The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast 114 | Regina Block & Jacob Barr | Redemption and Healing: A Pro-Life Journey

Jacob Barr discusses with Regina Block about the National Memorial for the Unborn and its role in healing and honoring lives lost to abortion.


This is Jacob Barr and I had the pleasure of speaking with Regina Block on the Pro-Life Team Podcast. Regina is the Executive Director at the National Memorial for the Unborn in Chattanooga, Tennessee, which is located at a former abortion clinic site. She shared the incredible story of how the pro-life community in Chattanooga raised funds to outbid an abortion doctor for the building, leading to its transformation into a memorial for the unborn.

During our conversation, Regina talked about her personal journey to the pro-life movement and her abortion recovery work. She described the powerful impact of the memorial, which includes over 3,300 nameplates honoring children lost to abortion, and the healing it brings to visiting parents. She emphasized the importance of acknowledging these lost children, offering a profound sense of closure and healing to those affected.

Regina also mentioned the upcoming launch of a virtual wall for the memorial and discussed the growth and media coverage of the memorial. She provided insight into how pregnancy clinic directors can use the memorial as a resource for post-abortion healing and expressed her vision for the memorial’s future.

In closing, Regina shared her personal story of abortion and healing, which is being adapted into a film titled “He Named Him Adam.” She closed our podcast with a prayer, emphasizing God’s grace and the importance of life.

#ProLifeJourney, #HealingAfterAbortion, #MemorialForTheUnborn, #PostAbortionSupport, #NationalMemorialUnborn


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Regina Block :

Hi, and welcome to the pro-life Team Podcast my name is Regina Block. I’m with the National Memorial for the Unborn, and I’m here with Jacob and we’ve talked a great deal about what the National Memorial for the Unborn does and the fact that it represents an opportunity for those who’ve experienced abortion to honor their children with dignity.

Jacob Barr :

So, Regina, I’m excited to have you on the pro-life team. Oh, before I before we get started, does my audio sound OK or is it clear or is it OK? Your sounds good too.

Regina Block :

All right.

Jacob Barr :

So Regina, I’m excited to have you on the pro-life Team Podcast. Would you introduce yourself as if you were talking to a small group of Prancy Clinic executive directors, board members and leadership team members?

Regina Block :

Well, my name is Regina Block and I am the Executive Director at the National Memorial for the Unborn, located in Chattanooga, tennessee. The National Memorial for the Unborn has been located in Chattanooga, tennessee for the past 30 years, and it’s located on the site of the former abortion clinic. And the story about how God redeemed that property is just amazing. But I’m just delighted to be with you all today.

Jacob Barr :

Awesome so yeah, tell us the story of how this abortion clinic property was redeemed.

Regina Block :

Well in nineteen ninety three nineteen ninety yes nineteen ninety three the building where the abortion clinic is located was in bankruptcy the owner was in bankruptcy and he had made a deal with the abortion doctor. For the doctor to buy the clinic or to buy the building. And the pro-life community heard about it from a local realtor and they were able to raise enough funds within a few days time to outbid the doctor for the building. And so that’s how it came to be. The Pregnancy Resource Center was located across the street from that abortion clinic at the time. And so when the building was purchased, part of the building was renovated and became the offices for triple A Women’s service, which is now Choices of Chattanooga. But that’s where they were and then they had bulldozed the other part where the actual abortions had taken place and they weren’t really sure what they were going to do with it but the following day, after it had been bulldozed, they found an A note from a mother who had her abortion at that clinic, and it was to her child. And so that’s where they got the idea to set up the memorial for the unborn.

Jacob Barr :

Wow, that is a good story.

Regina Block :

Yes, it is.

Jacob Barr :

So tell me what, how long you have you been connected with this effort or work and or how did you get started in pro-life ministry or in abortion recovery work?

