The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast 78 | Melanie Jean Garuffi & Jacob Barr | Spiritual Warfare Behind Pregnancy Clinic Work

Listen to Melanie Jean Garuffi and Jacob Barr talk about the spirit behind abortion and the spiritual warfare that pregnancy clinics are engaged in.


This is Jacob Barr with another episode of the Pro-Life Team Podcast. Today, I was joined by Melanie Jean Garuffi, a pastor, founder, and executive director of Life Choice Pregnancy Center of Western North Carolina. Melanie shared her journey from South Jersey to North Carolina, where she felt called by God to start a church and a pregnancy center. She emphasized the importance of listening to God’s voice, whether through a still, small voice or through other believers, and how this has guided her in her ministry.

Melanie recounted the vision God gave her, where she saw young people holding a blank scroll across mountains, symbolizing the unfolding story of life and God’s plans. Her move to North Carolina was a step of faith, met with challenges and spiritual battles, but also with God’s provision and guidance. She stressed the significance of starting each day with prayer at the pregnancy center and how this aligns with her pastoral experiences, where prayer invites God’s anointing and guidance.

A powerful testimony Melanie shared was about a woman she had an argument with over abortion at McDonald’s. This woman later recognized Melanie at a gas station, showing a change of heart and attitude, which Melanie attributes to prayer and consistent, loving testimony.

Melanie and I discussed the spiritual warfare behind the pregnancy clinic work, comparing the biblical stories of Moses and Herod to the current abortion issue. We talked about the systemic targeting of black babies in abortion, reflecting on Margaret Sanger’s eugenicist ideologies and how these ancient spirits of harm against children manifest in our world today.

The podcast concluded with Melanie leading us in prayer, asking for God’s protection, inspiration, and provision for everyone involved in pro-life work, from executive directors to clients. She prayed for the removal of fear from clients and for the financial needs of the pregnancy centers. Melanie’s prayer was a powerful reminder of the spiritual nature of pro-life work and the need for God’s presence in all our endeavors.

#Hashtags: #ProLifeTeamPodcast, #LifeChoicePregnancyCenter, #SpiritualWarfare, #PrayerInAction, #GodsGuidance, #CultureOfLife, #ListeningToGod, #FaithJourney, #PrayerWarriors, #GodsProvision, #HeartChange, #BiblicalPerspectives, #AgainstAbortion, #SpiritualBattles, #MargaretSanger, #Eugenics, #PowerOfPrayer, #ProLifeMinistry, #ChristianLeadership, #SpiritualInsight, #OvercomingChallenges, #DivineEncounters.


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Jacob Barr :

Welcome to the pro-life Team Podcast i’m Jacob and I’m here with Melanie. And today we’re going to talk about the spiritual warfare that is behind the pregnancy clinic work. So, Melanie, I’m excited to have you on the pro-life Team Podcast. Would you introduce yourself as if you were speaking to a small group of pregnancy clinic executive directors?

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Yes. Oh, Jacob, I’m excited too. And I’m really excited to be in the company of so many people who honor life, who honor God’s call to protect life. And I’m very excited about what we’re going to talk about most of all in the fact that I love to give encouragement i love to be encouraged as well, but I’d love to share with others what God has brought me through, where He’s brought me to and aware he’s bringing me but it’s just not about me. It’s about our ministry. It’s about our joint ministry as people who love life and love what the word of God says about life. So thank you for having me.

Jacob Barr :

Oh, my pleasure. So my understanding is that, Oh yeah, go ahead.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

I was going to say you asked me to introduce myself i really didn’t do that, so.

Jacob Barr :

Oh yes, please continue.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Yeah so my name is Melanie, and I originally am from South Jersey, from the rural part of New Jersey, and I am a pastor. I’ve been a pastor for over 20 years. There was at one point where God called me to move to North Carolina, specifically to the Mountain region, in order to start a church and to start a pregnancy center. And I was obedient to that call, and I came south not knowing anyone not, really having any money to do anything except to live on. And yet God opened many doors so I’d like to share that with you today. And I also altered a book called Your Body, God’s Choice, Abortion in twenty first century america, which is available on Amazon. But I’m here to talk not just about the book, but about the adventure that God has had me and my associates with on in this wonderful journey of bringing a culture of life to Western North Carolina.

