Pro Life Ribbon
Pro Life Ribbon SEO idea discovered.
2007Non Profit Established
Pro Life Ribbon Established as a 501c3 nonprofit.
2010Google Ads Grant
Jacob obtains his first Google Ads Grant
2016Open Source Content
First Open Source Content Created
2018The ProLife Team Podcast
The ProLife Team Podcast Launched
LifeNET Launched
Abortion Pill Talk is poised to launh in 2025.
2025Back in 2007, while walking around the block several times – and thinking about how to get more backlinks to PHCs – Jacob had the idea of creating a pro-life ribbon and adding it to supportive websites – with a link to the preferred local PHCs. What was really cool about this backlink, was that it was decorative and many people would add it to their homepage or template – and so this turned out to be a good idea – for a season of SEO work.
Then in 2010 as a way of getting low cost software, the 501c3 Pro Life Ribbon Inc was established. This helped a few pregnancy clinics get low cost software when they were denied access for being a pregnancy clinic. Eventually Pro Life Ribbon was also denied access – for being prolife.
Then in 2016, Jacob Barr acquired a Google Ads Grant for Pro Life Ribbon which paved the way for this grant to be obtained for over 100 PHCs in years to come. And the journey of understanding how to get traffic on Google was underway.
In 2018, Jacob had the idea to create open source content because their writing team could not keep up with all of the demand of crafting articles for every single group – who had very similar needs. This idea of open source content was amplified when Jacob received a lawsuit threat from a competitor over making a website that looked like one of theirs. This provided amazing strength for the idea that PHCs needed open source content that is designed to be shared and recycled without fear of legal risk. The lawsuit that was thrown at Jacob Barr and iRapture.com was sort of like spaghetti thrown against the wall – to see what may stick. The site that was built – that the lawsuit came over was a ‘donated website’ – and there was no profit made on that website. God is good.
Since that time in late 2018, iRapture.com under the leadership of Jacob Barr has produced over 100 open source content pieces (content, imagery, video, social media posts, seo plans, english versions and spanish versions, medical and non-medical versions and Google Ad Groups).
Heartbeat, International Life Services, Alliance for Life and other training opportunities for PHCs are amazing. The downside is that several PHC leaders don’t attend enough of these amazing opportunities – and there is a cost to travel / attend which often results in a PHC director making it to one of these events once every couple of years.
In 2021, The Pro-Life Team Podcast was launched to bring high-quality content that is often found at Heartbeat and Care-Net conferences to someone’s commute in a free and accessible format.
The Pro-Life Team Podcast is designed on 3 pillars: to highlight God’s fingerprints in the guest’s pro-life journey, to share encouragement to PHC directors, and to share ideas that are not commonly known/adopted. TPTP has had over 150 episodes published with over 160 guests interviewed including the following:
- Abby Johnson
- Alan Aversa
- Albert Reyes
- Alison Guzman
- Allan Parker
- Alveda King
- Amanda Tucker
- Amy Davis
- Arnold Culbreath
- Ashley Graves
- Audrey Stout
- Barbara Saldivar
- Beth Bissonnette
- Beverly Weeks
- Brandon Monahan
- Brandon Showalter
- Brian Johnston
- Brian Mayes
- Byron Calhoun
- Catherine Davis
- Chaney Mullins
- Chelsey Painter Davis
- Cheryl Flores
- Cindy Lange
- Clenard Childress
- Cristina Valencia
- Cynthia Collins
- Dan Kulp
- Daniel Michael Nehrbass
- Denise Venturini-South
- Dinah Monahan
- Donna Harrison
- Dr. Anthony Harper
- Dr. Jill Simons
- Dr. William Lile
- Elizabeth Woning
