Jacob Barr talks with Lauren Johnston and her mother Joanie about Lauren’s abortion experience, her journey to healing, and their advocacy for truthful support in the pro-life movement.
This is Jacob Barr, and I had a moving conversation with Lauren Johnston and her mother, Joanie Hammond, on the Pro-Life Team Podcast. Lauren shared her heart-wrenching experience of going through an abortion, detailing the pain, isolation, and trauma she endured. She emphasized the cold and uncaring environment of the clinic, the lack of information provided, and the intense emotional and physical pain she went through alone.
Joanie, the CEO of Hands of Hope Tucson, spoke about her journey from being a board member to leading the organization. She shared her passion for helping women find healing and spreading awareness about the realities of abortion, especially the abortion pill.
Lauren’s turning point came when she attended a retreat with her mother, where she first shared her abortion experience. This moment of vulnerability led to profound healing and a deepened relationship with God. Lauren now feels empowered to share her story, aiming to prevent other women from experiencing similar pain and to offer hope and healing to those who have undergone abortions.
Joanie emphasized the importance of sensitivity in the pro-life movement and the need for effective communication to counteract measures that endanger women’s health. Both mother and daughter highlighted the crucial role of pregnancy centers in offering truthful, compassionate support to women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Their discussion underscored the need for continual prayer, support, and action within the pro-life community, advocating for both the unborn and women in crisis.
#ProLifeJourney, #HealingAfterAbortion, #TruthAndSupport, #CompassionateCare, #PregnancyCenterAdvocacy, #EmpowermentThroughStorytelling, #ProLifeAdvocacy, #HandsOfHopeTucson, #AbortionPillAwareness, #FaithAndHealing
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Lauren Johnston :
Hi, I’m Lauren and this is my mom, Joanie, and we’re here with Jacob with the pro-life Team Podcast i’m here to share my story and God’s healing and grace.
Jacob Barr :
So Lauren and Joanie, I’m excited to have you on the pro-life Team Podcast. Would both of you, would each of you introduce yourself as if you were talking to a group of Prancy clinic leaders or executive directors?
Lauren Johnston :
My name is Lauren Johnston and I’ve been born and raised in Tucson, arizona and I’m excited to be here and share my story and the truth is what I want to get across.
Jacob Barr :
Joanie Hammond :
And I’m Joni Hammond i’m the CEO of Hands of Hope, Tucson. Hands of Hope has been around for 42 years. I was at first I was a board member for about 30 years and then I am now the CEO and have pretty much devoted my life to this calling.
Jacob Barr :
Awesome So, Lauren, tell us your story. Tell us the yeah you can and shape it how you think might be most helpful to those listening.
Lauren Johnston :
Ok. Thank you. About 13 years ago, I found myself pregnant and I was in a toxic relationship and there was no if and buts about it we’re having an abortion and he made the appointment and did all the work. So I went young, not knowing anything i knew Planned Parenthood was not a good idea. I knew the Bible i grew up Christian in what was right and wrong. But I felt trapped and I went and it was awful, really cold, dark place. I never would set foot in there, ever and they don’t tell you the facts, they don’t tell you the truth they don’t tell you anything. They just want their money. And then you go back into a cold room and they don’t explain anything of what’s going to happen and it’s dangerous, honestly. And I took a pill there in the office. I had some paperwork, went home. The next day, I took the second pill. And I was home alone in the bathroom, crying, weeping, praying, asking God to take the pain away emotionally and physically. And I did that in the bathroom that I still can’t go into right now. And it was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through in my life. And that was just the beginning of the process of keeping a secret for 11 years and feeling the shame and guilt that just consumed my life. And I was looking for an outlet, drinking, partying, anything to just numb the pain of that abortion pill in my baby.
Jacob Barr :
Wow, thank you so much for sharing. What was it like to share this story the first time, or and when was that when you first shared this story?