Jacob Barr :

Awesome so I was about ready to ask you if you were a pastor or an executive Director 1st, and it sounds like you actually might have started both at the same time. Tell us the story of how you got started in both of those areas.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Well, actually, my call to be a pastor began in about 2004 i already had a Christian radio show at that time. I was teaching Bible study at that time, and I’m a Christian songwriter, so I had a pretty vibrant music ministry. So yeah, I have been working, shall we say for the Lord for over 20 years i don’t really remember exactly how it all started, but God definitely called me and aggrew me into a place where I could take on the job as the executive director and I’m also the founder of Life Choice Pregnancy Center of Western North Carolina. So i founded the pregnancy center and I asked everyone who was on the board to be on the board. And I stepped down from the board in order to be the executive director, because the executive director, as we all know, is the face of the pregnancy center. And so because I had the had made ties in the community and because I was working pretty tirelessly for this clause, it was just assumed that I would step into that position as executive director. Ok, so.

Jacob Barr :

You’ve been a pastor for a long season. And then, but then you moved and also started a Precy clinic. What was it like to what yeah, I guess, you know what was your experience hearing from God when it came to, you know, coming to the understanding that you needed to move to a new place and open up a Precy clinic in that new place?

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Right so it’s interesting experience and as I share this, I’d like to encourage everybody to listen to the voice of God, to walk with him daily and to be attentive as you pray to what he moves you to do, whether it’s speaking to you in that still small voice or whether he it’s a it’s just a strong urging from the Holy Spirit. Know that when you’re following God’s direction, it’s the right direction. And so I have had many years of following that voice of God. And when he told me to move to North Carolina, I knew by that point, Don’t argue with God, just do it. And so I had to wait for the opening to come but it came, moved down my son went to college down here and so I had to make new ties to the community, and God enabled me he opened my mouth i used to be very shy i could not open my mouth, was too shy to attend adult Sunday school. I’m afraid to talk to anyone, but God opened my mouth and he will do that for you if you’re the type and I’ve met quite a few even in the executive director position that are just a little reticent to speak out about what God really has to say about the pregnancy center. Just be encouraged just open your mouth and speak what God has you to speak, because everything’s going to fall into place when we honor God first. We all know that. So when God actually showed me a vision of young people and Jacob, I think I sent you an article that Pregnancy Help News had written about this vision God gave me of young people holding the scroll across the mountain and they were all smiling these young people were smiling holding the scroll end to end now this scroll is about 5 feet tall and what I saw was rolling mountains with young people scattered all across the mountains holding this very long scroll. And the interesting thing was the skull was the scroll was blank. And so I woke up and I said, God, what was that? And why was the scroll blank? And into my spirit he spoke the story is yet to be told, so God doesn’t give us every little detail, but He shows us the promise of what can be accomplished now take in mind these young people were all smiling and this was the picture that God gave me. And what I have found is that is actually being fulfilled as we have started the pregnancy center and our clients are coming to us. The joy that they have in receiving attention and receiving the resources that we offer them, the mentoring, even the prayer, which of course we ask permission if we can pray first they come to us smiling, they come to us with their babies happy, so that vision is already starting to be fulfilled. So when I got to North Carolina, God started to put people in place i won’t go into the details because there are just way too many, but God brought people into my life that were instrumental in starting the pregnancy center that I never would have met. I mean, those circumstances were such that I should not have met these people but miraculously, I did. And they introduced me to other people, and it snowballed into a board of directors, into willing people moved by God to put their lives, their finances even, and their hearts into the work of the pregnancy center ministry that we have going now and we’ve only been open for a little over a year. Wow i’m not sure if I answered your question.

Jacob Barr :

Oh no, that was so I’ve got a follow up question, which is so you’re essentially going back to the encouragement for people to seek God’s voice, whether it’s the still small quiet voice or whether it’s in some other avenue or whether it’s from the Bible. How would you, when it comes to like that still quiet voice how do you confirm or check the voice? What’s your What are your thoughts on checking to see if it’s coming from God or somewhere else?

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Right so that’s a good question. We absolutely know if it’s from God number one. If it doesn’t go against scripture and when things fall into place because you followed his direction, now let me just share with you. We’re undergoing something major right now, but it started with little small steps in starting the pregnancy center. And of course we have a board. We have a wonderful board and it started with asking the question, do we need to rent a certain small office space? Well, everybody was worried, where are we going to get the money for that? But because God LED us through his voice, through confirmations, through other people, sometimes in dreams, visions, we voted to rent that small space. We have been in that space we’ve never missed a rent payment we’ve never missed an electric bill. We’ve never missed our Internet bill. So that all came into place that’s a confirmation. Of course, that confirmation came after the fact, But just walking into it, there’s a comfort and a peace that comes when you know you’re in his will, where you know that you know, just like your faith. How do we define the faith? It’s a gift of faith. God gives us a gift of faith that faith is not our own faith. It’s our gift from Him, which enables us to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And that faith also is a gift that helps us to understand when He is moving us in a certain direction of course, it’s the Spirit of God it’s the Holy Spirit moving us, guiding us, directing us, and the peace that comes from just that knowing. How do we know that Jesus has risen i’m going to ask you that how do we know Jacob?

