The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast 79 | Dr. Anthony Harper & Jacob Barr | Insight as the Pro Life White House Reporter

Listen to Dr. Anthony Harper and Jacob Barr talk about Dr. Harper’s experience as the Pro Life Reporter who has engaged with the recent White House Press Secretaries.


This is Jacob Barr from the Pro-Life Team Podcast. In a recent episode, I had the opportunity to talk with Dr. Anthony Harper, a White House correspondent, about various critical issues related to the pro-life movement and his experiences at the White House.

Dr. Harper highlighted his role as the lead reporter at the White House for evangelical churches, focusing on the right to life issues of a child. He shared his challenges in engaging with the current press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, noting her reluctance to address questions on the right to life and other human rights concerns. Harper emphasized the importance of addressing these issues, particularly the sanctity of life and marriage, from a biblical perspective.

Harper also spoke about the lack of transparency in the current administration, mentioning how a majority of reporters, including himself, often get ignored in press briefings. He stressed the need for greater representation and voice for Christian and Jewish perspectives in the media, especially concerning matters like abortion and religious freedom.

Additionally, Harper discussed the global human rights issues, particularly focusing on China’s treatment of Uyghurs and Christian persecution in African countries. He expressed concern over the Biden administration’s approach to these international human rights violations and its failure to address them adequately.

Throughout the conversation, Dr. Harper emphasized the need for Christians to be more involved in media and governance to advocate for pro-life and religious freedom issues effectively. He called for prayers for protection, provision, and opportunities to speak on larger platforms to spread the Christian message on these critical issues.

Reflecting on this insightful discussion, relevant hashtags include: #ProLifeAdvocacy, #ChristianMedia, #RightToLife, #ReligiousFreedom, #HumanRightsConcerns, #PressTransparency, #BiblicalPerspectives, #GlobalHumanRights, #ChristianInvolvement, #MediaRepresentation.


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Dr. Anthony Harper :
I’m Doctor Anthony Harper i’m a White House correspondent welcome to the pro-life Podcast here. That is so important we’ve been addressing in our conversations today about the significant issues surrounding a child’s right to life what’s going on at the White House about the expression of the on behalf of a child’s right to life that I have mentioned several times, even yelled out questions have been there at the We talked about the being out there the day of the Roe V Wade decision in June, in June of this year, confronting the press secretary. I was at the Supreme Court that also didn’t needed to mention the Supreme Court that day interviewing people, whether they’re the abortion people or the pro-life people. And the answers, the solutions to getting involved by being on the school board, making a difference in the other leadership positions so you can make a difference, but you’re going to have to get involved that’s another part that we talked about tonight and you know, supporting the Christian media as ever before, you can spread the word. Also so important to let people know how important the Christian media here is on the child’s rights of life to be a continuing presence and influence on not only the press there, but the news reporters. I might besides the news reporters, but the White House and the news reporters so lot can be done.

Jacob Barr :
So Doctor Harper, I’m excited to have you on the pro-life Team Podcast. Would you introduce yourself as if you were talking to a small group of pricey clinic directors?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, I would say that i’m the lead reporter at the White House for evangelical churches regarding right to life issues of a child. So I’m the principal reporter at the White House about those issues. And so I’m a White House correspondent and I’ve been to the White House for been off and on for 11 years and on a lot of human rights issues but the child’s right to life is the number one human rights issue.

Jacob Barr :
So what’s your experience been working with the current press secretary, Karine Jean Pierre?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, it’s French and it’s supposed to be Korean or Karine jean Pierre. But anyway, but she’s a very troubled person and of course anti child’s right to life. Actually, what’s very significant is Fox News did a story about my what about a child’s right to life question, you having to yell that out because she refuses to call upon me. She is afraid to call upon me to address the child’s right to life issues and other human rights concerns but significant What was that i was with her on the Roe V Wade decision in June of this year and I had a confrontation with her at her office, face to face, asking her what about a child’s right to life after she canceled the press meetings that day. I asked what a response to a Christian audience it is but she wouldn’t respond and she seemed to be ashamed and she wouldn’t look in at me in the, in the eyes at all and just turned away and walked away so, and I did see her today and I had kind of an intense meeting with her, just briefly asking her to call upon me to ask, let me ask questions but she was looked very hostile.

