Reasons For You To Consider Giving

The ProLife Ribbon projects are national-grade ideas that are available to all pregnancy centers and pregnancy clinics.  Each idea is prayerfully built to support all pregnancy clinics.  Supporting ProLife Ribbon supports the greater prolife team – that includes pregnancy clinics, pregnancy centers and supporting organizations.

Where You Can Give

We currently need money for the following:

  • Abortion Pill Talk
    • $100+ per month to amplify the new Google Ads budget to reach people searching “abortion pill by mail” related phrases
    • $25 per month to grow the server budget for LifeNet
  • Open Source Content
    • $1,100 to create an open source article for PHCcs on ‘When the Heartbeat Begins’
    • $450 to create an infographic series for the article ‘When the Heartbeat Begins’
    • $4,000 to create an open souce video for the article ‘When the Heartbeat Begins’
  • The ProLife Team Podcast
    • $50 per month to grow the advertising budget for this podcast to increase the reach of this podcast