Jacob Barr :

Wow that’s a really good question how so how do we know that Jesus has risen i would say based off of praying to Jesus that I i’ve been able to experience God’s well relationship with Jesus but going off of you know essentially based on trust in the Bible and that it’s in the in the words that are in there that are true. And so I would say mostly I would I know that Jesus has risen based on trust in the Bible and my experience has confirmed that it’s true based on relationship. And then and also when it comes to one of the things in the Bible that it says when it comes to like you know, checking a spirit would be if you ask us if you hear a voice or you hear a direction from you can ask, you know is Jesus God come in the flesh and did Jesus die on the cross and raised from the dead three days later And if that voice can agree then that’s a then that’s really, you know essentially a sign that a confirmation. And then my wife would also often tell me if you ask the people to pray you can you know who also share faith in Jesus. You can get confirmation from elders or from your you know fellow believers absolutely and that’s one thing i haven’t done, but my wife loves to tell me that. And so i need to start implementing that piece into my confirmation strategy.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Yeah, and she’s and she’s right we get confirmation from others who are strong Christians i wouldn’t ask a carnal Christian. Yeah, I want to know someone who really we know you can tell often by their countenance and by the way they pray out loud. Do they really walk with God? Are they really close to God? These are the people that we want to ask for confirmation through their prayer ask them to pray but God through his spirit will lead you as well if you’re in that place and two things I would like to remind everybody, we are a light to the world and our light cannot be hidden, should not be hidden. So that’s part of our ministry and we need to walk with confidence that Jesus Christ is Lord and also that because we’re in his will protecting the lives of moms and the spiritual lives of dad and protecting these babies. We’re in his will already and we know that when we pray in his will, he answers our prayers so that’s right away we need to have confidence in that. But it’s something else that when you were talking about what your wife said, I have had many people confirm, yes, the Lord says yes, this is the right direction, but I’m talking about Godly people who walk i admire that’s very important. And again, another thing is he calls us the holiness. We need to be walking in holiness so that so that we know God will hear our prayers because God cannot look upon sin. And so as we’re walking the walk that He wants us to walk, we’re going to be more in communion with Him as we spend time devoting our prayers, reading Scripture, and listening for His voice. As we walk in that special place, He will hear our prayers and we will be more in communication with Him i think that’s the one thing I would like people to know those who have already given their hearts to Jesus, given their lives over to him through the gift of faith, That the more time we spend walking in holiness, the closer we’re going to grow to Him. We’re going to have a better relationship with Him, just like the parental relationship that you have with your parents. The more you walk and talk with your parents, the more you’re going to have a good understanding conversation, know what they’re talking about and the more you’re going to get their approval. Does that make sense?

Jacob Barr :

Yes, yeah. And I feel like often sin or noise in the city is one of the things that prevents me from hearing God’s voice like I feel like you have to like break away from all you know from the inbox, from the dishes, from sinful thoughts from in order to you know sort of the make God’s voice more well, you know essentially that still small voice can be, I believe it can be muffled or you know overpowered by distractions and sin. And then it’s harder to hear his voice when you’re but when you do hear his voice, then it makes a lot of sense and you have to strive for being in his rest and for not being caught up in the busyness of the day or in the busyness of the city.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Right, and let me a segue into a verse that I included in my book Your Body, God’s Choice, I included this from Psalm 22 verse 9. This is how the King James, and this is really important to what we’re talking about. Give unto the Lord the glory. Do unto His name. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. We need to give the Lord glory every day and try to stay away from those distractions are normal, they’re going to come and we need to really walk in the spirit, not in flesh. And then the things of this world are not going to labor you burden you down. The problems are going to come and they’re going to come when you’re walking with the Lord, you’re going to get not just distractions, you’re going to come again in the spiritual realm, demonic forces. My book is about that too. You’re it’s normal as a Christian, that’s a normal Christian life. But see what the Lord says. Especially if you read the Book of Revelation, you will see the overcomers have a reward what is a Christian but an overcomer? As a Christian, we are all overcomers, and that’s because it’s not our power, but the authority given to us in Jesus name. And because we have that faith, we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us. But again, when we’re in His will, not all things, not in his will. Also he did His will, and that’s we really need to as executive directors of pregnancy centers, our focus needs to be, first of all, God, because he has created the lives that we’re protecting. We’re doing his work as we stay focused on him and we pray open in the center with prayer we try to do that every time we open we try to pray, be in God’s will, pray for our clients, pray for the world. And as we do that and we focus, he’s going to lead and direct us and we’re not going to have any doubt getting back to that, How do we know how? How do we know we’re not going to have a doubt that that’s his will and we’re going to move forward we have to take that step of faith and move forward, and then God is going to strengthen us. We have to have that courage they tells us to have in the Bible. And we started, like I said, we had the vote on whether or not we were going to pay rent. It wasn’t a very big rent, but we didn’t have the money. We didn’t have the money to do it we just had to step out on faith that God’s going to bring us the money. And so each step we’ve taken has been that we’ve just taken a gigantic step from a very small space to a 3000 square foot facility again, we’ve only been opened for over a year and God has opened up doors so such as that we know it’s him and God is providing the money. How will we explain if we go ahead i’m sorry.