Regina Block :

Well, I came to Chattanooga kicking and screaming. God has a way of directing our past in places that we don’t want to go. And so I came here almost eight years ago now and I heard about the actually I was introduced to the President of the Greater Chattanooga right to life chapter here in Chattanooga. And then she introduced me to some individuals who were previously on the board and connected and had volunteered with the National Memorial for the Unborn. And so that’s How I Met them. And I have an abortion story myself and so I had shared that with a couple of people at church and then I shared that with the chapter leader. And so she had. She was the one that set up the meeting with members of the and the memorial. And so I finally came to visit the memorial in the summer of 2021 And that’s when I recognized that even though I had experienced healing from my abortion, I had not acknowledged my child’s existence. And so this was a perfect way for me. It was kind of like the closing chapter for me to be able to honor him and to acknowledge his existence. And so that’s why I did that summer I came to visit and then I ordered my name plate and that fall it was placed on the wall and I’m very grateful for it. And so when I met these other people who have been previously involved with the memorial, in fact the first director of the memorial who was also the director of the Pregnancy Resource Center during the time when the memorial changed hands, became the memorial. She had been the director and so she was part of that meeting and they were telling me that they were interested in finding somebody that could come on board on a regular basis and serve and so it was perfect timing because I had retired from doing it, you know, normal stuff. And so I was available and so I’ve been involved serving in this capacity since January of twenty one twenty two so january, twenty two yes.

Jacob Barr :

Awesome i’m glad to have you on the pro-life team is a member of about a year well I guess almost two years now coming up in a few a month and a. Half so very cool so. When we met at the Alliance for Life conference in Missouri and we were talking a little bit about this other project I’m connected with, which is a virtual museum on the history of abortion with an expected release date, I think, of March. And I believe your virtual wall for your National Memorial for the Unborn, I believe you said it’s coming out maybe in January. Is that right?

Regina Block :

Or that’s our goal. In fact we hope we’ll be able to launch it sooner but have it available for everybody in January because that’s the going to be the thirtieth anniversary of having gotten the property and so we’re looking forward to that. Right now we’ve kind of redone our website and so we just launched that and we’re working out all the kinks there. Of course that’s always the case and but we have all of the information from all of the name plates that are on the wall in a database already and it’s set up and so once we get all the kinks out of the website we plan to go ahead and put the virtual wall in place. And you know, we’ll probably do some test runs and make sure that it’s ready, but we really want to have it ready in time for our celebration in january.

Jacob Barr :

Awesome. So with your, with your run so far of you know, being in this pro-life work, where have you seen God’s fingerprints during these during these many months that you’ve been serving and working?

Regina Block :

I think the biggest the I guess the thing that I see the most is that there are more men who come to visit the memorial. It’s amazing how many men that I will run into who are coming into or leaving the memorial. They and a lot of people don’t know that that’s what it’s there for And then I hear their stories and they all have abortion stories. We’ve had several men. We’ve been doing some, you know, some upgrading and some renovations and some much needed maintenance on the on the memorial. And in every group that has been there so far, there’s been a man there with an abortion story. And so i think I’ve seen more men become involved and recognizing their role in the abortion of their children and just a lot of people who had their abortions years and years that you were talking forty fifty years ago. I’ve talked with a lot of them in the last few months now, especially since the overturn of Roe V Wade. You know, they’re just a lot of them that are, you know, acknowledging, yes, this was something that was wrong i knew it was wrong. And I want to do something about it i want to honor my child and so I’ve seen a lot of that.

Jacob Barr :

What’s it like to be at the Nash Memorial like, what’s it sound like? What’s it feel like? What’s the What’s the experience like?

Regina Block :

Wow. It’s a it’s a very weighty experience when you walk onto the grounds, there really is a sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit there. And you know, over 35,000 thousand babies lost their lives there at that one location and so you know, you walk and you read the plaques and you know, you see the history there. And then you walk around and when you open the door and walk into the memorial itself, you know, you kind of overwhelm it’s a 50 foot long granite wall. It has 10 panels. Each of those panels can hold over five hundred nameplates. And so when you start to read the name plates and you see the inscriptions on them, you’re really overwhelmed at the grief that these parents have experienced. You’re overwhelmed at the magnitude of the many names that are represented there i mean we have over thirty three hundred plates there, but they represent thousands more because you know, some of them are, you know, in tribute to, you know, six babies or 17 babies or 10 babies or you know, they’re so they represent thousands of families there. And so when I always go in, when I go in and I always spend time praying for those, you know, families that are represented there because you have, you have name plates from parents and siblings and grandparents and aunts and uncles and just people who just recognize that these children were created in the image of God and in his likeness and they weren’t given that opportunity to be born so they you know they honor children in that way even though they it might not be their child and so I’m constantly amazed at you know the some of the you know the wording is you know you when you read if I had only known then what I know now or you know a parent asking the child to forgive them or a lot of them have say i will hold you in heaven you know so it’s a weight and it’s a magnitude that you can’t even describe to people. We have a group of students or an organization that comes from Ohio every year they bring a group of about 50 students. You know, the students start to read that and they recognize, oh, this is not just a BLOB of tissue. You know, this is a life that was you know, taken from the womb and so it really does make an indelible impression upon them when they read those name plates that are on the wall.