Jacob Barr :
So has she, Yeah so what’s your what’s the history of being called upon or not being called upon and ignored what’s that been like?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, you know for the for this press secretary, it’s very troubling she refuses she’s never called on me but the previous press secretary, Jennifer Sake has called on me a couple times and has acknowledged me. So Jennifer Sake was more open minded and would let me has these questions on behalf of Jewish and Christian people. But anyway, it’s very disturbing about this press secretary who has a history of being anti-Semitic and very clearly she’s supporting A Biden’s agenda of killing children in abortion.

Jacob Barr :
So yeah so Speaking of that, So what which groups of people and which ideas do you represent in that press room?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Ok well, I’m with the Intermountain Christian News representing all the Christian newspapers and North America in Canada, US so about 8 million readers so i’m usually the only Christian media outlet person there as far as evangelical Christian, there’s of course the Catholic News Service there that’s there daily. But you know, I I’m there and then I’m also for the Israel news Service called Newsreel. So actually the principal reporter about anti-Semitism In addition, the there’s a lot of the Jewish reporters, actually the Jewish reporters that I know are not getting called on either and so but i ask questions on behalf of them.

Jacob Barr :
When it comes to the other people in the room, does anyone get called on that represents the Christian faith or the OR the Jewish faith or the right to life or things along these lines?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Very rarely, I mean other than you know, the Catholic News Service actually got called on today as his name is Owen Jensen. He’s very good at getting the questions out because he’s with a large Catholic you know network EWTN. He has a little bit more influence i don’t have the largest network as he does, but he’s been very good about yelling out questions and when I have always followed him after he’s yelled out something i usually get a better opportunity to get the question in if I follow him and yelling and.

Jacob Barr :
So what are your thoughts on having to yell to get your question heard versus having it, you know, simply having a turn like a normal turn?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Yeah, it would be so much better, wouldn’t it, if I could be called on, and I mean that respect, you know, for the press secretary to ignore the evangelical Christian audience, which is very large, right total of lack of transparency, even though they brag about, she brags about being transparent. And I should say that this is not squaring up with, you know, the protest letter that has been sent to the White House by a majority of the reporters there that are being mistreated it’s just not me, but they’re a majority of the news reporters in that press room are being ignored. They have 7 rows of seven seats, of 49 seats. Only that usually the first two rows of reporters are getting called on and they get to ask multiple questions. So there’s a protest letter everyone can read on the Internet just by going and do a search for news reporters protest at the White House. Now this protest letter is signed by Sam Donaldson, a very famous news reporter that was with ABC News for a long time and also signed by the White House Correspondents Association director and many other reporters, including the Playboy reporter who pinned most of these complaints. The main complaints in the protest letter are about denied access not explaining to why we often get the response when we’re trying to apply to get into press events that the usual response is that they’re not is not space available but that’s a lie there is space available and they’re not explaining how they arrive at this decision. So very serious threats on freedom of the press here by this administration.

Jacob Barr :
What questions? What what? What you know, with all that time waiting, what are your What’s one of the questions that you would love to ask?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, you know, like i had asked before and Fox News covered, I need to know what about a child’s right to life and in light of the Declaration of Independence said that we’re endowed by a Creator with certain unenelievable rights to that of rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. So the rights of life were endowed by Creator, apply to the unborn, to the child in the womb. The child is a human. And so this is the denial of the science, of the reality. So I the number one question here is to ask, what about, in the light of the Declaration of Independence, about the child’s right to life, the God-given right to life, the freedom and pursuit of happiness. Those are those key elements for our nation’s what makes America so great? But in addition also would be the questions on the sanctity of marriage about their response to the Bible you know there’s they’re lying to me today by saying a majority of people in America support same sex marriage, which is not true. There are majority of evangelical Christian evangelical Christians, evangelical Protestants specifically, that oppose same sex marriage and as well as majority of Muslims that oppose same sex marriage. And Mormons, a majority of them opposing same sex marriage so I would disagree with them, to the with the White House that they are lying to say that a majority of Americans support same sex marriage.

