Strategies for Effective Pro-Life Content Marketing

You’re here because you want to market your pregnancy clinic and save lives. You know content is key for content marketing. High-quality content not only ranks well on Google but also intercepts traffic from abortion clinics and helps clients schedule appointments.

Where should you start? Keywords and SEO are important so your content shows up in search.

Content Marketing Steps:

  1. Research Keywords
  2. Compelling Content
  3. Guide Your Audience

content marketing with keyword research

Research Keywords

Effective Pro-Life content marketing starts with keyword research. What is your audience searching? Reach them by answering their questions, and creating content about things that interest your audience. Provide valuable information and support for women facing unplanned pregnancies.

Rather than just googling words and phrases, use keyword tools. There are many keyword tools to identify relevant topics and phrases. SEMrush, AHREFS, ContentPace, NeuronWriter and more are paid keyword research tools. Heads up: Google Keyword Planner is normally very helpful, however, it does not report on several abortion phrases that the Pro-Life niche needs data on. As you might imagine, thoroughly researching keywords is time-consuming. Partnering with a PLMEC organization is a great way to save time on your marketing efforts.

compelling content and content marketing

Create Compelling Content

Have you ever searched the web for answers and clicked a link that rambled and repeated itself? Even if you’ve never heard the phrase “keyword stuffing” you’ve read blogs that over-optimize their keywords. In the highly competitive online landscape, content must be relevant, engaging, and informative. Answer the question you pose in the title. Respect the reader’s time and be efficient with words.

Plus, using attention-grabbing video is key. Are you on YouTube? 95% of teens use YouTube, according to a 2022 Pew Research survey (1). Comprehensive content marketing uses a variety of formats to catch people’s eyes. Busy scrollers who won’t read a blog will look at an infographic or watch a video. Spruce up your blog posts with video, imagery, and infographics. Vary your format on social media.

If your video is about as interesting as watching paint dry, your audience won’t watch. That’s why we started with keyword research. Touch on topics that resonate with your target audience, such as pregnancy symptoms, abortion-related stories, prenatal care, parenting tips, and adoption resources.

guide your audience as part of content marketing

Guide Your Audience

Say your audience viewed your content. Now what? If you want your audience to engage with you, you’ve got to invite them to take the next step.

In marketing, this is called the “call to action” or “CTA”. For example, in a medical article about pregnancy symptoms, your goal is to have potential mothers contact you for an appointment. 

Good CTAs are clear, compelling, and concise.

The call to action might read “Get a free pregnancy test” with a clickable button that says “schedule today.”

People are naturally energy-efficient and risk-averse. Make it easy to contact you by providing a link to your contact page, or better yet an online appointment form. Provide an email or online chat option. (Gen Z and Millennials would rather text than make phone calls (2).)

For more examples of appointment forms view this one from eKyros or this one from WayCool.

Consider partnering with a 24/7 hotline through Optionline, and or a 24/7 Nurse Chat through PLMEC member Infinite Worth. (example: 

Effective CTAs are also sprinkled throughout your content. Suppose someone starts to read your article but gets bored before they finish. Place one of your CTAs near the start of your article to catch readers before they bounce.

content marketing

Final Thoughts

Marketing your Pro-Life Clinic can feel daunting. That’s where research, content, and CTAs come in. If you’re still struggling with Effective Pro-Life Content Marketing, reach out to PLMEC partners.

This blog is brought to you by Contact [email] or visit our website at to learn more.

marketing with content

FAQ on Content Marketing

What does Pro-Life Marketing consist of?

ProLife Marketing includes 3 distinct audiences.  

  • The Abortion Vulnerable
  • The Life-Minded Friend
  • The General Community

Pro-Life marketing will include a plan to reach each audience with unique and measurable goals. The goal of client marketing is to have an appointment scheduled. The goal for the supporter is to donate, pray, and volunteer. The goal for the community is for them to grow in awareness and have positive thoughts toward defending innocent lives.

How important are reviews in content marketing?

Very. Reviews come in 3 flavors: Good, Bad, and Fake. You need to work on getting good reviews. Flag fake reviews. Respond to all reviews and work to fix bad reviews. Talk to the team at to grow good reviews and get fake reviews removed.

What does a pro-life marketing company look like that focuses on intercepting abortion-vulnerable clients from abortion clinics?

Contact and set up a meeting to experience this firsthand.

Here are a few indicators of a good pro-life marketing company:

  • Their values include ‘ending abortion’
  • They can demonstrate their experience in working with several pregnancy clinics successfully
  • They have a thorough understanding of your target audiences
  • They respond quickly to requests
  • Their designs are beautiful and effective
  • They are equipped to be successful with content marketing on Google (Google Ads, SEO, etc.)

For, example is a certified partner with Google and has an employee who was previously employed by Google and has designed websites for over 300 pregnancy clinics and is dedicated to responding quickly to your needs. has high end writers and everyone on’s team is dedicated to ending abortion and saving as many lives as possible – every day.

How can content marketing benefit pregnancy clinics in reaching abortion-vulnerable clients?

