Accessibility is one of our values. We defined accessibility for & Pro Life Ribbon as, “Mission over Money & People over Profit.” We value making good marketing tactics accessible to all pregnancy clinics through creative time saving tactics and generosity.
We began recording our website donations in April of 2020 and since then we have donated $147,438.50 across 57 pro life, christian organizations - mostly pregnancy clinics. Our goal is to donate the amount a pregnancy clinic needs to have an excellent client facing website and an excellent donor facing website.
This Pro Life Ribbon grant program offered by is really a for-profit business acting like a non-profit organization working to make a difference for communities across our country. We strive to help all pregnancy centers, from small budget clinics to big budget clinics.
We would like to use donation/time to reduce/eliminate your anxiety from large website design/development costs. We have offered this opportunity to every clinic we have worked with for about 5 years and we know that the good Jesus loving people at a PHC will not take advantage of us and this kind offer. If they did, we would not be able to offer it to everyone as we have to pay salaries and have regular expenses and we are not independently wealthy.
God is good and helps us make enough to offset these donations for those who need the help. God is amazing when it comes to finances and faith. My faith journey with money, donations and paying salaries/bills is hard but at the same time I should know a thousand times over that God is faithful and I should not worry - yet I often feel anxiety myself when it comes to finances. Perhaps the reason I want to help others is because I know from personal experience that financial stress is something that will make it hard for me to fall asleep at night and I would like pregnancy clinic leaders to sleep well at night. I would also like to sleep well at night, nonetheless.
If you are running a pregnancy clinic or a pro life organization or a church and you need us to meet you part-way, half-way or all-the-way with a donation, please contact us and we will be glad to extend the blessing that God has given us - as our cup runs over - we would like to help you fill your cup - we would like to help you afford a website for your organization based on your need (perhaps not want - but your perceived need) so you can sleep well at night and not have anxiety about your website design/development cost. For the amount that we don’t donate, we can spread this remainder out over several months, perhaps over 10 months, 24 months or 30 months.
We can donate the amount requested - anywhere from 0% to 100% of the cost, and the amount that is not donated, can be spread out over time - anywhere up to 30 months - to make the website build accessible - regardless of a big/healthy budget. We ask each clinic to have their leadership team reflect on what they need to not have anxiety at night - when considering the cost of building one or multiple new websites.
Click here to view a PDF about this grant opportunity from Google.
Contact me (Jacob Barr) at, and we will figure out a path for your organization to have an amazing website that will bless your community and serve God for a price that is affordable and does not come with anxiety. Fill out this interest form to start the conversation.