Jacob Barr :

And are these name plates? Do they? Do these include both those who were lost to abortion as well as those who are lost to miscarriage?

Regina Block :

We have a garden where we honor those that have been lost to miscarriage and in the garden we have brick pavers and so those are inscribed for those that have been lost to miscarriage.

Jacob Barr :

And then are there on site services in case someone that needs prayer or needs a connection after experiencing a heavy emotional experience.

Regina Block :

Well, we don’t have right now we don’t have regular hours and so but the memorial itself is open from eight AM until eight PM and we conduct a monthly memorial service and during that service we will acknowledge parents that happen to be there we do this every month is usually the second Saturday of the month at eleven AM eastern time. And what we do is we have a service and we spend time in prayer. We spend time reading the scriptures and then we read the name plates that are going on the wall and if the parents happen to be there, they can speak about their children. A lot of them will read a letter or going to their child. They’ll talk about how they learn the child’s name and gender and that sort of thing. And so we allow them to do that. And then if they’re there and they want to place the name plate on the wall, you know right now they can pick out a place we’re trying to go in order and fill up the first panel but it’s almost filled and so but right now at this point people can pick out a spot because there are enough places that they can pick out a spot where they can place the name plate on the wall. And so we allow them to do that and if they can’t make it, if for some reason they can’t make it to the that particular service and they want to have a service on their own, we make arrangements for them to do that as well,

Jacob Barr :

So what are the plates? What is the text on the plates what’s it range from or what does it possibly include?

Regina Block :

Well, there’s a limit because of the vendor that we work with. They they’ve given us a great rate and so the limit is 25 characters there are three lines and they can place 25 characters on each of those 3 lines. Usually the very first line is a little larger font and it’s usually bold and then and for the most part that’s the name of the child. If they’ve named their child and then they will say things like or they might have the date of the abortion or they might have the date that they found out that they were pregnant or you know and then some of the inscriptions are like I said I’ll hold you in heaven or please forgive us, we, you know, we didn’t know what we were doing or I loved you too late you know that’s a common one i loved you too late. So there it’s whatever that parent wants to put on the on the nameplate or that grandparent, you know, sometimes they’ll say you know you’re loved by your grandmother and grandfather, you know, those are the kinds of things that we see on there, so.

Jacob Barr :

Right so somber and yeah wow that’s so it’s good to be it’s good to recognize that lost and that life.

Regina Block :


Jacob Barr :

Yes, it’s hard and good at the same time. So when it comes to the number of name plates that are being added to the wall and the spaces available, what’s the growth look like when it comes to this wall being filled up?

Regina Block :

Well, we are hoping that now that we’re, we have somebody here on a regular basis that we’ll be able to get the word out more and so people can indeed order. There were I think a little, I think there were like 3003 when I came on board in January 2022 and so there are over thirty three hundred now. So that gives you an idea of how many have been purchased and there’ll be some more that will go up on our in our service on December the ninth so.

Jacob Barr :

Ok and then you had 10 panels with each could hold 500 so you’re about 5000 they.

Regina Block :

Can all they can hold over 500 we have we have 10 panels, the first one and the last one have I think it’s 12 columns, and then the second through the eighth they have 15 columns but they all have 38 rows. So that gives you an idea of how many so it’s over 5000 nameplates, yeah.

Jacob Barr :

How’s the news coverage been? Or has the news recognized this memorial?