- Elliot Cohn
- Eric Cepin
- Frank Pavone
- Garrett Moldrem
- Gordon Douglas
- Jay Rudolph
- Jeanne Pernia
- Jeff Joaquin
- Jennifer Gerelds
- Jennifer Mayer
- Jennifer Morse
- Jennifer Shelton
- Jenny Fleming
- Jeremiah Wilkerson
- Jessica Andreae
- Jim Sprague
- Joan Boydell
- Joanie Hammond
- Joe Malone
- John Ensor
- John Ferrer
- John Stemberger
- Jor-El Godsey
- Karolyn Schrage
- Kathy Arizmendi
- Ken Sande
- Kirk Walden
- Kristi Hamrick
- Kristina Hernandez
- Lauren Johnston
- Lauren Muzyka
- Linda Keener Thomas
- Linda Kile
- Lori Devillez
- Lori Navrodtzke
- Louis Barnett
- Lucas Cullers
- Lucy Smith
- Marc Newman
- Maria Gallagher
- Mark Lippelmann
- Martha Avila
- Martha Avilla
- Mary McClusky
- Mayra Rodriguez
- Melanie Jean Garuffi
- Melissa Heiland
- Melissa Sanchez
- Mia Steupert
- Michael Cousineau
- Michael Tomamichel
- Mikayla Covington
- Mike Spencer
- Mindy Lefaucheur
- Neesie Cieslak
- Patrina Mosley
- Pedro Diaz-Rubin
- Peggy Hartshorn
- Rachel Fleming
- Rachel Owen
- Regina Block
- Renae Kitchin
- Robert John Hoover
- Robin Fuller
- Ron Brown
- Roxanne Meeks
- Samuel Green
- Sarah Bowen
- Savannah Marten
- Shari Richard
- Shawn Zierke
- Stephanie Jacobson
- Steventhen Holland
- Susan Arnall
- Sylvia Blakely
- Tara Sander Lee
- Terri Baxter
- Theresa Burke
- Thomas Glessner
- Tony Trammell
- Tracy Allen
- Valerie Borzy
- Walt Blackman
- Walter Hoye
- Wesley Huff
For many years, Jacob would pray to God daily – “Please bring me good ideas for PHCs. Let me know what to build that will help PHCs in the future.” God delivered a very excciting idea in 2022, which was launched in 2024. The idea started with the idea of an open source directory but has grown into something better. The idea which is now coined LifeNET is to leverage the SEO power that a subdomain inherits from it’s parent domain to bring backlinks and SEO to PHCs. For example if Google looks at stanford.edu as being ‘excellent’, then there are several reasons why Google would also favor ideas.stanford.edu to a reasonable degree.
In 2024, LifeNET was launched by iRapture.com. LifeNET is a collection of several directories – each providing PHCs with a free opportunity to get several high-quality backlinks. This collection of directories currently includes:
- directory.allianceforlifemissouri.com
- directory.awomanschoicecenter.com
- directory.catherinefoundation.org
- directory.help4her.com
- directory.irapture.com
- directory.lahabralifecenter.org
- directory.pccgive.org
- directory.phctorrance.org
- directory.proliferibbon.com
- directory.supportphctorrance.org
- phodirectory.ellsworthcrossing.com
- directory.whittierlifecenter.org
- directory.pregnanthelp4u.org
- directory.northstarwc.org
- directory.abortionpilltalk.com
These directories are using software that was built specifically for the task of managing several directories with a single set of data. The result is that these directories are managed with automation.
In 2024, the newest PLR project was formed which is called Abortion Pill Talk (APT) – where the goal is to reach abortion-seeking women before they take the abortion pill – when they are willing to talk about it. This project will start soon and is currently being formed. So I suppose for this history page, we need to go work before recording notes here as ‘history’. APT may be the biggest idea for us – ever. We are very excited about this new national venture that leverages:
- Economy of scale
- SMS / Nursing Experts
- Time to reach people before they take the abortion pill
- Expert training
- National PPC rates
For the first 14 years, the board consisted of just Jacob Barr, with a total revenue of $25 donated towards PLR – while the expenses of PLR have not been tracked/tallied. Now in 2024/2025, the board has grown to 6 people.
The following have endorsed APT as a reference:
- Allan Parker
- Dr. George Delgado