Lauren Johnston :
So my mom invited me to Calvary Chapel’s women’s retreat. And I was like, and then I but I had this, like, ache in my heart and I went with anxiety. Like, I need to tell somebody this i need to tell my mom, the person I trust. I can do it i need to do it because it was just such a dark place in my life. And it was a beautiful retreat in that night saturday night I told my mom about the abortion and she took me in and she just held me. And as I just poured and sobbed into her arms and she reminded me of God’s grace and love and forgiveness. And then he died on the cross for our sins and then my baby’s in heaven and she was there for me, a hundred thousand percent % i came home and I had a lot of healing to do and I still couldn’t like feel like I was forgiven and it was just there still. And then my I knew about this deeper still retreat with through hands of hope. And my mom and I went. And then it was a whole beautiful process of like God’s love and hope and grace and forgiveness and repentance. And I God loves me and he loves my baby and my baby is in heaven and I’m going to see that baby. And I just, I feel so grateful and thankful for God’s love and it took a long time, but I finally feel the strength and hope empowerment again.
Jacob Barr :
Wow, So what inspired you? Or what was? How would you describe that feeling of wanting to share or what sort of help helps you helped guide you to that point?
Lauren Johnston :
I think I was desperate, Jacob i was desperate for some something more to I think I had to get to that rock bottom point in my life to know that God is there. That’s a hard question. I that’s a really good question. I was desperate for relief i was sick of Satan and the enemy taking over my life. I was sick of it and I got to the point where it was like, this is it and God is right behind me, pushing me. And he’s like, you got this, Lauren, and you need to Share your story and tell the truth about your story i don’t want any woman to feel like how I felt in that bathroom, ever.
Jacob Barr :
What it as you? Yeah, as you shared it the second time what was that like or sharing it an additional time beyond that first time of sharing what was that experience like?
Lauren Johnston :
It feels more empowering each time i think the first time I did it for the Hands of Hope, Gala was really emotional in a little scary. But as I continue to show the story, I feel this warmth and strength for others to have that power again, to get their life back again, and to walk closer with God than you’ve ever walked because God is so good, God is so good, and he loves us so much.
Joanie Hammond :
Well, and also you had people reach out to you that had abortion past abortions that.
Lauren Johnston :
Joanie Hammond :
From seeing your story, correct?
Lauren Johnston :
Yes, tons of people from sharing the story the 1st and the second time have reached out to me and how it’s helped them have some encouragement and empowerment and forgiveness.
Joanie Hammond :
And but many of them haven’t told anyone too. And you know, I remember some of them, their response was, i’m not ready to tell anyone.
Lauren Johnston :
And still, they’re not ready and they’ll get to that point i wasn’t ready.
Jacob Barr :
Joanie Hammond :
I mean, my goal is for women not to suffer for so long like, I don’t want him to wait eleven years or 10 years i mean, and you know, we see so many a deeper still that have waited 30 years for healing, you know, and it’s like I just want to get the word out and get Lauren’s story out so that more women will be healed. You know, and I, especially with the abortion pill, you know, when you have a surgical abortion, you go somewhere, someone does that to you and you sometimes have anaesthesia but when you do this abortion pill, it’s something you do to yourself in your own home and you’re really not told what to expect and I just think the trauma that this does on a woman is even far worse than the surgical abortion, but it’s now the abortion of choice.
Jacob Barr :
So when you were saying you were tired of Satan, like, you know, holding this over you, what was it the shame or was it the what kind of accusations were you hearing from, you know, from that voice or from?
Lauren Johnston :
I’m not good enough. I How could you do this to your baby that you’ll never have a relationship with God again like I am Scum. I felt just the lowest I could ever be. Like, what are you going to do everyone’s going to just push you away and shove you away you’ve had abortion like, what kind of Christian are you constant in the back of my head?
Jacob Barr :
He’s not. When it comes to dispelling those false beliefs, what is that? What’s been your journey there?
Lauren Johnston :
It’s a constant praying every morning, having my 10 minutes with Jesus every morning and remembering his love and being reminded of his love and the restoration and everything that he gives me, and to continue to just follow close to God and know that he’s forgiven me i think that is like a constant it never, it never goes away. It never goes away. It’s always going to be a process it’s always going to be there. But it’s just the fact that I don’t have to hold on to that every day, and that I can walk close to God and know that he’s forgiven me and I can be there, right there with God, and he wants to be my friend and he died the cross for my sins. And that we I can move forward without feeling like how I felt with Satan constantly reminded me.