Regina Block :

There was, you know, there was always a little bit of right when Roe V Wade was overturned, you know, there were the news, you know, media that came and they did their little thing in front of the memorial, that sort of stuff. They know it’s here. Now whether we get a lot of press about it is a difference. You know, it depends on what’s going on really. We don’t have a lot of, we don’t have protests or anything out here. We’ve had a very good, I don’t know, i would say very good police presence to ensure that nothing really happens out there. It seems to be very well respected in this community. And we have, we have groups that come from all over to hold services a lot of Christ, a lot of the abortion recovery groups in like in Alabama and Georgia that are nearby and those here in the state of Tennessee will bring their groups after they complete their recovery program and they will, you know, usually they will order their name plates all together and then I’ll hold on to them and then they’ll come and they’ll have their services here so we have a lot of that we have a lot of local organizations that are very much aware of us, but we’re at a point where we’re really regrowing and really trying to get more and more knowledge out there about the memorial’s existence zone. I mean it was, it was pretty well known when it was when it first came into being because it was, it was seen on all of the Christian television programming it was on. It was featured on Focus on the Family and it, you know, it was pretty well known a lot of people that have that are active in the pro-life community have been there thinking about Vita King she was here. Sandra Cano and Norma Mccorvey also came and they had a service there where they recanted their roles as plaintiffs and those decisions that enshrined abortion as law so you know the pop the popularity has waned and I and I think it’s because there was not really a concerted effort to keep it in the press all the time and so now we’re just we’re just you know re establishing those connections with the nationwide organizations as well as even here locally ’cause i run into people all the time and they have no idea that it’s here.

Jacob Barr :

So how’s that version? So let me ask you this how might an executive director of a Precy Clinic who helps women intercept them on the way to abortion or helping them after they’ve had an abortion? How might what would be really good for an executive director of a Precy clinic? Maybe not one that’s local in your area, but for somewhere in the US, what would be good for them to know about this memorial that might be helpful to their to their clients, especially those who are experiencing post abortion healing and or who want to yeah, have their unborn child recognized what would be good for them to know?

Regina Block :

Well the I guess the one thing that really stands out is that there’s a great deal of healing that takes place it’s amazing to see people who come in and who are weighed down with that burden and they when they see their child’s name on the wall and they read the inscription on that the nameplate. It it’s and we have a little guest book that we leave and people can leave notes in there and they always say thank you for this place of healing. You know I really needed to honor my child. I mean those are the words that we see all the time. Thank you for allowing me to honor my child and to restore dignity to this child. And so it really is a part of that overall healing. Even if we find healing for ourselves, it’s just acknowledging that this child really existed. It wasn’t just a BLOB of tissue. You know, the rhetoric that’s out there, it really was a child. And when you name your child or you find out the gender of your child, you know, ’cause that’s one of the things that we will do is, you know, if they don’t know the genders, you know, sometimes they’ll just say baby and the last name or whatever, you know, we pray about that with them we help them go to the Lord and allow him to reveal that child’s name to them. It’s just another step in that healing for them to really acknowledge that child and to give honor to that child.

Jacob Barr :

Well, that’s good ’cause God does know the name and.

Regina Block :


Jacob Barr :

Asking him, he can answer.

Regina Block :

Yes, so.

Jacob Barr :

I think that’s really good like that seems to match up with how the Bible talks about confessing and professing truth and professing not just confess sin but to confess things that are true that are real. And I think it’s and it’s important for people, all people to be seen and to be known. And I feel like a lot of these unborn children went without, you know, they were people were blinded to them when they were alive and they didn’t get a tombstone. They were dismissed. And this is a way of getting honor years later but yet still getting honor in in the way that we possibly can at this time. So that seems really healthy towards healing and speaking it out loud. Yeah that’s speaking the speaking, the inscription out loud and praying. Those two actions, I think, also seem to align with Biblical healing.

Regina Block :

Yes. And it is it’s like a weight is lifted because they’ve been carrying this burden for so long and you’re right that the more we speak it out the less the enemy can use it as a weapon against us because the enemy is the one that wants us to still be depressed and you know just guilty and shame over and over and over because of what has happened and that’s not what Christ died for he came to give us life and life to the full And so if we’re holding on to this. If we’re continuing to hold on to this, we’re not allowing his death to free us from that. And so when we but when we speak it out that the enemy doesn’t have a weapon against us, it’s not one of those things that he can beat us up with it continuously so it’s very helpful to keep saying yes, this is what I did. I recognize that I did it. But you know the one who was on the cross, you know I’m going to focus on him i’m not going to focus on this error in my past and I’m going to share this healing with everybody else so that they can know that they can find healing as well so.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah, the words that come to mind as you were talking were, well, authenticity. You know, speaking truth as to what really is as well as be and it’s OK to be solemn and to be sad and the more the loss, but to do it in an authentic way and not to do it in a way of trying to hold on to shame, to hide, to hide that secret. It’s better to not have the secret and to not let shame have power and but yet to still be OK with. Yeah, the loss in the morning to.