All good marketing strategies to reach the abortion-vulnerable are going to include content marketing plans. Good content marketing strategies will include messaging guides, branding guides, and a strategy that will work towards connecting with the desired audience, building trust, and drawing someone to the desired action. Reaching your desired audiences is key to reaching your organization’s mission. Let’s save as many lives as possible every day!

What types of content marketing are most effective for raising support from life-minded supporters? What is an example of this? What does this look like?

Supporters are found in the churches. It is good to connect with supporters through church bulletins, church PowerPoint slides, tables at a church – after church, email campaigns/email marketing using tools like Constant Contact or MailChimp, content on a donor-facing website, social media content, and much more. 

When it comes to online content marketing to reach your supporters and donors, you need to focus on brand awareness as your supporters will be with you for decades. Your clients on the other hand will not be ‘clients’ for decades – hopefully, as we don’t desire for a client to be a repeat client but rather to get onto a better path.

Again, social media marketing is very important for connecting with donors. A piece of content designed to highlight the work you are doing – the lives being saved – can be shared and liked on social media and can help you connect with more donors/friends/supporters.

In what ways can content marketing change the cultural perspective on defending life?

Building content for the mainstream media and for the general population can present life-saving ideas in a winsome light. Successful content marketing for this audience will create more awareness of services and develop new donors.

Can you explain how content marketing work can be tailored to pregnancy clinics’ goals?

Really good content will help you connect with clients via Google when they are looking for answers. Getting found is of the utmost importance. Then the content needs to drive the visitor to the desired action and convert a visitor into an appointment/client. This is how good content marketing can make the needed difference.

This can be measured in conversions, calls, client appointments, chats, text messages, etc.

A pregnancy clinic could also have another set of goals/actions on a donor website which can be measured in donations, volunteer signups, event registrations, etc.

Why is it important for pregnancy clinics to use content effectively in their marketing?

It is important because we are serving God with excellence as we are called to defend the innocent from evil/attack. A marketing campaign is not just a business objective but a way of exercising faith and should be covered in prayer and a deep desire to serve Jesus.

Could you give some content marketing examples that pregnancy clinics could implement?

Contact Jacob at, and we can provide several examples of what is working for other pregnancy clinics. You will find this very helpful.

What makes for effective content marketing in the context of pregnancy clinics?

First and foremost, getting traffic on Google – where over 90% of traffic is found. Period. After that, the content needs to convert visitors into appointments/clients.

How can pregnancy clinics use content marketing to enhance their digital presence?

By covering more words. By being the best answer to related questions. By being connected to more phrases that your audience is searching with.

What are some of the roles that content marketers play in a pregnancy clinic’s marketing team?

  • Writers
  • Designers
  • Videographers
  • SEO experts
  • Google Ads Experts
  • Advertisers
  • Website Developers
  • Photographers
  • Journalists

How does content strategy influence the content creation process in pregnancy clinics?

The goal is to be marked by Google as authoritative, relevant, and high quality – and then to provide the user with a positive experience. Balancing the user experience with high-quality content pieces is where we work.

What are some best practices for creating the best content for pregnancy clinics?

Starting with passionate prayer, hiring amazing writers, using the industry’s best tools, evaluating results, and constantly working to improve.

What form of content marketing is most effective for engaging with a pregnancy clinic’s audience?

Good content includes several pieces: keywords, imagery, video, layout, forms, tags, and a clear call to action.

How can content marketing help pregnancy clinics in their overall mission?

The mission is to save as many lives as possible and to do this, we need the desired people in need to schedule appointments after finding your site on Google.

What is the content marketing definition as it applies to pregnancy clinics?

To build amazing content that will draw in the desired audience to take the desired action and communicate the desired ideas.

How can the success of your content marketing efforts be measured in a pregnancy clinic setting?

Primarily content marketing will help you connect with your audience on Google.    This can be measured in this funnel that starts with impressions/visibility which leads to someone interacting with your content and then taking the step to create an appointment and ultimately being persuaded of healhty ideas and good options to choose.  Impressions on Google > Website Visits > Clients > Lives Saved

What are the key benefits of content marketing for pregnancy clinics?

Useful content can go beyond long-form content. Useful content can answer questions, be relevant, and human-crafted, and include a clear direction to take the desired action.

What are some common types of content marketing used in pregnancy clinics?

Many content pieces will include a mix of content types, such as copy, designs, videos, forms, icons, etc.

How can content marketing help your business, specifically in the context of a pregnancy clinic?

Content marketing can help you get found by abortion-vulnerable clients who were not aware of you before.

In what ways can pregnancy clinics use content marketing to build relationships with their audience?

For the donor audience where your supporters will be with you for decades, you can share success stories, pictures of babies born, and content that will speak to the donor’s heart. Make your content describe your work and passion and invite donors to join you in the journey/investment – in saving the lives of others.


  1. Vogels, E. A., & Gelles-Watnick, R. (2023, April 24). Teens and social media: Key findings from Pew Research Center Surveys. Pew Research Center. 
  2. Murphy, B. (2017, October 26). Millennials and gen Z would rather text each other than do this …