Jacob Barr :
To this, it sort of seems like when she’s, you know, picking certain people to ask questions, she’s reinforcing her the bias or the lie when it comes to there being a controversy on a topic like that.

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Yes, she’s very good at propaganda. That’s what I tell like I’m in a propaganda camp at the White House more than ever before. So this press secretary is the poster child for L, GB TQI whatever letter you want to put after that. But she’s in that position because she’s the first black news press secretary and she’s the first LGBTQ person as well, and not very qualified, by the way, as complaint I hear from a lot of news reporters. She’s not very professional, so she doesn’t have the support of the majority of reporters at the White House.

Jacob Barr :
So when you’re observing her at the podium, it seems like she she’s often reading from her from the, you know, for the pre prepared papers, which makes me think that there’s probably a lot of pre prepared questions that allow her to then read a response does that seem like the case in many situations there or?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, it is, but it’s not the but it’s not the first time this has happened before actually with Trump’s press secretaries as well with Kaylee McKinney and Sarah Sanders they have their book with them and they were reading responses out of that and just in anticipation is that they’ve got the questions ahead of time. So this has actually been going on for quite some time. But you know because this current press secretary is so value, she’s evaluated with a lot of anti I would say anti American views, anti constitutional views, anti Christian views that makes it make makes her problems stand out very well she’s really not a very good communicator. I would say that is a major complaint by a lot of reporters here. She has very nervous habit people might have noticed in your behavior. She flashes her eyelids. She flashes her eyelids nervously. Certain ways she and she saw spoken she’s she kind of reminds me of Kamala Harris with the hyena laugh in a in a different way. Very upsetting. This press secretary would, you know, really, on one hand, if hypocritically, say she’s transparent, but she’s really not.

Jacob Barr :
Yeah. So what’s another question that you would love to ask when given the chance to ask some questions?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well there’s another question about the Uyghurs that in the Chinese internment camps I’ve been trying to ask as well what about China’s you know it’s speaking about China’s human rights violations, major human rights violations and asking them what about specifically the organ harvesting and forced sterilization that is happening and the internment camps this is a big issue china is a big human rights violator in killing a lot of children by the way, we know that history and that track record and not to mention the assault on religious freedom there in China being the source of the China viruses President Trump would refer to.

Jacob Barr :
What sort of response would you think? What yeah what kind of response would you expect a as a healthy response to your China question when it comes to the human rights in forced serialization, are you do you think we need to have pressure there to you know what kind of response could America have in a healthy?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Way well, you know the America the buying administration could make them accountable to really speak out and acknowledge. The Biden administration has never acknowledged the forced sterilization or the organ harvesting issue that I know of. So they need to deal with reality and acknowledging its existence. So they’re sad. Sad to say they’re in denial on several fronts of your major human rights abuses now there’s also the issue of Christian persecution that is happening in African countries right now. There are Africans leaders from the African nation are here at the White House. And I yelled at a question about what about Christian persecution in Africa. Now this is happening clearly in Nigeria, where Christians are being slaughtered by the terrorist group Boko Haram. Also in Somalia I’ve heard of stories about Christian persecution as well as in Ethiopia, but there are several other countries, most likely in Africa, where there’s Christian persecution is happening and the killing of children.

Jacob Barr :
So how is how is the press secretary handled those questions regarding these human rights issues in Africa?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Now she hasn’t addressed them to my knowledge. And also, you know, I haven’t heard one reporter, I haven’t even heard the African news reporters talk about the persecution of Christians there or the abortion issue. That’s very disturbing.

Jacob Barr :
What? Yeah, Speaking of abortion, what question would you ask on that topic when given the chance?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, as I mentioned, you know, addressing the child’s right to life about the sanctity of the life. Another way of wording the question would be for the press secretary not only about acknowledging their constitutional right because they’re human, but what about, you know, the under reported, under reported incidences of you know, the forced sterilization and the abortion that is happening here in America.