Regina Block :

Grieve the loss. Yes, we yeah, you’re right, there are there are no grave sites for these children that have been lost to abortion. That’s the one thing that we don’t have grave sites for them. And so and even those some of them that are lost in miscarries, there are no grave sites. And so there’s an opportunity for them to grieve in a way that’s healthy, in a way that restores dignity of their child and allows them to move forward in their walk with the Lord and so that’s what we we’re just so thankful to be a part of for each and everyone who has that experience at the memorial, so.

Jacob Barr :

When someone comes to the memorial and they, you know, as part of their experiences, they’re let’s say they want to do something to help, you know, prevent more women from choosing abortion. Is there any kind of redirect or referral to groups in the area where for where they could volunteer or where they could help when it comes to intercepting and helping rescue babies that are well in danger and women that are in danger?

Regina Block :

We do. We have a list of resources on our website, especially for those that are interested in volunteering and there are local affiliates in other states that we work with on a regular basis as well and so we will refer them to those, especially for those that can’t actually get to us, you know, we’ll let them know about local crisis or I should say they don’t call them crisis pregnancies anymore they call them pregnancy resource centers because that’s what they are. And so we refer them to those and we have a list of those on our website and we have them so that there are a number of them throughout the country we don’t have one for every state, but there’s at least one in an area that’s local to somebody that might call us so and we will refer them to those and to hotlines and that sort of thing too so.

Jacob Barr :

Awesome if a precis clinic wanted to have their you know to be listed on that resource, would that you know would they would it be OK for them to contact you if they wanted to be listed?

Regina Block :

Yes, that’s awesome.

Jacob Barr :

So what have you. So from your experience in this position over 2 years, what have you learned that you think would be something for the yeah, that you would like to share that you know, that’s something that you think is somewhat unique and maybe not commonly known. What’s something that you’ve learned from this experience or work?

Regina Block :

Wow. Gosh, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter how long ago the abortion was, it’s still there’s something about it that still resonates with that person that had the abortion. I spoke with a lady on the phone whose abortion took place in 19, 58 and this is well before Roe V Wade who wanted to keep her child her mom made her have the abortion and she lived in anger she didn’t have any other children all those years, but she lived with a lot of anger towards her mom and she was able to forgive her mom before her mom died. And then that’s what started her on this journey to honor her child. You just don’t ever forget about your child. You just don’t i mean, you know, and for some it wasn’t an inconvenience. You know, they were, they were frightened they were afraid and a lot of pressure was placed on them to have the abortion. And you know, life goes on, But you never, ever forget that child. I think that’s one thing that people are starting to recognize that it’s something that stays with you.

Jacob Barr :

So Regina, with you being in this work for almost 2 years, how has someone else encouraged you during this time or how has someone else supported you as a new director in this work?

Regina Block :

Well, i think the current board chair, this is what’s so interesting. When I had that meeting back in 2021 with these people that have been involved with the current board chair was also someone that I had gone to high school with and I knew that i recognized her i just didn’t know where and she has been a huge encouragement she has an abortion story too. And you know, so we talk about the things that come up and all the things that come with running a non profit like this i’ve been involved with nonprofits before, but nothing on this level and nothing were your hands on with those people who are in need of this service the way that they are so yeah and because I have a similar story to them, you know you know what to share about my story and when to share it when you’re having those conversations. Our board chair has been very good at helping me to deal with that so.

Jacob Barr :

For the plaque, for the plaques on the wall, do any of the plaques represent like an organization who you know is honoring honoring abortion? You know, those who are lost to abortion but maybe not knowing specifics? Or are all the plaques primarily for people that know specific abortion stories?

Regina Block :

No, there are others that will just say i I’m thinking of one that says praying for all the mothers who had abortions and it’s from like a Sunday school class. So, yeah, so we have, we have several of those on there.

Jacob Barr :

Yeah i could imagine a Prancy clinic having the name of their clinic on their in a in a in a message that reflects their heart. For those who have been lost or even for really any group. For who. Yeah and having a message to reflect their heart for the loss of image bearers of God to the destruction of abortion. So what are your what yeah as we wrap up this podcast what are your final thoughts on that you would like people to hear about your story and where do you see your story going into the future?