Jacob Barr :
So when it comes to like a passage in the Bible that may reflect like what you’re what you’ve experienced here, which passage comes to mind?
Lauren Johnston :
Oh my gosh. That’s a good question. I really. I like Philippians four eight through nine i don’t know it by heart.
Jacob Barr :
We could i could look it up for you yeah. See here, Philippians four eight through nine let me pull this up. So finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put into practice.
Joanie Hammond :
Lauren Johnston :
Love that verse, those verses.
Jacob Barr :
That’s good. So when it comes to your identity in Christ, how would you describe who you are in Christ?
Lauren Johnston :
I’m a strong woman in Christ the.
Joanie Hammond :
Daughter of the King.
Lauren Johnston :
I’m the daughter of the king. He’s my best friend. He’s walking right next to me right now he’s sitting right next to me.
Jacob Barr :
So what would you say to someone who’s has this bottled up still? How would you encourage them to find this relief, this restoration, or this healing?
Lauren Johnston :
My biggest advice would be don’t. It’s you not walk into Planned Parenthood AB, find a local pregnancy Christian pregnancy center. Go find that the truth, the facts, the hope, the love, and to really lean into God. And it’s hard to get to that place at first, but he’s right there next to you, and that’s my biggest advice don’t go to Planned Parenthood. It’s really how passionate I feel about it.
Jacob Barr :
That’s yeah, I that makes a lot of sense. So Joni, what are your thoughts on this story and this journey?
Joanie Hammond :
Oh my gosh, Jacob it’s so just the things that God does like, you know, I was putting that retreat together, and I felt like God had laid on my heart get Lauren to the retreat and you know, she wasn’t in a state of mind at that time to go to a retreat i remember even having this conversation with God like, I think he picked the wrong daughter i don’t think she wants to go. But I had no idea what was going to happen that night, you know and then when she told me, I mean, I was like, wow, look at God, look what he did he brought her here so that she could tell me he put that on my heart. And i just remember holding my daughter all night long as she wept from the depths of her soul like I’ve never heard anyone sob like, no. And I just wanted to reassure her but I also, you know, I wasn’t the CEO at the time i was the president of the board but I was. I kept telling her about the retreat and then when I came to work here, deeper still they kept telling Joni, you’re the CEO, you need to go to a deeper still retreat i said, I’m not going until my daughter goes. And so then last July, it was really our first exposure for both of us to go to deeper still and I I’m not kidding, Jacob i cried from the minute I walked in till the minute I left because I was overwhelmed with, first of all, the volunteers that gave up their time but it was because they had been through it and they had been healed, you know, and then just took the walk through repentance and restoration and memorializing.
Lauren Johnston :
The baby, I mean.
Joanie Hammond :
That particular retreat, there were six women who came in with the weight of the world on their shoulders and when they left on Sunday, they were exchanging numbers and, you know, hugging each other and you could tell they were free and I mean, I just want to get that word out, Jacob, to as many women as possible, that is healing there, and it’s free for you. It’s free for you through your local pregnancy centers so, you know, the healing is so important and I truly believe if we’re going to change any of these laws and these crazy things that are going on right now, it’s those women who’ve been healed and who’ve had an abortion experience when they speak, I believe people will listen. And I think it’s so important to share those stories.
Jacob Barr :
Yeah, i agree i think those stories need to be shared for well, for at least two purposes one is for healing for the person involved. Because saying it out loud and professing and confessing provides that pathway. And then also to help change the laws and to help more people avoid that same pain and experience because the enemy is pushing very negative false beliefs that are dangerous and make it, you know, they promote choice, but really they promote no choice they promote death and the wrong choice. Like when someone says I’ll support you in whatever choice you make that’s, you know, that’s just a synonym for saying I’ll support you in an abortion. Yeah, that’s what that really translates into when someone, you know, the word choice has changed when it comes to what it means yeah.