Jacob Barr :
Yeah, they seem to be doing quite a bit on that front and for them to not address it just shows that they’re not looking to be confronted on that topic, even though they’ve done a lot to make abortion more accessible. Yeah, it’s just that I feel like they’re pushing there, but yet they it’s for them to not even, you know, open it up. The dialogue is frustrating and I’m sure to you to not even have the chance to.

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Yeah you know, along with that is the heartbeat issue in several states passed the heartbeat law. So it would ask the press secretary what about her response to the scientific evidence for the heartbeat of the child? And that being the main reason, one of the main reasons for, you know, opposing abortion because we have scientific proof there is a heartbeat of the child, there’s brain activity. So this is very alarming the press secretary would deny the science in this matter. Really got to really hold her accountable, Impress her on that issue about dealing with the science on that issue.

Jacob Barr :
So Doctor Harper, when I think of you, and we’ve been work, we’ve been working together for quite some time i’ve been helping you with your website hosting. When I think of you, I often think of you as a man of prayer because you often will ask, you know, how can I pray for you and then you often also will ask for prayer for things going on in your life. And so I just want to say that I think that’s a really excellent quality. And I’d like to ask you for those who are listening, how might, you know, how might they pray for you because I’m sure there’s several good areas here I like, yeah, he’d like to hear your thoughts on how someone could pray for you as you’re in this White House press room not being called upon normally, but how could they pray for you to have better access or have a better impact in our country?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, the I think of the three PS as protection to pray for protection for me and provision for me to stay at the White House. We have a nonprofit organization, the Intermountain Christian Newspapers so funded mostly by donations, pray for the provision to state the White House is very expensive to be in this area for transportation needs as well back and forth between Idaho, representing the Intermountain states, the only Christian newspaper in the holy Intermountain area, about 6 states you know spanning from Colorado over all the way to Reno, nevada and up north in the in the northern Idaho and South into southern Utah, down even to Northern Arizona to the mountain areas, some big issues so besides protection and provision, also platform opportunities to speak on Fox News and other large platforms about our Christian concerns at the White House. Because as I said, you know, I’m usually the only Christian media person at the White House, is specifically evangelical of the evangelical community. So this is a big deal. We need to have more good reporters that aren’t afraid. You can pray for courage for me and these open doors.

Jacob Barr :
What what’s your what what’s it like being there in that room with some people always getting called and then some people being ignored, just as, yeah, just as often.

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, it’s very frustrating. Obviously that’s what’s led to these outbursts. We’ve had several reporter revolts or protests there i’ve been involved with a couple of them. And there’s one reporter from an African news source by the name is Simon Ataba, I believe the way you pronounce it but he’s been in the news lately because the way the press secretary has discriminated him against him as African news reporter and so he was recently on Fox News with Tucker Carlson about this discrimination that’s happening. But he is very aware of the discrimination that I’m experience experiencing as a member of the Christian media. And he’s very upset about this and she is, he knows clearly mistreating me is, you know, for the press secretary to ignore a large part of the US population. Evangelical Christians make up a huge portion she’s totally ignoring when.

