, it’s got two growth spurts really from birth until about the age 5 or 6 and in during that time period, there’s going to be way over the number of neurons, billions of extra neurons in play and then what happens is the ones that get used and, you know, there’s learning that goes along with them they get, they get, they’re exposed to different things, they get they’re kept and the other ones are pruned. And so early child life exposure to different things is extremely important as far as how they develop. There’s literally windows of development that if you don’t hit them, if there are right are the right inputs during that time period, then that particular skill or that particular ability can’t develop like them, for instance, like sight and sound, hearing, hearing language and speaking language and seeing things if they’re, you know, certain they’ve done experiments where they kept them in dark rooms, you know where they’re going through this and they don’t see normally and so they are not able to see and cases hear things normally going for the rest of their life. Then the other big growth spurt of the brain is from adolescence, let’s say 1415 to about 2223 And same thing. Life experience makes them prune certain areas of the brain and create some synaptic connections and not create other synaptic connections literally synaptic connections are what we call learning we. Eventually that becomes us as our worldview and our. And our personality, who we are, there’s some, there’s a fair element of personality that that’s heritable that we get from our parents. But then the rest of it is again our experiences. So to your point about adolescent, particularly young child, you know, 1012 year old and through adolescent exposure to different stimuli, the they’re most vulnerable to addictions at that age, to those younger ages. If we get into the addictive substances or behaviors, they’ll be most prone to get a lifelong addiction to them. They don’t have much of A prefrontal cortex because and then what that is again the judgment and disciplined part of the brain and again the brain it matures from back and lower to front and higher. And so the front and higher is where the prefrontal cortex is. It’s the last part of the brain to mature. And also in the prefrontal cortex is this very important neurotransmitter called GABA, gamma aminobutyric acid. It’s the main neurotransmitter hormone in the brain that gives humans the ability to brake, put brakes on certain behaviors and have discipline and executive functioning and planning and that type of thing. So these kids that you’re talking about, these let’s say ten twelve fifteen sixteen seventeen, they don’t have much of A prefrontal cortex because it has not matured yet, which is a problem because it’s like in class I was told my students, my college students that when you were younger in high school you if you are a car, you know you have plenty of gas pedal and no brake because of the prefrontal cortex. But there’s this other the whole other element to it is the GABA system, gamma amino butyric acid again that is the main inhibitory system, neurotransmitter system in the brain it doesn’t come online until the rest of the prefrontal cortex which are so there’s a double reason that little kids, and then not up in the adolescence, really need to be protected from things that would corrupt their thinking pattern and would get them going in the wrong direction because they’re so vulnerable to it. And that’s why porn, for one thing, is really destructive and really can have a lifetime negative effect if kids are exposed to porn and if it was a get addicted to it, the addiction of porn and food for that matter, you know highly palatable food with young kids like that has an effect on them that’s believe it or not a population level probably more destructive than some of the hard drugs we think about because heroin, meth just take alcohol throw throw all of the drugs we think of as being the big addictive drugs they only end up addicting about 10 % of the population that try them because they’re unnatural they have hijacked the reward system in the brain which again the reward system as I should add that the reward system in those young kids and up through adolescence adolescence probably the strongest time for the reward system of all and testosterone in boys hits its peak at age 17 so but only about 10 % that try any of the classic addictive drugs get addicted to them. On the other hand with highly palpable food and especially porn with boys we’re looking at 40 to 80 % of the population that try it that end up getting addicted to it because it’s a natural, it has a natural satiation override to it, a binging, A binging over element to it where with another unnatural reward. We have these built in brain facilities to shut it down because it’s unnatural with sex and food which are natural drives we don’t have that same shutdown mechanism in the brain and so that’s why we end up with so many, especially boys have about 6 times the chance of being addicted to porn than the girls do and then with food addiction, so many of the girls end up end up with that. You know, I always talk to my students again about you can tell a lot by just looking at different societal institutions that eating disorder clinics have about 90 % of females that are showing up to those and the sex addiction that clinics have about 90 % of males that are showing up to those for help so we really have to be careful what we what our young people are exposed to because they’re so vulnerable at that time of their life because of the brain qualities that we’ve been discussing and that’s a great question that every parent should know about as far as the importance of trying to protect your young people from the exposure to these things because they have such a potential for addiction and destruction wow thank you for. Yeah, really diving in deep with that was that’s really helpful to know as a parent and they can imagine pricing clinic directors will benefit from understanding that is their leading parenting classes and having connections or influence over local school boards or school educational decisions yeah so I think we’ve got about 3 more minutes for this podcast and I’d like to ask you to Yeah, maybe cast a vision for what you would see as desire for the sexual integrity education shift from the traditional sex education that’s been used as a weapon in some ways against christianity or. Yeah, people with faith. Yeah that’s a great question and a great goal to aspire to. I would like to see again it’d be it’d be segregated to the upper grades first of all i think that again Kenzie’s idea of that we’re sexual from birth I think is a extremely destructive idea so I think the younger ages should be, you know, especially like up through sixth fifth sixth grade, up under where you started getting the middle school left alone. Let them be, have their innocence, let them be little kids as they want to be and that matches up with their hormones and their brains. Middle school starts with the issues start arising and I think that you know at that point I think that the basic things along the lines of difference between males and females and that type of thing I think need to be brought out again going into the upper years of high school. I shake that what I mentioned earlier. Yeah the course the anatomy and the Physiology and the biochemical structure of all of it needs to be explained to them and but along with that relationships you know how to create healthy relationships how to as a young man treat a young woman with respect. You know what chivalry means and on the part of both of them but particularly the young woman modesty and what her you know the sight of her in certain the way in certain ways that she portrays herself how that how that can affect the boys having the huge amount of testosterone they have at the time and very little prefrontal cortex and GABA, GABA system in their brain to stop them from having impulsive thoughts and that type of thing so I think that the education, that education needs to be put at, it also needs to, they also need to realize that leading towards a successful marriage, sexual integrity is so important because it’s really what drives everything and particularly the young man towards, you know, making the effort for a young woman having the drive to actually commit at maybe an earlier age, which historically again, our ancestors have gotten married more around age 20, especially on the male side of things and then even, you know, down into the teenage years for the female side of things on average looking back in our history. And, you know, there’s a reason for that physiologically because females peak fertility is between age 19 and 29 Males is 24 to 26 So having babies, being married, first of all, having babies in their twenties that especially their early, twenties is extremely. Beneficial and, even you know, a woman who has a baby closer to age 20, her first one, and compared to one that has the baby, their first one at 30 has half the chance of getting breast cancer in your lifetime as the older, older, older birthing woman has so the patterns from the past I think have a lot of wisdom for us and I think helping our young people to get on the pathway of again, chase relationships, positive regard for the opposite sex, Not only that, but just respect and actual admiration because again, both sexes need, we need each other and both of the sexes do amazing things, are able to do amazing things in this whole pulse of us so educating with sexual educate, sexual integrity education, educating toward those marriage outcomes. I believe this is the important thing because again, marriage has a huge benefit to the individuals, you know, like as a couple, then as their children are born and then their town, their state, their country in the and the world basically. So marriage is really underrated, undervalued, but teaching, sex education, sexual integrity education, which is what I’d like to see it change into with the purposes of promoting great marriages and great families i think that is something that’s sorely needed in this country and really around the world.

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