Joanie Hammond :
I mean, Jacob, if I could rewrite all of the language we use, you know what I mean? I would. And I mean even, you know, I just would like to say to even those pro lifers to be careful how you speak because the women are victims too. And, you know, I can’t stand it when I go somewhere and I’m hearing murders and and it’s like that talk is going to get us nowhere. And actually with, you know, these measures that are coming up, they’re going to, you know, the pro boards are going for eight states this year and they’re going to keep going to get abortion, you know, as a constitutional right enshrined into the Constitution. And we’re facing that in Arizona next year and it’s like we’re not going to get anywhere if pro lifers are talking like that. You know, I mean, they want, they’re talking Women’s Health. Well, we have the ultimate Women’s Health right here. And that’s what we should be talking about. I mean, honestly, they don’t even care that it’s a baby anymore. They will care more about Women’s Health. So I just think when we’re talking to people who are on the fence, we have to say these measures are dangerous for Women’s Health it takes out the safety measures i mean, Jacob, if somebody takes that abortion pill past 10 weeks, they are at a risk of hemorrhaging. And if they don’t have a sonogram before and after, you know they won’t. Women don’t know how far along they are, one, so they’re at risk of hemorrhaging if they don’t have a sonogram afterwards, they could go septic and parts are left in them and this abortion measure that we’re going to see, women are going to die if it passes and we have to be able to talk to our pro-choice family and friends about that by telling them abortion won’t go away because in most states it’s going to go back to that 15 week law. But you do not want this to happen because women will die. And I’m telling you it’s going to be interesting to see what happens in the next 10 years in this industry.
Jacob Barr :
Yeah, things have changed a lot in the last three to three years when it comes to the at home abortion explosion, essentially.
Joanie Hammond :
Right i know. And I don’t know, Jacob, if you saw that article in the Washington Post where one of the abortion providers out of Mexico, when they send the abortion tools, they’re sending a vial of acid with it. And they’re telling the woman to take the baby outside under a tree and pour this cartel like acid on the baby to disintegrate the baby and you tell me that’s not going to add to the trauma of what a woman’s going through. And they made it look like a religious experience. It’s like, I mean that the toilets at the sororities and the dorms are having issues the plumbing, it’s so bad and it’s just, it’s just ridiculous how it is i mean, if we went out to dinner and saw a pregnant woman having a glass of wine, I think those same people who are pro abortion would go to that woman and say, what are you doing? You’re putting your baby in danger drinking that glass of wine but they would have no problem with someone aborting their.
Jacob Barr :
Yeah the yeah the opposition’s embracement of religious phrasing is it’s hard to understand and fathom what they’re what they’re saying but like there’s a group out of New Mexico called the Satanic Temple and they provide E abortions and it’s just yeah it’s very dark and it’s and they I didn’t even I haven’t I didn’t notice them existing more than more than five months ago i don’t I don’t know when they started but they they’re based out of Salem, massachusetts. But it’s yeah the whole religious like language or they you know it’s just it’s just a different I’m not sure how to really wrestle with those phrases and thoughts.
Joanie Hammond :
Yeah, it’s unlike anything we’ve seen i mean, I know, Jacob, you’ve been involved in this for a long time too and it’s like I was just telling John Taylor the other day, I said it’s like I’ve never seen before this time in the pro-life movement. You know, I mean, and I think there’s just still people out there who think, oh, well, bro versus Wade got overturned and abortion went away. I mean, here in Pima County, it’s worse than ever right now.
Jacob Barr :
Yeah definitely this fight is at the state level and we haven’t had success at that level as of yet when it comes to several states having either yeah from my understanding is that we’re yeah we’ve it’s just it’s a long a lot of work to be done on the state levels. Well, going back to your story, Lauren, what would you as you reflect on your story, where do you see it, where do you see it taking you forward where does, where does this story, where does your story continue?
Lauren Johnston :
My story continues i want to share my story to everybody out there i want to get it out there and I want women to know that there is healing and restoration because I think that is missing. A lot of that is missing right now. Like I know a lot of people that have had them that have not talked about it and I want women to know the truth it’s like the truth will set you free. And I want them to know the truth and have that healing and restoration because it’s not talked about a lot. So I am my mom and I have been praying about this and just putting our my story out there, our story out there so that we can be there to help others like, I don’t want any woman to feel like how I felt for that many years ever. And I’m super passionate about it and that’s where I’m going with it. God leads me through, you know yeah.