Jacob Barr :

Oh, I was just going to say that’s exciting it’s so exciting to hear and to see, you know, to see God’s fingerprints on these in his response to your faith, that’s just amazing.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Oh, it is. And that’s just my faith. Because we have people and our volunteers as well, our faith, people, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. And when you have that much support that a community of believers, how can you fail? Because we have all our strengthened, the Lord, and so every step we take, we take it under His guidance. And have there been obstacles? Absolutely like I said before, that’s going to happen. But we’re overcomers, we’re Christians, and we’re doing the Lord’s will. He’s been so good to us.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, So what inspired you to start the day at your clinic in prayer like where what was the root that brought you to starting each day with prayer as a as a organization?

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Group Yeah, I can’t answer that i just know that we have to we all knew our board Chairman, Lynn she knew and it wasn’t something that came about naturally because we get so busy. We do this and we say we forgot to pray. We need to pray, you know, so then we’ll pray. And sometimes that happens. It happened just a couple days ago where we meant to start off the day with prayer, but then somebody came to the door and the phone rang and all that type of thing will happen but then we made sure we prayed as soon as we could. So it’s vital. It’s vital to the strength of your organization. More important than the money, because God owns everything anyway, doesn’t he? He owns everything.

Jacob Barr :

So out of curiosity, yeah so out of curiosity, did at previous companies or previous organizations, did you ever start the day with prayer or was this actually something that started with this pregnancy clinic in that decision or that, you know, that morning prayer?

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Well, i have to say that this is the first organization I’ve ever actually been a director of or been in charge of oK. So I’ve been a pastor for many years and of course, anytime you start a Bible study, anytime you start a church service, anytime you start a music service, you’re going to pray it’s just what we do as Christians. We pray because we want God’s anointing over the time that we’re going to spend together worshipping him, serving him, learning about His word. We ask God to anoint our service every time, don’t we so as we’re doing the Lord’s work in a pregnancy center, shouldn’t we do the same?

Jacob Barr :

Yes. Well in my experience with well i worked at a precis clinic here in Tucson arizona and they had the pattern of praying at the beginning of the day and they came about to the doing that because they would have these events that were very well they would they would have a lot of anxiety it would come from these galas or virtual events and they essentially learned that there were always you know the devil seemed to be always working to cause problems in the details and different things not working out right. And so they would they you know essentially response to that they learned to pray every day and in order to you know essentially engage in that spiritual warfare. And so that was out of all the places that I’ve worked that was, that’s the one place that, yeah, it was a Prancy clinic that had the morning prayer as part of like, you know, how to engage and do well in their mission. And so and actually at my company, we’re 22 years old, but we just recently started doing morning prayer. Well, I guess we’ve done it somewhat radically over the years, but we’ve been doing it somewhat consistently for the last, let me say, let me six months I suppose but pretty much when things start to get, you know, spiritually intense, I think a good response is to start with morning prayer as a way of entering into a spiritual battle.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Oh, absolutely that’s a wonderful testimony, Jacob. It really is. And think about this too. How many spiritual battles do we already win before they happen because of prayer? How much time do we? How much time do we save because we’ve prayed and asked for guidance instead of going and doing it our way or men’s way? How much time do we save by doing a God’s way? Think about that it’s more efficient. It’s definitely more efficient it’s going to put some things to rest right away. Oh, we have prayed for they we’ve had some spiritual battles, me in particular, because i started the pregnancy center and so I get a lot of heat even before I walk out the door in my house sometimes I get a lot of things coming at me and you know and I just have to give it over to God, our church we have a church our mission statement is about laying down our burdens, giving Jesus the yoke of heaviness. Give him given him the heavy burden and we take the light yoke instead. And so that’s a place in our, you know, when we get up in the morning, we have to put on our spiritual armor, as we read about in Ephesians. And we have to go into the day ready for battle. Especially in this time of this heated controversy over pregnancy centers where so many of our pregnancy centers have gotten attacked. We know we need to pray for protection. I’ve been attacked personally, not physically. I praise the Lord because we’re in a rural area we’re just not around a whole lot of people. I pray for this pregnancy centers that are in heavy populated cities where they’re going to be subject to more adverse treatment. But of course, I did have my tires slashed one time I’ve been attacked on Facebook, had to block a few people, but then we pray for those, don’t we? We pray for those who deceitfully use us but.