Jacob Barr :
It comes to the you know, the rights that we have such as like the right to free speech and the right of the rights of they’re having a Free Press. What kind? How does that how does the rubber hit the road when it comes to having access to do an interview with the press secretary? Or, you know, if she’s not going to ask, you know, ask you let you ask a question in the press room do you have an option to engage with her outside of the press room, or what kind of access do you have?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Ok, no, she’s not open at all to be on camera with me, anything with me off, you know, out of the press room either. So her assistant that guards her door, usually shuts the door when I arrive. So she doesn’t want anything to do with me and I make it very I make it very clear to her about a child’s right to life. I share scripture with her in email. You know I make I make the points very strong about you know our concerns about not only a child’s right to life but anti-Semitism issues the Chinese Uyghurs and other human rights abuses that are happening throughout the world. She just not able to deal with she can’t handle these type of serious questions and neither can Biden that the actually the press office is trying to protect Biden from the press. That is why this behavior is happening because he can’t mentally handle a press. Some engagement with news reporters he would have a meltdown. The press secretary has had a recent meltdown with that African news reporter. You can see it on video but she really she really gets irritated. And so I suspect it’s because they’re trying to protect abide in front of the press in this way restricting our access because he has Parkinson’s symptoms. You can look on the on the website for Mayo Clinic you can see the list of symptoms for Parkinson’s and I have a doctorate degree in psychology master’s degree in counseling i’ve observed these Parkinson’s symptoms and people that I’ve worked with and almost anyone I think with half a brain to see these symptoms in Biden the specifically cognitively that he’s deep. His defects have been addressed by at least fifty members of Congress Republicans that have demanded A cognitive test of him and suspect that he would have Parkinson’s now Parkinson’s often didn’t include some mental issues as well cognitive issues being involved with Parkinson’s symptoms. So we have plenty of evidence of the symptoms in him. I have observed Parkinson’s reactions in him by seeing involuntarily, violently shaking his right arm. I’ve seen tremors in him and I’ve seen the way he walks across the White House lawn, that stiffness that he has in his walk. We’ve also had him on video of falling over when he’s ascending going into a plane and the White House send it just because of strong wind but that’s not the case. He easily he has a habit of, you know, accelerating his walk, his speed and even his speech. So if you go to the website for Mayo Clinic, you can see those symptoms of Parkinson’s that need to be addressed that other reporters are not addressing here.

Jacob Barr :
What’s your thoughts on if Biden’s going to run again in two years and if he does, what would that mean for our country when it comes to, you know, essentially 2 years more advanced in this Parkinson situation and having mental, just not having capacity or the ability to process the things that are coming at him as a leader?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, he has, I think, been deluded to think that he could run again. So I’ve heard statements from the White House, from the press secretary, but he intends to run again as president so it shows that he’s that shows proof that he has some mental decline there because he’s he can’t, he can’t even assess his own ability to his the capacity to fulfill the roles of president. But number one spiritually he’s not qualified. Spiritually and he’s hypocritic when he’s saying that he’s a good Catholic because most good Catholics do not support killing babies in abortion. They don’t support same sex marriage. So this is a total, yeah, total joke, total hypocrisy that he could say that he’s a good Catholic and support our constitution. That’s not the case at all he he’s a very good liar, just like the press secretary and so many others here.

Jacob Barr :
Yeah and doesn’t seem like he’s held accountable because, yeah, I mean, he’s just known for not having good answers like it’s not like he’s if you could ask Biden a question and he had the, yeah, what question might you ask him? You know, assuming he has the mental capacity to then also answer it?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, i guess you know the number one of the top questions will be asking what? What justification does he have for his decisions? Where in the Bible does it say that the child could be terminated because you know that the issue of the Catholic Church teaching on right to Life is very clear. The US Catholic Bishops outspoken and being critical of Biden and that’s actually one of the questions that came up by the Catholic News Reporter today was a response to the US Catholic Bishops that reject same sex marriage but also they reject abortion, the killing of children. But you know, biblically the Apostle Paul talks about reasons for not allowing someone to have communion. If you remember and other people that are listening to this, that the concept of worthiness or taking qualifications take communion has come up several times. But the Apostle Paul addresses this and in the in the New Testament about this he explains This is why some of you are sick and some have died because you take of the body of Christ in an unworthy manner. So I would want him to respond to the scripture. What the Apostle Paul is saying with church leaders are saying on this matter about his worthiness to take it because he’s violating the sixth. Commandment taking innocent life. God’s Word says not to kill, to take innocent life.

Jacob Barr :
Yeah, and that makes yeah, that makes perfect sense. Well I really appreciate your time Doctor Harper and i hope that people will find this interesting and helpful is and I’m sure they’re they have gratitude towards your effort to represent the faith community to represent the life within the womb that’s being targeted by the abortion industry and that just the evil that lurks in that space. So thank you so much for yeah standing up for life and what what are your hopes, I guess for the future, you know, when it comes to you know, greater representation for Christians or greater access for people who hold these beliefs to have their views represented and in government.