Jacob Barr :
So and so when telling your story to people what kind of you know so you’ve had some people say that you know they it sounds like you’ve been an inspiration to some who have then continued you know actually then shared their story. What did, what did that? What was your experience with someone saying that like, you know you’ve inspired me to share my story and find healing oh.
Lauren Johnston :
Hugs and love and I’m right with you. Like amazing. And I’ve had people come to me and say, I’m not ready to share it. That’s OK, that’s OK. And then I just put that in my back pocket and pray for her every day that she’ll come to that.
Jacob Barr :
If someone’s yeah, if someone says I’m not ready to share it, at least you’ve planted that seed and it sounds like they might have shared a little bit by even saying they’re not ready to share it like that is sharing something and.
Lauren Johnston :
Those exact words and I’ll never forget when I got one person, you know, and I’m going to pray for her every day.
Joanie Hammond :
Yeah i remember when Lauren said to go ahead and put her story on Facebook i was like, Are you sure you want to do that you know, And she said, I do because if I can keep one woman from taking this pill or if I can encourage one woman to have healing, you know, it’s all worth it and I was like, OK, you know, so I mean, I just, Jacob, if I could just implore to every woman out there who’s had an abortion experience, get healing, even if you think you don’t need it there was one woman at this particular retreat and hers, she had an illegal abortion in the seventies You know, she is in her seventies and she was like, it really didn’t bother me but I’ll tell you what, When we did that memorial service, she fell apart. And she realized, and she also realized that there was 3 generations of abortions in her family and she wanted to stop that. You know, so I think the other thing I would just encourage everybody when you’re talking to women, just assume everyone you’re talking to has had an abortion because we know one in four, probably more like one in three, have had an abortion. And so that was something that practice that I took on as I was traveling for work i would just when I would, people would ask me about me and you know, being part of Hands of Hope was always something that I was, something that I did. But I would talk like everyone I was talking to had an abortion experience with sensitivity, just in case. And I will tell you, 9 times out of 10 that person told me they had an abortion.
Jacob Barr :
Wow that’s powerful. What a what a good what’s. That’s really good advice. So Lauren and or Joni, where have you seen God’s fingerprints in this story where have you seen God’s Yeah, How? How would you describe your experience with God during this journey?
Joanie Hammond :
Well, I could say I just get so excited about it, but well, first of all, my daughter rededicated her life to Christ as a result of this, you know, and is on fire and I just, I’m excited because every day I see her posting on, you know, Social.
Lauren Johnston :
Media her kind of pictures.
Joanie Hammond :
And, you know, her experience with God and I’m like, wow. You know, it’s like that promise that we have in the proverbs that you train up a child in the way they should go and they will return and I’m watching that happen with my kids and so I just, you know, I talked to women who said my daughter had an abortion and I don’t speak to her and I’m like, why? Why would you not speak to her? Like, we have the hope and the healing and I, i’ve had women tell me, I’ve taken my daughter’s picture off the wall because she had an abortion and I’m like, no, what are you doing you know what I mean it’s like that’s the old way of thinking we don’t. We don’t want i mean, I want people to tell share with me if they have an abortion experience so I can tell them about the healing and how about you lying.
Lauren Johnston :
I mean, I just feel on fire. God is so good and my mom is so good like she I admire everything she is i didn’t appreciate it in the back in the olden days, but like, just seeing God’s work through this has been really amazing and I feel finally just at peace. And I’m like, that’s all I’ve ever wanted is peace. And the piece comes with all of this healing restoration and I just am excited for the future like, I really want this to get out, and I want it to be the truth and not any of this mushy stuff.