Jacob Barr :

Well, before you, before you keep going, how would you reflect on those, on your experience and that you know and being attacked and how someone meant something for evil and how God used it for good? Have you have you seen God use those experiences for good in some way?

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Interesting. I saw a young lady two days ago at the gas station, and she was yelling and waving to me, and I couldn’t. I didn’t know who in the world she could be. I had no idea. But I said hello, you know, I was very happy and friendly with her walked over and she showed me her daughter in the car and then it all started to click i remembered who she was. This is the same woman who, two years ago, engaged with me in an argument at the McDonald’s over abortion. But I had a yeah, so and she worked there. And we he knew i worked for the pregnancy center, and I can’t remember what my purpose was being there that day i just remembered her attitude and it was, it wasn’t nice. And I was consistent with my testimony. After that. We prayed for her, by the way we prayed for her we prayed for her daughter many times, many times after she left that job i saw her about town here and there. I would always smile, always talk to her, consistently pleasant with her, praying for her. I had Now at this point couple days ago i had not seen her in about a year and a half. And what was the change what do you attribute that change to but prayer and my consistent testimony to her about how I value life and how I value her as a person and I value her daughter. Now has she turned over to be pro-life i don’t know that this was a simple exchange at the gas station, but we hugged each other a number of times. This is a woman who verbally attacked me at the McCall over abortion, OK? And I mean, I genuinely love her and you can’t help but love someone that you pray for if you spend enough time praying for. I don’t care who it is. I don’t care if it’s your violent ex-husband or somebody in the workplace that has really destroyed your reputation. If you pray for that person enough, you’re going to be praying with the mind of Christ and with the love of God. You can’t help but love that person. That’s my experience, and I genuinely love her. And look how that love was returned to me just two days ago. Just a simple encounter in a gas station, Yeah. And just because that’s the power of God.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah and I don’t think you can measure wins and losses based on someone you know going for let’s say pro abortion or to pro-life but I think you can measure God’s you know interaction fingerprints and success. But simply because you created a culture of life you know by encouraging her and building up relationship. I mean it’s it’s not like a yes or a no or a win or a loss I would say if you essentially have provided encouragement and the culture of life has been escalated or grown through those interactions and everyone’s on a journey so it’s not like you can expect someone to arrive right now otherwise it’s not a win the fact that they’re on the journey is part of that culture of life growing, I think.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Yes, absolutely. We have to remember our battle is not against flesh and blood, but it’s in the heavenly places we are in spiritual warfare. And yes, you are. You are right in pointing out that we’re all on a journey and we all don’t get to the same place at the same time. But we have to continue to pray for these people. And you know, we we’re all, what’s the saying something like, I’m not where I’ve been, but I’m not where I’m going. Yeah, we’re all on that journey.

Jacob Barr :

Right Yeah. Yes, that’s true yeah when it comes to sometimes, you know, seeing the spiritual battle sometimes very clearly i’ve seen it when I when I visit the Planned Parenthood sidewalk where I live in Tucson, the there’s these people with umbrellas that will escort women from their cars into the building. I think last time I was out there they had 1010 people with umbrellas and. But this group, this group includes some very they include someone who will who played the Satanic Bible they play, you know, as a Planned Parenthood employee, they’re literally playing that as, like, the audio to try and discourage someone on the sidewalk. Oh wait, I don’t think.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

I caught that they’re.