Regina Block :

Oh gosh. Well, my own personal story is going to be made into a film. I remember the very first time that I told my story back in 2004 there was a gentleman in the audience and it was at a right to Life meeting in Knoxville, tennessee and, he said oh, this should be a movie. And I thought, yeah, right. And then I told it again a few years later and somebody else said the same thing. But what I told it at the very first March for Life that the greater Chattanooga Right to Life chapter had last year, 2021 I told the story. Was it 2020 no last year, 2022 Wow. Years of flying by. There was a couple there they were film producers and they were from California and they had moved to Tennessee and they heard part of my story and they contacted me and they said we think this should be a movie and we’d like to do it. So the name of the movie is called he named him Adam. There is a website that’s already been up and but it the reason that they’re we’re wanting to tell the story is number one. We want to let people know that there is indeed healing that comes. You don’t have to beat yourself up for the rest of your life because you had an abortion. Christ died for all sin and this is one of those sins. It’s not the unforgivable sin And number two is to just demonstrate that the mercy and the grace of God in all of this. You know he was so gracious to me he gave me a glimpse of my child. You know I didn’t have i always sense that my child was a boy and when I wrote about him in my journals I always wrote about him as a boy and so when i was very suicidal. I was suicidal for about nine years after I had my abortion and so even though I’d given birth to another child every milestone in my child’s life just had me thinking about what I was missing. And so and I was I was suicidal and God used this four year old child to save my life and that’s why we’re doing this story is because he literally used her to save my life and he gave her dreams about my son and she was the one that told me his name and every just described him. I’m overwhelmed at God’s grace I to have given me such a gift. And so you know, we want people to know that this is the kind of God that we serve. A God who loves us and who cares about us and who knows everything that we need in order to move forward and to enjoy the life that Christ died for us to enjoy so that’s why we’re doing it. We want people to know about the goodness and the grace of God so well.

Jacob Barr :

That’s good wow well this has been a really good I really enjoyed hearing your stories and reflections and I’m looking for when’s this movie going to be released is it within the next couple of months or?

Regina Block :

What’s that look like no, we’re in the process of raising the money to make it OK. We’re doing the crowdfunding, and so if people want to contribute, great, they can go to he named him Adam dot com and they can you know their and their perks that they have listed there for people that you know want to donate a large amount of money so donate a large amount of money. But yeah, we’re going to raise the money and you know we’ve been looking for places to do the filming you know locally we may have to go out of state to do some of it but I think we’ve nailed down quite a number of spots here that will help us to save some money and so but yeah it’s in the works so.

Jacob Barr :

Interesting awesome. Well, would you close out our podcast with a prayer with the expectation that those who are listening will join you in this prayer hopefully.

Regina Block :

Yes, Father in heaven, we are so grateful that you love us, and we thank you for this day, that you made a day to rejoice and to be glad, and allowing us to be a part of it. And we do pray and ask that for those who have had the experience of abortion, that they will recognize, number one, that you love them dearly, that Christ died for them. And he bore this sin of abortion in His body on the cross, so that we could be free to live the life that you’ve called us to. And so we ask that you will overwhelm people with Your grace and with Your mercy so that they can experience that forgiveness and have that weight and that shame and that guilt lifted. We pray for this healing that you have purchased through the shed blood of Jesus Christ to go forward through those of us who’ve had this experience and those of us who work with those who are contemplating it. For that, we know that this grieves your heart and we ask that you will help us to discontinue that grief to you. And knowing how much it’s going to grieve us, you know you put boundaries in place for us so that we are kept from being harmed and we don’t recognize the enormity of what’s going to happen when we make a choice like this. But you do and you have. You have placed those of us who have had this experience in positions to help prevent this and so we do pray for those who are at your pregnancy resource centers that they will indeed be your catalyst to allow women to remain parents and raising their children instead of grieving the loss of them through abortion. And so we praise you for your gift of life. For all of those of us who are alive, we thank you for those who are pregnant and excited about having their children and for those who’ve learned that they are having a child and it was totally unanticipated and unexpected that they will choose life. And we pray this in the precious name of your Savior and our Savior and your Son, Jesus christ amen.