Joanie Hammond :
I mean, you know, Jacob, when we say pro, you know those words we hate pro-choice pro-life But I think the pregnancy centers are more pro-choice than Planned Parenthood i mean, because when women come in at hands of Hope, this is how we do it. We make sure they know all their options, but they know the truth. This is what will happen when you take the abortion pill. This is what will happen if you have a surgical abortion. And then we have those resources when they say, you know I can’t finish school and we’re like did you know that your child care can be paid for if you’re going to the university i mean we have all those resources to help them get through it and the people who want to help them and you know we just, if we can just get them in the door, we want to tell you know, we usually can help them change their mind by just telling them the truth. That’s all we did we don’t coerce them, we don’t manipulate them. We just tell the truth.
Jacob Barr :
Yeah and there’s definitely risks and serious health benefits to certain decisions and so it makes a lot of sense to just share the truth and then helping someone regain that ability to think logically and understanding what’s going to be best for them and their future makes a lot of sense.
Joanie Hammond :
It’s like if we can just get in front of them because you know, the enemy wants to keep them trapped in their shame and guilt and he’ll keep them there as long as he can and we just want him to be free and to know Christ, you know?
Jacob Barr :
So throughout this experience, what’s something? So, Lauren, what’s something you learned that you didn’t see coming or that you didn’t expect to learn?
Lauren Johnston :
I didn’t expect to know that I didn’t have to carry the shame for the rest of my life. I didn’t expect that and you know, and what you guys were talking about the abortion pill, like, I literally thought I was going to die in the bathroom. And like they, Planned Parenthood did not tell me any of those things were going to happen to me. I thought I was going to die. It was the craziest.
Joanie Hammond :
I mean, Jacob.
Lauren Johnston :
Curious, she.
Joanie Hammond :
Thought she was taking Plan B yeah. You know, I mean, they need to prepare women that it’s going to be a bloodbath, that you’re going to be vomiting, you’re going to have diarrhea and you’re going to be in pain and you know, I mean, look, Lauren hasn’t been back in that bathroom in 13 years, yes, but we have a plan for that. She and I are going to go redeem that bathroom it’s the bathroom in my home. But and Deeper still helped us with that too but she literally has not been in that bathroom for 13 years.
Lauren Johnston :
Yeah, it’s the word and so planned parent didn’t tell me any of that. So I learned that that’s just another side fact. And then I don’t have to carry the shame and guilt for the rest of my life, and I can be strong and empowered and share my story so that we can help other women really.
Jacob Barr :
And Joni, how about you? So as you look back at this story, what’s something that you learned that you didn’t expect? Or what’s something that you know took place you didn’t expect to have happen?
Joanie Hammond :
I just think, you know, I’d heard about Deeper still but just experiencing it is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. And to watch those women come in, you know, that one day and then leave them. And we’ve been doing these for years we do three or four a year and we have 100 % feeling, you know, 100 % and I mean so many people wanting to volunteer to help because they were freed. It’s just, I just, I mean, I’m just trying to get the word out to everyone right now about the abortion pill, the truth about the abortion pill and what it does. And also, I’m lobbying right now for the measure that’s going to be coming up next year on the ballot, because we don’t.
Jacob Barr :
Yeah tell us about that measure that you’re working on.
Joanie Hammond :
Ok, so the Abortion Alliance Network has put this together and they have a ton of money. So they are trying to enshrine abortion in the Constitution as a constitutional right. The way the language reads it will be abortion Up till birth they’re saying you know to viability 24 to 28 weeks but there is a line in there that unless a medical provider which is very vague so that could be an athletic trainer, a massage therapist could say this woman psychologically needs to have an abortion. So it’s really just and it’s taking out all the safety measures so it’s so dangerous. And I think if we can explain that to even the people who are on the fence or who are pro-choice if they truly care about women, they will vote against this. I mean, we have a fight against us. It passed in Michigan, it passed in Ohio, and those are conservative states, and Arizona is not a conservative state anymore. But I will go down fighting along with Kathy Herod, with the Center for Arizona Policy and what they’re doing to fight this, because I have to stand before God. And my goal is to get the word out to as many people as possible to vote no on this and you know, for those people on the fence and the proportionates, abortion won’t go away. It won’t go away but you don’t want this it is if you truly care about women, you will vote against this. Because I’m telling you, women will die.