Jacob Barr :

Playing the recording and satanic bible yes, like an audio version of the Satanic Bible. Like they apparently it’s on YouTube. Yes. I don’t know much about it but it apparently it came out in the seventies by this one person and but all I have to say is like that they’re trying to use you know their seems like their goal is to play the darkest, most offensive things possible and that’s under the Planned Parenthood logo like that’s like an official employee, you know or person working there and they play that and they also have played satanic, like death metal where you can’t really understand anything being said but it sounds really bad. And they’ve also have played, I would call it akin to like pornographic music because it’s not like a porno video audio, but it’s more of like a music track that could very easily, you know, it’s just like there’s nothing, it’s just really bad content And they and they’re essentially playing these things to try and be offensive to the people that are praying and to try and drown out the prayers with this, you know, evil audio essentially.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

So what more proof do we need to say that abortion is really laying a baby at the altar of Satan? A lot more.

Jacob Barr :

Proof i don’t i think, yeah i believe that, yeah. And it’s just simply behind those doors and otherwise it would be, yeah the visuals would match their, you know this is these are messages that they’re offering up freely like they’re you know bringing these messages to the sidewalk. They’re just showing who they are and their mentality by what they say and by what audio they play and there’s no question that everything they do is just, well, not everything to do, but these things are very dark.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Yes, they are very dark it’s, I mean that spirit is across America right now i write about it in my book i write about the spirit of Fail Ashtaroth, the ancient goddess, the ancient God Molech, who babies were sacrificed to on the burning altar with the arms spread out where they would hold that baby as it screamed, as it was being burnt while they were again the music being drunk to drown out the sound of the baby playing, loud music to drown out the sound of the crying baby who’s being burnt to death. This is all in my book, by the way and I mean, it’s the ancient abortion in the way that we know it may be new because of certain scientific things, but the practice of killing our young is as ancient as the devil because he hates families, he hates children and babies, wants to pervert them. I mean, look at the latest news about Balenciaga, the designer. Who have you seen those?

Jacob Barr :

Ads. No, I don’t think I haven’t seen those. Oh, OK.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Well, very briefly, you can describe them. What’s that? I’m sorry, what’s that oh.

Jacob Barr :

Go ahead and describe them. Oh, describe the ads.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Yes, the Biloxi Yaga has is in a lot of hot water right now because of certain advertisements showing little children around items of bondage perversion. I actually some of these things I have difficulty saying you have to research it on your own, but it’s the designer belong. They’ve had to make an apology i’ve read the apology it was not even an apology. They were they were saying well we’ll have people look into this so that doesn’t happen again. Now the fact of the matter is you knew what was going on. It all leads to pedophilia and you just shouldn’t have done it. Now just don’t do it again. It’s just ridiculous the way they twist things. But it’s very dark. It’s very evil and the roots go very deep in not just Hollywood, the designer industry, politics. There are so many pedophiles, so many perverted people that want to hurt children. But it all starts at the womb, doesn’t it? If they can’t get them at the womb, they will get them after they’re born. But that’s the agenda how hard is it for us to raise children safely in today’s environment? But there’s always been an agenda against children.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, that makes you think, Oh, yeah, go ahead.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

We just have to pray, but go ahead i’m sorry.

Jacob Barr :

Oh, I was just going to say a couple of thoughts one is well, so last night at my church service we were, yeah, here we are in December and we’re starting to have sermons on Advent. And we essentially, yeah, essentially the idea that, you know Herod had the wise men come to come to him and he decided he wanted to try and kill the king of the Jews instead of going and worshipping the king of the Jews or because. And he apparently believed, you currently believe what they were saying enough to kill everyone under two years old in that area to try and kill Jesus. And so it’s just simply, yeah, how is, you know, the sense that, you know, it feels like that’s just, you know, the fact that he believed it but yet what wanted to hold on to his power, even at the cost of killing so many children with the effort of trying to. Yeah and they had the arrogance to think that he could stop Jesus from being born, but at the same time, just killing so many children as a result of trying to. Yeah based on his power, his love of power, or his desire to yeah, you know, his way, his hate or evil, the evilness there was.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Well, you used the right word when you said arrogance and what is arrogance but it but a form of pride? And what is the devil’s sin but pride? They’ll interestingly left getting back to listening to the voice of God i was in a church service i was not preaching at this service. I was sitting in a Pew and God had me and it wasn’t Christmas time. The sun was shining. I remember that much. God had me to read those passages about Herod, and as I was reading them, it just started to come to me. It’s the Spirit of Herod, which is the spirit of abortion today. It’s the spirit it’s not that the Spirit’s name is Herod that’s not how it works. But it’s the same spirit that influenced Herod to kill those babies. That same spirit in the world today wants to continue killing babies. And if you read, and I write about it in the book, if you read Herod’s family Tree, Herod had a very dysfunctional family. It was so complicated it took me a while i had to read the writings of Josephus as well to sort out this complicated family tree and of course, it’s part of, it’s included in the Bible i put it all together and wow, if you’ve heard of any, you know, families that are have a lot of dysfunction. Herod beats a lot of them. Beats them all. A lot of murder and mayhem. It’s and it’s a It’s a spiritual problem.