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, the opportunities are very good here if Christians get behind their words and support the Christian media at the White House. And it’s not just, you know, for opportunity to be with the press secretary or ask questions of Biden here. It’s the influence on the other media people here. We need courageous Christian media that not afraid to try to have to be a good influence on the other reporters to educate them about our Christian concerns. The other reporters need to hear our about our Christian concerns here on a daily basis. We need to have that presence on the ground here. Or, you know, our complaints about the media go nowhere if we’re not willing to put up money to support the Christian media here.

Jacob Barr :
What’s been your experience talking to other reporters and trying to be an impact on them? How is that done?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well, overall, I would say I’ve been having some good experiences here with several reporters and some of them with these secular news outlets are Christian people. So I’ve been able to encourage them and with other reporters that aren’t from the Christian perspective, they they’ve asked me to pray for them. So I have an opportunity. I’m also a chaplain, I’m a Southern Baptist chaplain and I’ve been able to pray for other reporters here. So that’s a good part of this has been able to make a difference, to encourage them and to pray for them. And so it could have a very unique position most reporters aren’t chaplains as.

Jacob Barr :
Well thank you so much for being on this podcast would you would you wrap this up by saying a prayer that those who are listening could pray along with you in order to seriously, yeah, bring better things for our country and for the lives of the unborn when it comes to trying to advance healthy ideas and the right to life and things along those?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Lines OK for just pray for the for the child right now for God’s involvement. Father, we pray in Jesus name of Nazareth by the Holy Spirit for protection over children that are being killed in abortion. Father, we pray conviction in Biden and everyone at the White House, in the Congress, in our court system, throughout America, conviction and in even specifically a father, we pray that you would help them hear the screams of the children that are killed in abortion. Father, that we will, that you would grant that prayer that they will hear the screams of the children killed an abortion that is so as urgent that they hear their screams to know that these babies are humans, that they have a right to lie. We pray, Father, that they will see that they are sinners that need Jesus as well, that they will repent from this evil. As President Lincoln had called for America to return to God to repent of its many national sins, and we do have many national sins now. So pray, Father, that you would you would just bring that conviction to their hearts tonight and that you would help us to pray according to your will in this matter on behalf of the children that can’t speak for themselves. Father, we pray throughout the world that people will hear the screams of the children and do something about it to stop this evil. We pray for courage for our law, lawmakers in the people in the White House and throughout our land and our government. Courage for them to stand up and speak up. I’m not worried about what other people think, but to be obedient to your law. Amen and for your glory.

Jacob Barr :
Amen. I’ve got one more question for you. What do you think it looks like when a public school board is full of secular people who are pro, you know, same sex, marriage pro, LGBTQIA, pro, all these things? What would it look like for a public school board to have someone on that board who looks at life through a biblical lens and in order to essentially try and turn, you know, that organization into a, you know, essentially making decisions through a biblical lens so what would that look like in your opinion?

Dr. Anthony Harper :
Well it looks like different and what we need is courageous a Christian people to be on those school boards. I encourage people to be salt and light the Bible talks about this issue jesus said that we’re called to not hide our light but to put it up for everyone to see. So i just would ask for people to get involved with being on the school board, to apply to be on that, to be in other leadership positions. You can make a difference, but good people have to stand up and speak up on this matter, get involved. If we don’t there in the absence, in this void, evil would gladly take the place, and we see that happening all the time.

Jacob Barr :
Well, thank you again for being on here and I’m excited to share this with the Tracy Clinic Directors and anyone else who happens to come across this podcast. And so just, yeah, thank you for what you’re doing and I hope this is an encouragement to you to keep going and that you’re appreciated by those that you’re impacting and staying up.

Dr. Anthony Harper :
For well, thank you i want to invite everyone to go to our YouTube channel. You just type in my name, Doctor Anthony Harper, for the YouTube channel we’re also on Rumble but in a mountain Christian news search for our YouTube or Rumble and you know, spread the word about a YouTube channel that to subscribe also to our Rumble channel and we can make a difference, but we’re going to have to speak up, going to have to support Christian media at the White House and hopefully a lot more people will be doing that here soon. And I will say by the donation mentioned before, nonprofit donations are tax deductible people can go to our website i am and click on the donate button to make a difference so that I can ask the questions about the child’s right to life on a regular basis here.

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