Jacob Barr :
Well, thank you so much for, yeah, taking up that work and well, you. Well, the two of you, Well, if you, if you have any final thoughts, this would be a good time and then I’d like to wrap it up with prayer. Prayer for those who are listening with the expectation that they will join in this prayer and you know, join in the cry to God as we as we as you ask for certain things or ask. Yeah and pray.
Joanie Hammond :
I would I guess my final comment would be you know if you had an abortion experience you know definitely I mean you can call us we i you can come to our training for free we will make it happen and we have an on site counselor you can see for free we’re offering surrendering the secret Bible studies and we have all of that we’re. So I would just say to that and then also to the pro lifers be sensitive in your language let’s get rid of murder out of our language i mean we all know that you know i went to a debrief on Ohio and he said everyone knows it’s a baby. Ok everyone knows that we’ve done a really good job of telling everyone there’s a baby but they don’t care Jacob. They don’t care. So, but we need to, I think, talk about Women’s Health. Let’s be sensitive to the women who’ve had abortions you know, you don’t know what their circumstances were. You don’t know and they felt like they were in a hopeless time, you know, and we just need to be there for healing and with the grace and forgiveness that God has shown all of us. And I mean that’s our big thing i mean we are so after the abortion minded here that we see very few Carrie clients, we see only abortion minded clients or undecided because we are 40 steps from an abortionist and 200 steps from Planned Parenthood. So, you know, I’m all about that healing.
Lauren Johnston :
Right now me too healing and restoration and hope they don’t lose that hope. You’re not alone. God’s right next to you.
Joanie Hammond :
And you know this work is not for wimps. If you’re a wimp, you cannot be involved in the pro-life world because the Satan will not leave you alone. I mean, I took this job and as soon as I said yes the next day, I broke my neck. The neck. Very next day and I ended up having to have my neck fused how to have major surgery my first year as the CEOI was in a neck phrase. But you know what when I broke my neck, I knew I was the right person for the for this job because if Satan thinks a broken neck was going to keep me from doing God’s work, it wasn’t going to happen but I knew it was an attack when my neck was broken, and that’s just how it is i mean, I watched Lauren before she’s going to speak or before she’s going to talk. The enemy just, boom, tries to do everything he can to stop us but you know what? We are in the sight of God, and the most sacred place on earth is the womb of a woman. And, you know, we have to just remember he is, he’s in our corner. He wants us to do this. So he’s going to open the doors and provide what we need to be able to do it. And I just want to encourage all of those people out there that are running pregnancy centers. Keep going don’t be discouraged i know sometimes, you know, funds can get low and you get discouraged and employee issues or whatever, but don’t be and if you need someone to, you know, give you a shot in the arm, call me up, because I will encourage you to keep going every day because there’s nothing better than doing God’s work.
Jacob Barr :
That’s so good. Well, Joni, would you start us off and then Lauren, would you wrap it up as you know and we can just pray us out of this podcast?
Lauren Johnston :
Yeah thank you, Jacob.
Joanie Hammond :
Father, we just thank you we thank you for Jacob and his heart for this issue and how he puts himself out there lord, and I just pray that you will continue to bless them. And Lord, I pray for every pregnancy center director and their staff right now god that you would just encourage them and let them know remind them that they’re doing your work and that you’re walking beside them god and for them to be so encouraged and God, I just pray for the women out there that are facing an unplanned pregnancy that you will bring them to the local pregnancy center where they can have hope and encouragement lord, i pray for these initiatives that are going around god that you would strike them down lord, they have more money than we will ever have, but we have you, God, and you’re a God of miracles and Lord, we are fighting with you. And I pray God for women to not experience abortion and for those who have to find healing in Jesus name.
Lauren Johnston :
Lord, I pray for those women that have experienced any sort of abortion that you will just be right there next to them and that you will remind them of your love and your forgiveness and that they will reach out to the local pregnancy centers and then we can all be there as a team for you, God, to encourage them and give them the hope and the empowerment they need. I pray that you will just continue to work through us every day and thank you for Jacob and everything he’s doing and my mom hands up hope and I pray for all the local pregnancy centers that they will just be encouraged and that we can continue to get the word and the truth out there. We love you, Lord, and we praise you and your name i pray, we pray amen.
Jacob Barr :