Jacob Barr :

It’s interesting. Well, and Herod back then used political power to murder an entire community of children two years old, you know, male, two years old or younger. And then abortion today is being done through government sectioned you know permission and.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

That’s in my book. That’s in my book, how the spirit of her has gotten into the government and is dictating the death of babies now go figure. It’s an ancient spiritual problem in fact, my name, the name of the book now is Your Body, God’s Choice, Abortion in twenty first century america. But originally I was calling the book The Spirit of Hurridge.

Jacob Barr :

I did not know that. Oh, wow.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Yeah, I know yeah i don’t think anybody knows that i don’t think I wrote about it in the book, but that was the original name and if you know, if you read the book, you’ll see how that spirit of Herod has come down through the years into twenty first century America to influence us. Just as those poor little babies, those poor families in Bethlehem were killed just as Pharaoh killed the Hebrew children as well. Which is where Moses got saved in the in the reeds, in the little ark, in the little boat as Marion watched him. And you know what The funny thing is, though, here, here’s, here’s where we’re overcomers. Here’s where we’re overcomers number one. The midwives refused to kill the babies if you remember that in that in the story of Pharaoh telling the babies, the midwives refused they were going against the government think about that. They were going against the pharaoh’s orders. So we don’t always have to obey the government when it goes against God’s will. Are we to be subject to the government yes but when we totally go against God’s will, we can’t personally murder somebody just because it’s the government’s rule that you should do so. And the other thing I want to get out of it is that God has a sense of humor and in being an overcomer if you recall the story, Miriam in the reeds, she hid the baby and Pharaoh’s daughter saw the baby and Miriam watched and daughter of Pharaoh found that beautiful baby and wanted to take that cute little baby home. And Miriam suggested her mother as a nurse maid in the palace. And the mother of Moses was paid to take care of her own son in Pharaoh’s talent. Does God have access to humor? Are we overcomers as people of faith in the Lord God? Yes. So there’s always a victory. There’s always a victory if we just stay faithful. That’s a lesson right there.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah and it makes sense that when God, when the Bible, when it says there’s nothing new under the sun, you know every right and that and that’s probably because you know when it comes to the spiritual realm, you know God, you know is ever, you know is steadfast. And the spirit, you know, the angels fallen or not fallen are also, you know they’re not being created they’re the same angels and the same spirits then as they are now. And so when it comes to the spiritual realm, there’s no the players aren’t changing the it’s the same players today as it was 2000 years ago or anytime at any point that you know the players haven’t changed. And so that makes sense of that, you know?

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Now I know why you have such a great podcast, because you have great insight.

Jacob Barr :

And that’s exactly you’re right sometimes. Thank you. So that’s really interesting because I never really thought of, I mean I’ve heard that verse before, not, you know, things going to the sun, but I never thought about how that could be or why that would be. And because as people we have new technology, we have different things, but everything is still when it comes to the spiritual realm, that’s really the realm that seems to be. Yeah, that drives so much that we see. And that part is and because the spirits used the same tactics like, yeah, like you were saying, like the same tactic to try and, you know, against the Israel, you know, the people of Israel to try and take out Jesus today when it comes to trying to take out the unborn. Yeah and if anything, it seems like today it’s not, you know, it’s there might be higher numbers, but the infanticide is not common. But apparently back then. I mean, yeah, and maybe they were just waiting until they were born before they would. Their wives were becoming at risk.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

But one thing that you would you need to understand is that there is still a lot of genocide in the world today. There is. You look inside Yemen, Yemen, there’s genocide. And there are actually many places right now in China there is genocide going on against the Muslims in China and other places in the world, we still do suffer genocide. And right now, if you think about it, and I’m sure you’ve read about this, there are more black babies proportionally aborted than white babies in proportion i give the statistics in my book. Even in some places New York City, there are more black babies aborted than white babies and there is a black genocide going on which breaks my heart. Atlanta, georgia it’s the same situation and I haven’t studied every single statistic but this much I know in the United States of America going by Planned Parenthood has an organization called Guttmacher. I’m I use not only do I use the CDC statistics, but also Planned Parenthood’s own statistics on abortion. More black babies, proportionally, you know in ratio, are killed than white babies what does that say? Why were Planned Parenthood facilities put up in places of large black community? Why tell me? It breaks my heart. It just makes me weak. It really makes me weak.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, Margaret Singer, there’s a quote that she talks about the African American population as being like a weed that needs to be removed in order for the for us to have a better stock. And she essentially refers to the people as like with farming language and yeah, essentially referring to them as something that needs to be removed from the stock margaret.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Sanger the starter of the actual founder of Planned Parenthood. She was a eugenicist, believed in only a certain people being allowed to live and repopulate. And Adolf Hitler was also eugenicist, wasn’t he? And you know, this school of thought were in certain circles at that certain time in our history, very popular it all started with Darwinian belief, evolution, so that only the strongest can survive only the fittest should survive, so it all goes back to evolution but that’s for another day.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, well, yeah, I guess what we’re hearing is that, you know, these the spiritual realm has the same, you know, these influences can be identified with the same tactics of trying to injure the weak or injure the poor or you know, essentially, yeah and it’s just, but essentially it keeps it it’s the same trend it’s the same spiritual forces showing up repeatedly in these spiritual battles.

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Good point. Thank you well.

Jacob Barr :

So this might be a good time for us to try and wrap up the podcast. And so would you. What would what would you Would you say a prayer that those who are listening could join in and as they as they’re making their daily commute, they can consider this prayer as they’re going to their precise clinic or wherever they happen to be going? Yeah would you. Yeah help us end this in a prayer that will encourage those to pray along with you what?

Melanie Jean Garuffi :

Father in heaven, we come before you now where God and gratitude for all you have done for us, the many blessings you give us your guidance, not just through your Holy Spirit, but through your holy scriptures, through the Word of God. We learn in Your Holy Word that Jesus came to give us life and that abundantly and that is a message of healthy life for all. And we so appreciate you, Lord God in our work. Lord, as we, as we move forward into our day, Lord God, I ask that you bless each executive director listening right now, each pro-life person listening right now, those who have a heart, Lord God, to do your will in this hard world. Lord God, I ask that you protect them from any danger, that you inspire them through your Holy Spirit. You put a hedge of protection around them in the angelic realm, but nothing formed against them it’s going. No weapon formed against them is going to prosper. Lord God, i ask that through your Holy Spirit, to give them new vision, new ideas that come from above. Give them your wisdom, Lord God, to make hard decisions. Lord God i also ask that as I know it’s very hard in the day to get everything done, Lord God, I ask that everything be done in an efficient way, in a pleasant way. Lord God, I pray for their clients i pray for those women and those men who come into their facilities looking for help. Lord God, I ask God that you will give them open eyes and open ears to hear spiritually even that they are in a good place, that they will receive the help that they need, and that you will guide them lord God, I pray that you guide them, and all those, Lord, who are considering going to a pregnancy center wherever it is, but yet are afraid to move their forward, afraid to pick up the phone to call. Look, I ask that you encourage them, give them courage, Lord God, to make that move because there is love waiting on the other side of that door of the pregnancy center. Lord, take away the spirit of fear of these client, these potential clients, that they will know that they will be in a place where they can receive the help they need. Lord God i asked for all the pregnancy centers that their budgets, Lord, be increased, that they have the money that they need to pay their rent, to pray, to pay Lord God for the different resources that they need to help their clients. Lord God, I ask that you give them a joy to give them that wonderful joy that comes from being in your will, being obedient to you. Lord God, I thank you for these directors i thank you that they are following the call of life, that they are cultivating a culture of life in their different communities and in their environment. I thank you, Lord God, for all of the sleep that they have lost, Lord God, because it just proves their dedication to the calls of life And God, we love, we love you, we admire you, we give you all the glory, we give you all the honor, Lord God, help us, Lord God, to consistently walk in your ways, Lord, not the world’s ways. So I also ask a blessing upon Jacob, Lord God, he loves you, His wife loves you, Lord. And I ask that you prosper their marriage, that you bless their continue to bless their marriage, their church and also anything that Jacob puts his hand to Lord God i ask that it will prosper. And as well as his wife, Lord, we’re including this is the family unit that this family will prosper in anything that they put their hand to in the name of Jesus and that goes for all the pregnancy center directors as well, that your families will prosper and be blessed in Jesus name we pray. Thank you, Lord, we love you amen.

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